Egg Storage

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Egg Storage
Egg Storage
Would you like to store your eggs here? We at "Egg Sitters Anonymous" will sit on your eggs. Is it literal? I don't know you tell us.

the owner of this business's eggsShow
RE: Egg Storage
No thanks
RE: Egg Storage
Could you watch out for these eggs? I need to make some room in my fridge.
[Image: egg_PNG25.png]
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Egg Storage
(06-06-2016, 01:43 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »Could you watch out for these eggs? I need to make some room in my fridge.

[Image: article-0-14FA374C000005DC-973_634x467.jpg]
Here is our storage solution to keep your eggs safe. It will be ready for pickup when you need it back.
RE: Egg Storage
those are peppers, wheat. peppers don't hatch, they're mammals.
RE: Egg Storage
actually keeping them warm won't help those kind of eggs, they need to be chilli
RE: Egg Storage
oh boy ive always wanted to eat children reassembled into confectioneries
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Egg Storage
Happy belated 1 year anniversary of our proud longrunning eggstorage corporation

CEO LoverIan