ordinary health problems. please help!!

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ordinary health problems. please help!!
ordinary health problems. please help!!
@ friend of mine's @ir gills will not stop twitching @nd m@king hissing noises. they @re truly @git@ted @bout this very person@l problem, which h@s gone on for months. does @nyone here h@ve the medic@l knowledge to help? i, @nd they, would @ppreci@te it
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
ci@? chinese offici@ls? my fellow troll, you @re spe@king nonesense. next you will be s@ying th@t the world is not hollow, @nd we@ring iron h@ts. perh@ps you @re not one of us, hmm? perh@ps you @re not @ fellow troll @t @ll, but @n otherworldly spy? not th@t i would know @bout such @ thing
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
it's hiccups
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
:33 < D --> y0ur frii--End 15 dr0wniing. g--E7 7)(--Em iin w8r, quiick!
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
sorry, what did you say? i don't speak the language...
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
:33 < D --> 17 )(3|p5 1f u c0py ju57 7)(--E r4w 7--E%7 4nd r34d 7)(47
RE: ordinary health problems. please help!!
. . .