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Lucidstuck II - Printable Version

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Lucidstuck II - intrepidPioneer - 07-20-2017

[Image: zQZUYCq.png]

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Lucidstuck I

[Image: 7o9QKMI.png]

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1. Master Thief
2. Strongest Challenger

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RE: Lucidstuck II - Princezz - 07-20-2017


I feel like it will be useful later...

RE: Lucidstuck II - Fellow - 07-20-2017

>Let's get thievin'

RE: Lucidstuck II - RemoteCalamity - 07-20-2017

>I'd go with the fighty fight fight. Mostly so that we can brainstorm new weapons without being constrained to objects that are lying around the dream world. and if not that, then to use some of the stuff we've already thought of, but haven't been able to make.

RE: Lucidstuck II - Heyoceama - 07-20-2017

> 1

More challenging and could teach us some stuff for later.

RE: Lucidstuck II - XeroChance0 - 07-20-2017


I'm gonna go with what everyone else said so far! It seems like it would be pretty fun.

RE: Lucidstuck II - neferiusNexus - 07-20-2017

>2 Come on guise! This is a chance to see our crazyer weapon design in practice! :D

RE: Lucidstuck II - Xoleuph - 07-20-2017

I agree, 2 could be good to try new gear.

RE: Lucidstuck II - dasno - 07-21-2017

>Personally i prefer number 1 but given the choice i would rather go with the one less mentally taxing/ entertaining for Daydream to watch since she will not be taking part in such an active roll in this game.

RE: Lucidstuck II - ICan'tGiveCredit - 07-21-2017

that whole divulging about tv dramas was so cringy McCoffee i hate soap operas and believe me this is no soap opera. Do soap operas contain mind-bending dream creatures? I think not! Drudgerepond

RE: Lucidstuck II - Axel - 07-21-2017


sounds like fun!

RE: Lucidstuck II - Shadowfyst997 - 07-22-2017

Throwing my hat on the >1 Pile

RE: Lucidstuck II - ICan'tGiveCredit - 07-22-2017

(07-22-2017, 09:15 AM)Shadowfyst997 Wrote: »Throwing my hat on the >1 Pile

throwing my entire body into the >1 pile Melonspa

RE: Lucidstuck II - tornskippito - 07-22-2017

Grabbing the hat from the >1 Pile, as it looks nice. I put my shirt buttons on the pile in trade.


RE: Lucidstuck II - intrepidPioneer - 07-23-2017

> Master thief

[Image: PmfXn9y.png]

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[Image: T1phPlQ.png]

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[Image: 4t9sGM9.png]

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[Image: d3DZM9H.png]

*Ahem* You are a commissioned agent looking for the "Obsidian star" in this quite large facility. With the help of an affiliate they managed to snag you some floor plans said to be around here somewhere with this black briefcase.

"The briefcase has items that will help you." Said the affiliate, however who knows what could be inside. While you have enough inventory space for 4 items and a weapon, let's hope you find something more to your style.

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RE: Lucidstuck II - neferiusNexus - 07-23-2017

>Those are some cute outfits! Almost as cute as "the book that's real".

RE: Lucidstuck II - Heyoceama - 07-23-2017

Here's my suggested loadout

spy mutli-tool in the form of a phone, silenced weapon, fulton system from Metal Gear, radar, explosives.

The multi-tool is a given, the weapon will let us take out guards and get a disguise, the fulton will let us dispose of bodies easily and possibly deliver our objective quicker, and explosives are always helpful.

RE: Lucidstuck II - Xoleuph - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 06:57 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Here's my suggested loadout

spy mutli-tool in the form of a phone, silenced weapon, fulton system from Metal Gear, radar, explosives.

The multi-tool is a given, the weapon will let us take out guards and get a disguise, the fulton will let us dispose of bodies easily and possibly deliver our objective quicker, and explosives are always helpful.

the fulton thing wont be useful if we go inside. silenced weapon is ok, but we might be able to do better. depending on how it operates (RL silenced vs movie silenced), it might still be quite loud.
I would instead suggest a compact crossbow. not only is it quieter, but you could also use it to fire hooks to climb stuff, or even retract shot guards to get them out of sight immediately.
instead of the fulton I would say a disguise. a couple clothes should fit in the briefcase and should help us blend in, at least from a distance.

and what exactly do you mean with explosives? like a brick of C4 with an adjustable timer or a bunch of grenades?

RE: Lucidstuck II - XeroChance0 - 07-23-2017

If we'd want a really stealthy option, a chameleon suit that blends us into the background to stay hidden would be cool.

RE: Lucidstuck II - Xoleuph - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 07:48 PM)XeroChance0 Wrote: »If we'd want a really stealthy option, a chameleon suit that blends us into the background to stay hidden would be cool.

ooh, fancy.
yes, sounds much better than a simple disguise.

RE: Lucidstuck II - RemoteCalamity - 07-23-2017

>Hi Emily. How are you?

and yeah, I'd go with the multi-tool, and the crossbow/grappling hook combo weapon.

RE: Lucidstuck II - Fellow - 07-23-2017

Suction cup climbing gear perhaps? Could be help us if it's a multi story building, and we could climb things to hide.

RE: Lucidstuck II - Seyhial - 07-23-2017

I demand some chocolate bars

RE: Lucidstuck II - Xoleuph - 07-23-2017

>I hope we can put up a good show for you, Emily. Just watch us infiltrate the hell out of this thing.

RE: Lucidstuck II - Heyoceama - 07-23-2017

(07-23-2017, 07:35 PM)Xoleuph Wrote: »
(07-23-2017, 06:57 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Here's my suggested loadout

spy mutli-tool in the form of a phone, silenced weapon, fulton system from Metal Gear, radar, explosives.

The multi-tool is a given, the weapon will let us take out guards and get a disguise, the fulton will let us dispose of bodies easily and possibly deliver our objective quicker, and explosives are always helpful.

the fulton thing wont be useful if we go inside. silenced weapon is ok, but we might be able to do better. depending on how it operates (RL silenced vs movie silenced), it might still be quite loud.
I would instead suggest a compact crossbow. not only is it quieter, but you could also use it to fire hooks to climb stuff, or even retract shot guards to get them out of sight immediately.
instead of the fulton I would say a disguise. a couple clothes should fit in the briefcase and should help us blend in, at least from a distance.

and what exactly do you mean with explosives? like a brick of C4 with an adjustable timer or a bunch of grenades?

When I said a silenced weapon I was just being general. The specifics of it aren't too important. As for the disguise we can easily get one off a dead guard so probably not worth spending an item on it. As for explosives yeah I meant like timed C4. That way we can make an expedient escape route or diversion.