
Yeah, so I'm not going to be continuing this as a forum adventure. I might release this story later in some other medium, possibly using the same assets, but I've determined that I hate having to maintain this format and will be ending this iteration for good.


You are a new shopkeeper about to enter your store. Solicitations for your service do not exist yet because you have not even opened yet. Compensation, to be determined. It is a pleasantly temperate morning. Before you decide what to do, you should decide who you are.

Pick One:

Male ---- Female


Any name will do. It can be up to eight characters long, but it can be shorter.
"Jo" is as valid a name as "Zoosmell".

Favorite Color:

Give me a hex code.

Favorite Food:

As long as I can make it in pixels. Don't worry, I'm talented. *hair flip*

Favorite Activity:

What do you like to do?

Favorite Thing:

Pick an object. Telescope, shiny rock, etc.
RE: Counter-Productive
> Genderfluid

> Zair

> #FF5733

> Shrimp.

> Play baseball-related video games.

> Laptop.
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RE: Counter-Productive
gender: one of the hyphens
name: you said zoosmell would do
favorite color: #a3b33a
favorite food: you like to smoke taquitos like fine cigars
favorite activity: i like baseball-related video games let's go with that
favorite... object?: your own brain
RE: Counter-Productive
Gender: The space between Male and -
Name: Jerchel
Favorite Color: #000000
Favorite Food: Fermented Carrots
Favorite Activity: Baseball related video games
Favorite Thing: The internet implant inside your brain.
I have no son.
RE: Counter-Productive
Gender: Female
Name: Pip
Favourite color: #ffb6c1
Favourite food: Cheesecake
Favourite activity: Japanese flower arrangement
Favourite thing: Your Front Road Fellas 'Best Of' CD! They're soooo dreamy
RE: Counter-Productive
Gender: Fluid
Name: Noktu
Colour: #808000
Favourite food: Charcoal
Favourite activity: Baseball related video games (tied with eating basically inedible things)
Favourite thing: Does your rock golem best friend count? Because he's a real nice dude. Either that or your treasured family totem.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Counter-Productive
Gender: Nah
Name: Nana
Color: 9A9A9A
Favorite food: Bananas
Favorite activity: Adopting small animals
Favorite thing: A lighter with an immaculate engravings of a winged pistol with smoke curling out of it
RE: Counter-Productive
Gender: Female
Name: Pip
Favorite color: #FF5733
Favorite food: Shrimp
Favorite activity: Baseball related video games
Favorite thing: Forks

[Image: S0kwHY1.png]
Boy, this place is a mess. You remember coming here to visit your grandma when you were little. Back then the store was full of wares crafted by Grandma herself, and it seemed like the place itself was magic. Guess it's yours now.

You can't blame Grandma for leaving, though. This area has been getting more and more dangerous lately. You have her letter on you; you should take another look at it while you get reacquainted with the store.

RE: Counter-Productive
> abandon femininity
RE: Counter-Productive
(05-01-2017, 01:06 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »> abandon femininity

Breasts detach and fly away
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RE: Counter-Productive
> examine bottles
> look for broom

This place is gross, let's get rid of the spiders
RE: Counter-Productive
(05-01-2017, 05:24 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »> examine bottles
> look for broom

This place is gross, let's get rid of the spiders

Examine shelf

[Image: koUOKx8.png]

Let's see...

Three HP potions, two JP potions, and whatever was in that bottle down there must have leaked out through the crack. Also there's a cobweb. You're pretty sure Grandma didn't sell those.

If there's a broom anywhere in the building, it's probably in the back room. But first...


[Image: WGifbLn.gif]

You open your inventory. Currently, it is holding your favorite jacket, your key ring, and your letter from Grandma.

You put the cracked bottle in your inventory and remove the key ring and letter. You want to refresh your memory of what it says.

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[Image: fthR6b4.png]

So what'll it be first? Lockbox? Back room? Balcony? Or upstairs?

RE: Counter-Productive
> We gotta feed the cats!!!!
> also, why are there Japanese potions here. What does JP stand for. Asplain.
RE: Counter-Productive
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Counter-Productive
(05-01-2017, 10:14 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »> We gotta feed the cats!!!!
> also, why are there Japanese potions here. What does JP stand for. Asplain.
(I'll explain potions later)
(05-01-2017, 10:44 PM)Zephyr Nepres Wrote: »> CATS
Quote:Go to the balcony! Befriend Every Cat!

