You have been GAMERED.

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You have been GAMERED.
You have been GAMERED.
You have been gamered.

You got juked into a loss. You have been jebaited and punished. Whether this happened through cheap tricks or clever strats, an overextension or just being too slow, the fact remains you have been gamered and gamered hard. Someone has PWNed, owned, and dethroned you by linking you to this thread. You believed that you were being linked to one thing, but instead you have been linked here. It was this thread to which you have been linked instead of the website that you thought that you were visiting. The reason for this is that you have been out-meta'd by your opponent.

Whether you feel cheated by how you've been beat, hacked by how you've been outplayed, or even scummed out of a good position, now that you've been baited into visiting this thread, you must post to admit that you have been set up and have been knocked off the leaderboard.

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RE: You have been GAMERED.
i just got fucking ganked
RE: You have been GAMERED.
I got two-tapped by a wild mccree
RE: You have been GAMERED.
I respawned. Only to see this thread. Then I had to respawn again.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: You have been GAMERED.
I'm not mad... it's only a game
RE: You have been GAMERED.
i got mugged by this thread, officer
RE: You have been GAMERED.
[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
RE: You have been GAMERED.
o dang I dun bin gaemrd
RE: You have been GAMERED.
I came back to get gaemrd