contentious topic pit beta

contentious topic pit beta
contentious topic pit beta
so how about thems presidential nominations
RE: contentious topic pit beta
I concur the old thread should've been sealed away in the threadstrata of 2014, it was distinctly Not Great.

I would like to lay down some style guidelines if we're going to give this another whirl however, lemme haul myself out of bed and sit down at an actual keyboard
RE: contentious topic pit beta
Whoa, I did not intend for serious conversation. But you can seriously converse if you want to, I guess. Or move this thread to Hawkspace, whichever.
RE: contentious topic pit beta
I mean you did dig up the "here's a place to have serious conversations nobody wants to have" thread to post that into, so I hope you can understand how we might have been misled
RE: contentious topic pit beta
Blah perhaps it's better we don't go down this route then? All the best discussions I've had about Srsbsns have been one-on-one conversations with people, group discussions get messy fast.

Having said that I dunno if talking politics in Hawkspace is a good idea either without a bunch of pre-caveats about tone that'd ruin the joke, because technically the tone in that forum runs the gamut from serious and sincere to dadaist jokes to gentle snark for the sake of snark. It's not technically against subforum conduct to respond to an offhand comment with a well-researched essay, but it wouldn't be universally appreciated.

But yeah this was a poor choice of thread to necrobump, regardless of whether it was facetious or serious. We're cool though, I think.
RE: contentious topic pit beta
(06-11-2016, 11:27 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Blah perhaps it's better we don't go down this route then?

But yeah this was a poor choice of thread to necrobump, regardless of whether it was facetious or serious. We're cool though, I think.

Agreed. If locking threads is a thing you do often here, it might be a good idea to lock this one.
RE: contentious topic pit beta
locked at request of OP!