Go Feed those cats!

[Image: S41sXmY.gif]

First, you head into the backroom and grab a broom. This entire building could use a good sweep.


[Image: Pglcfgk.png]

Next, you fill up the little dish with some cat food.


[Image: MEnA3QB.png]

Then you take the dish up to the balcony. Holy heck that's a lot of boxes.

You don't see any cats here, but you guess they'll show up eventually. You decide to just leave the food here.

Quote:>Go upstairs.

Go upstairs

[Image: krjbgeA.png]

There's only one room you haven't seen yet. Time to go see what this "surprise" is.


[Image: n7Th8Xb.png]

Was your "surprise" a pitch-black room? Thanks Grandma, you're the best.

Find a light switch

[Image: h4FxRtD.gif]



[Image: aO4As0W.gif]

You're pretty sure you bumped into every single thing in the room.

At least you know where you'll be sleeping now.
RE: Counter-Productive
> check the fridge
RE: Counter-Productive
>Make sure the water works by turning on the faucet and leaving it on indefinitely.
RE: Counter-Productive
Check box contents, if there's merch get it downstairs
RE: Counter-Productive
> Check the fridge, and also make sure the toilet's clean.
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RE: Counter-Productive
Fridge, faucet, toilet. Then have a nap.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Counter-Productive
Flush the toilet twice, go downstairs to check for leaks.

Wonder what you're going to do about bathing.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Counter-Productive
I'm not gonna quote people 'cause it's been a long day and I'm tired and I spent like three hours on that gif to find that it didn't save and I had to spend two hours redoing it. Uuuugh.

There are also a couple of commands I didn't address in this update that I will in the next because, well, see above.

Check the toilet

[Image: vAjZzOc.png]

The toilet is clean, thankfully.

Check the kitchen

[Image: IuVQEMf.png]

In the cupboards you find the standard kitchenware. Plates, bowls, utensils, a box of crackers, a can of beans, and a can of corn.

You nab a fork just because.


[Image: RW5TSlX.png]

The fridge is practically empty. There's a bottle of ketchup and a jar of pickles. You guess you can live off what Grandma left behind for a while, but you'll need to get more food at some point.

Look in the freezer for good measure

[Image: fVQMVZ6.png]

You open the freezer. Inside is--



[Image: hInEbro.png]



[Image: ERoF86v.png]



[Image: i402xRy.gif]

It's the delicious, the divine, the oxymoronic, JUMBO SHRIMP!

There are few delicacies in this world so tantalizing (to you) and so sought after (by you) as jumbo shrimp, and yet here they are, six beautiful crustaceans, all lined up in your freezer, all for you. It's almost more than you can bear.

This is the best gift ever.


[Image: ktivMNk.png]

And yet, it is with a heavy heart that you wrench yourself away from them and close the freezer door.

A bountiful haul such as this is a gift, to be sure, but one to be saved for an emergency.


[Image: He0iIdT.png]

All right, enough of that. You've got a store to run.

Today's Sunday and the store is open Monday through Saturday, so you've got the rest of the day to get everything cleaned up and put some merchandise on the shelves. Can't run a shop without anything to sell.

What's that brown tub?

[Image: cHgMUEu.png]

That's a planter box. The plants inside are so shriveled and dead you can't tell what kind of plant they are. It's a shame it took so long to get here from your old house. You could've been here in less than a day if it weren't for the monsters blocking all the passes.

Open the boxes

[Image: 359jkH0.png]

This must be the stuff Grandma ordered to get you started. It's an intimidating tower of magic cardboard, but it won't get any smaller if you just stand around and gawk at it all day. Best get to it.


[Image: WmBDks5.png]

The boxes dissolve into thin air and their contents spill all over the balcony.

You are suddenly even more intimidated than you were when it was all in the boxes. You're not sure the back room is big enough for all this.

RE: Counter-Productive
Stuff your inventory full of merch, have insufficient inventory, make twenty trips up and down the ladder
RE: Counter-Productive
>go back and get another fork, you need some emotional support
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RE: Counter-Productive
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[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]