Lost at Sea

Lost at Sea
Lost at Sea
I had an activity in my Teachers' College class today that I thought would be fun to share with you guys!

  1. Read the following scenario, then rank the 15 items in order of their importance to your survival, where 1 is the most important and 15 is the least.
    Post your answer in a reply, in spoiler tags!
  2. Step 2 happens after everyone posts their lists!

scenario Wrote:You are adrift on a private yacht in the South Pacific Ocean when a fire destroys the yacht and most of its contents.

You and four other survivors are now in a large raft with oars. Your location is unclear, but you estimate that you are about 1000 nautical miles south-south west of the nearest land.

One person has just found in their pockets five $10 notes and a cigarette lighter. Everyone else's pockets are empty.

The following items are available:
  • Sextant
  • Shaving mirror
  • 22 liters of water
  • Mosquito netting
  • 1 survival meal
  • Maps of Pacific Ocean
  • Floatable seat cushioni
  • 9 liters oil-petrol mix
  • Small transistor radio
  • Shark repellent
  • 2 square meters of black plastic
  • 1 litre 20-proof rum
  • 5 metres nylon rope
  • 24 chocolate bars
  • Fishing kit
RE: Lost at Sea
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RE: Lost at Sea
Sure, let's do this. To the best of my abilities, here's how I'd rank them. I have reasonings for these, but I think that's what we'll need in phase two rather than one, so I didn't add them so as to not influence anyone.
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🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Lost at Sea
EDIT: Can we read others answers after we submit our own?

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RE: Lost at Sea
Yeah go ahead! Don't change your own answers tho.
RE: Lost at Sea
List I posted on discord:
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RE: Lost at Sea
List I posted on discord:
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[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Lost at Sea
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(_____/Thank You, Please
|_ |_ |_ |_
RE: Lost at Sea
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RE: Lost at Sea
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RE: Lost at Sea
I'm no survival expert, and have never been on the ocean, but here's my thoughts:
EDIT: Whoops, forgot the rope.

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RE: Lost at Sea
Ok! Now you're all gonna argue and try reach a consensus about a final top 15. Do this on discord or wherever you like!
RE: Lost at Sea
Reyweld Wrote:1000 nautical miles is 1852 km
And apparently fastest rowing is ~7 km/h
264 hours of rowing
Just isn't going to happen with our supply options
(Assuming we know where to row)

I think that reaching land is not possible, and rescue is thus the priority
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RE: Lost at Sea
We reached a top 3 item consensus on Discord. I left, but maybe they're nailing down #4 at this very moment!