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[Image: friendolime%20001_zpsuwgwgmcn.png]

Congratulations on adopting your new virtual pet friendo'lime!™!

Your friendo'lime!™ has fallen ill!
RE: friendo'lime!™
oh no! hammer that blue button and hope blue means healing.
RE: friendo'lime!™
mash all buttons
RE: friendo'lime!™
Mash yellow button to cheer it "up"
RE: friendo'lime!™
Blue square for comfort!
RE: friendo'lime!™
feed lime the buttons
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: friendo'lime!™
All buttons simultaneously
RE: friendo'lime!™
> Poke the frowning, lime-shaped button.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: friendo'lime!™
Press them in a specific order! Blue, purple, yellow, blue. Hope it makes a song to cheer the lime up
RE: friendo'lime!™
(06-03-2016, 11:06 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »oh no! hammer that blue button and hope blue means healing.

[Image: friendolime%20002%20A_zps1qzcyl6z.png]

Quote:Fact Lime!
Sponsored by friendo'lime!™

Unlike other virtual pets on the market, your new virtual pet friendo'lime!™ is not "commanded" by button presses. Your friendo'lime!™ simply believes that you will always act in their best interest, and trusts your judgment with all of their heart! <3

[Image: friendolime%20002%20gif_zpsturzcibf.gif]

You continue to mash the blue button.

(06-03-2016, 11:29 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Mash yellow button to cheer it "up"

[Image: friendolime%20003%20gif_zpsz5vumueo.gif]

[Image: friendolime%20004_zpspoh89yug.png]

You've selected engage in sport!™

Your friendo'lime!™ is ready to engage in sport!™
RE: friendo'lime!™
Oh god oh god

Circle! Circle backs out of this menu right?

Then blue to health and yellow to select!
RE: friendo'lime!™
Watch your pet do the sports. Encourage it.
RE: friendo'lime!™
Third sport?
RE: friendo'lime!™
> Push the Q button!
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: friendo'lime!™
This is real bad. I love my friendo'lime and i will fight to keep it safe.
RE: friendo'lime!™
(06-05-2016, 04:05 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »This is real bad. I love my friendo'lime and i will fight to keep it safe.

Ix you got us into this mess! God help us, if friendo'lime gets any sicker I will personally hold you responsible.
RE: friendo'lime!™
engage in sport two: throwing paper airplanes over stonehenge
RE: friendo'lime!™
C, A, A, A, A, A, B
RE: friendo'lime!™
> Let's use our mad tech skills to open this badboy up with a screwdriver and install our *OWN* buttons.
RE: friendo'lime!™
RE: friendo'lime!™
>Triangle! Sport is good for you, right?
RE: friendo'lime!™
engage in sport 3: deleting your progress
RE: friendo'lime!™
Uh oh. I agree, mash circle.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]