Sixteenths - Verse 4, 11/16 - morale is low

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Sixteenths - Verse 4, 11/16 - morale is low
Sixteenths - Verse 4, 11/16 - morale is low
Author's Note (Updated 05.10.17)Show

Mirrors/Compiled Verses

Verse 1/16: The Exile
Verse 2/16: The Captain
Verse 3/16: The Swordbearer

* * * * *

in which you are exiled.

The hamlet is saved, and you are in exile. The midwinter winds slice at your cheeks.

Who are you?

RE: Sixteenths.
a fire sans fuel
RE: Sixteenths.
a bear with no hair
RE: Sixteenths.
visionary doctor
RE: Sixteenths.

in which you are a visionary doctor.

What village exiles their only healer?
You saved more lives than you sacrificed, in the end.

Where will you go?

RE: Sixteenths.
the crossroads, just straight-up faust
RE: Sixteenths.
to the crime pit
RE: Sixteenths.
>To the lavatory. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
RE: Sixteenths.
> To the battlefield. You will tend to the soldiers, even if you are cast out.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Sixteenths.
in which you are going to the battlefield.

No matter.
Esgil's soldiers appreciate your talents--or at least they know better than to question them.

How long have you been travelling?

RE: Sixteenths.
>It's been decades now. You're starting to suspect they don't know where they're going.
RE: Sixteenths.
4years 16seasons
RE: Sixteenths.
in which you have been travelling for 16 seasons.

After four years of it, on and off, you're accustomed to eviction.
Sometimes it's lonely business.

Have you always been alone?

RE: Sixteenths.
Since Eloa, yes
RE: Sixteenths.
(05-09-2017, 06:01 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Since Eloa, yes

Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Sixteenths.
(05-09-2017, 06:01 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Since Eloa, yes
RE: Sixteenths.
in which you've been alone since Eloa.

Your only ever companion lives countless miles and three exiles away. You hope Eloa's forgiven you.

Why did you part?

RE: Sixteenths.
ex-son, restored
RE: Sixteenths.
>An unspeakable tragedy that you can't bring yourself to think about for too long.
RE: Sixteenths.
in which you left Eloa under unthinkably tragic circumstances.

You shake your head, grounding yourself.
You'd rather not recall your tragic separation.
"Just keep walking."

How tired are you?

RE: Sixteenths.
Not tired enough.
RE: Sixteenths.
So, so Exhausted
RE: Sixteenths.
you never let the bastards beat it out of you
RE: Sixteenths.
> Second most out of every event in your life. Still, it feels like your bones themselves have given up. Your muscles may as well have retired years ago.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Sixteenths.
in which you are exhausted beyond description.

Despite your resolve, your body protests, and your muscles burn with every step.
The shadows hum.

Was it worth it?
