Lucidstuck II

Lucidstuck II
RE: Lucidstuck II
Lexii: Contemplate the painting

[Image: wcMKQTp.png]

You take a moment to stare at art.

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[Image: ujZ83IF.png]

You take a look into your inventory... And so does Alice.

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RE: Lucidstuck II
>Can you take the painting?
RE: Lucidstuck II
>lexii: ask alice what's up with her sneaky little smile
RE: Lucidstuck II
Lexii: Ask Alice what's up with her sneaky little smile

[Image: kMWJoMT.png]

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RE: Lucidstuck II
>Lexii: Call hermes and Kalem, have Hermes shine a light down that hatch to see what's down.
RE: Lucidstuck II
>Lexii: Forget the hatch for now, and continue your conversation with alice
RE: Lucidstuck II
Lexii: Call hermes and Kalem, have Hermes shine a light down that hatch to see what's down

[Image: 9t6AQWP.png]

You've already decided that you'd do so if Alice decides to leave the house. Unless you're planning on chucking Hermes down the hatch, you don't see how his light can help from this distance.
RE: Lucidstuck II
(11-29-2020, 03:58 AM)amobiaman Wrote: »>Lexii: Forget the hatch for now, and continue your conversation with alice
Resubmitting because IP is going lightning speed tonight
RE: Lucidstuck II
Lexii: Forget the hatch for now, and continue your conversation with alice

[Image: YpRaLXr.png]

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RE: Lucidstuck II
>Lexii: Ask alice how she's feeling about the situation
RE: Lucidstuck II
(11-29-2020, 04:32 AM)spatialmisery Wrote: »>Lexii: Ask alice how she's feeling about the situation

seconded, followed by

> Alice: try to conjure something that'll allow you visibility (glowsticks, spotlight, swarm of giant fireflies), even an illusion may cast some light
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck II
>Lexii: Maybe you could gather up some bedsheets from Alice's house to use as a rope?
RE: Lucidstuck II
Lexii: Ask alice how she's feeling about the situation

[Image: 5W6mLRm.png]

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[Image: XYQB3Hj.png]

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[Image: b2AR70f.png]

Alice spawns a ball of light and throws it down the hatch. It gently floats down but with all the darkness below, it seems not to make a difference...

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[Image: 4dh51zv.png]

You abruptly hear a blood curdling scream rip through the room like a dislocated industrial fan blade!

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[Image: onLrWZ9.png]

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RE: Lucidstuck II
>What if you manipulate an image of an item on it, say, the pancakes?
RE: Lucidstuck II
>Lexii: The nightmares can't open the hatch from the inside, right? If not, you may need to put an image down to keep the screaming thing out.
RE: Lucidstuck II
>Alice: ask about the limits of this, can you go anywhere as long as you know what it looks like?
Things aren't particularly bad, that doesn't mean they are good either.
RE: Lucidstuck II
Also >Alice: go to the pancake world
Things aren't particularly bad, that doesn't mean they are good either.
RE: Lucidstuck II
(12-17-2020, 09:30 AM)calescentInfernum Wrote: »>What if you manipulate an image of an item on it, say, the pancakes?
>put the pancake poster on the hatch
the art on my profile picture isn't mine
visit brawler1031 on deviantart
RE: Lucidstuck II
Alice: ask about the limits of this, can you go anywhere as long as you know what it looks like?

[Image: oxLx9uu.png]

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[Image: cDW99bN.png]

You imagine Lucas' symbol. A pair of black wings, it appears a bit translucent on the wall.

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1. Enter hatch
2. Change image, and enter
3. Don't enter
RE: Lucidstuck II
disapointed on the lack of pancake hatch
the art on my profile picture isn't mine
visit brawler1031 on deviantart
RE: Lucidstuck II
So THIS is how the Unknown Entity's probably been roaming around.
RE: Lucidstuck II
>Alice: Ask more about the void
RE: Lucidstuck II
>1, but prepare first

>Alice: Have raziel fetch your and Lexii's armor before you go, just in case.
>Lexii: Ask DT about this void he keeps mentioning.
RE: Lucidstuck II
Lexii & Alice: Enter, but first...

[Image: TK2TbW2.png]

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[Image: lgUG0fU.png]

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[Image: m4zYc90.png]

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[Image: dcgbsIj.png]

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[Image: ma3Qmeh.png]

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You pause for a moment and try to imagine Kalem and Hermes. You begin to vividly see them in your room. Moments later, they leave.

[Image: V2lx4pW.png]

You both get dressed, and ready to go.

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[Image: CG4M7lv.png]

You all jump down the hatch and appear in Lucas' fort.

What will you do?
RE: Lucidstuck II
>Lexii: Scout outside of the fort.