Mystery Box

Mystery Box
RE: Mystery Box
>"okay, sorry, I will go"
>"I didn't mean to annoy you so"
>"I thought your home was like a chest"
>"Stay in your Dumpster, all the best"

>doppel the dumpster so you can look inside the copy
>Flaws if needed (obvious flaw: the outside is annoyingly pink) (obvious flaw 2: the dumpster is half the size)

>Then, get the friendly copy to open up so you can peek into those sweet contents
RE: Mystery Box
(03-21-2019, 11:43 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »>"okay, sorry, I will go"
>"I didn't mean to annoy you so"
>"I thought your home was like a chest"
>"Stay in your Dumpster, all the best"

>doppel the dumpster so you can look inside the copy
>Flaws if needed (obvious flaw: the outside is annoyingly pink) (obvious flaw 2: the dumpster is half the size)

>Then, get the friendly copy to open up so you can peek into those sweet contents

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Mystery Box
((The character portrait image is broken.))

>Sorry to bother. Did not realize that was for the dumpster.
>Investigate the collar in the trash.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Mystery Box
As The Way of The Urban Hermit-Crab dictates, one must upgrade* their shell when possible.
*Steal/loot/pilfer/pillage/plunder/trade for/manufacture/etc
So with someone being inside our future shell armored housing?
>Investigate dumpster-denizen, ask about lock.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Mystery Box
> "No one to see here; I'm just a box."
RE: Mystery Box
>copy the mysterious talking thing INSIDE the dumpster, just besides them inside the dumpster. that'll scare 'em to open up.
Business is Magic, with the Mystery Box.
(03-21-2019, 02:15 PM)FlanDab Wrote: »>Sorry to bother. Did not realize that was for the dumpster.

[Image: explore.png]

Startled by the voice coming from inside the Locked Dumpster, you hesitate for a moment. Once your brain finally catches up, you decide it'd probably be a good idea to apologize to the Dumpster-Denizen.

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Sorry about that. Didn't realize that was your No Soliciting sign. It kinda fell off your... house?[/box][/2x1]

The stranger starts muttering something under their breath. Listening closely with the aid of your Cat's Ear Hood, you make out something about folks vandalizing his shop, and how he can't get a moments peace these days.

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16] you want me to put the sign back up?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]No thanks, I'll handle it myself. Can't afford your help.

Speaking of which, just 'cause my sign wasn't up, that doesn't mean solicitors are welcome at this address! Why don't you skeddadle, and peddle your sign-fixing services somewhere else?

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Oh, I wasn't offering to do it for money.[/box][/2x1]

The unseen stranger pauses for a moment, as if he doesn't know what to say about that. Then, a loud laugh rings out from inside the Locked Dumpster.

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|][box= border=16]Pfhaww! Whaddya mean you weren't doing it for money? Why would you go and do a stupid thing like that?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Because it's... easy? Why not?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well, for starters, if you did every easy thing what could be done for everybody, and you did it for free, you'd be broke and out of business in no time.

...say, you aren't from around here, huh? Who are you?

You hear scuttling sounds from within the Dumpster, followed by a rattling click, as the lid peeks open ever so slightly. You can't see inside, but you can feel Suspicious Eyes peering out at you.

(03-21-2019, 06:15 PM)The One Guy Wrote: »> "No one to see here; I'm just a box."

[Image: chat.png]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Oh, I'm... uh... I'm just a box, actually. I'm nobody.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well Justabox Actually, take it from me. Unless you want to keep being nobody, stop doing things for free. If you don't, there's no way you'll work your way up to owning your own Back-Alley Dumpster, like old Cam "Your-Ad-Here" Poscia.

That's me, by the way. Sold my middle name for ad space, so I could start a small business. One of the best decisions I ever made.

(03-21-2019, 02:28 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Investigate dumpster-denizen, ask about lock.

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Why are you running a small business out of a Locked Dumpster, Cam?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]What, and you wouldn't lock up shop when you're not open for business? No wonder you're still nobody, Justabox.

Anyway, I'll have you know this Dumpster is prime real-estate for a Thrift Store. Easy access to new merchandise, and real affordable. Once I get this thing paid off, then I can even start looking to upgrade. And I definitely won't get there by doing things for free. unless you want to start paying a Business Consultation Fee- and my rates are real reasonable- why don't you come back later when I'm open, and buy something?

With that, the Green Dumpster's lid snaps shut, and you hear the lock rattling back into place. It seems Cam the Dumpster Merchant is done talking with you for now. Maybe you should come back when his Thrift Store is open, and see what he has to sell.

Suggestion: Use Doppelmancy tricks to see what's in the DumpsterShow

You suppose you could try to create a Cam Clone inside the Dumpster Shop, to scare the merchant into opening up... even if it's only so you could do a little Windowless Window Shopping. But you aren't confident that you can use Doppelmancy on something you can't see, let alone somewhere that's closed off from you.

However, there's nothing keeping you from trying to copy the Dumpster itself. Rubbing your hands together inside your Cardboard Camo, you start thinking of an appropriate Rhyming Incantation for the situation. Good rhymes make better magic, after all.

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Hey, Cam?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]I already told ya, unless you've got a Red Cent for my thoughts, come back when the shops open.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Okay, sorry. I will go.
I didn't mean to annoy you so.
I thought your home was like a chest?
Stay in your Dumpster. All the best!

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well... sure. I guess my house is kinda like a chest, isn't it. Yeah... I could work with...[/box][/2x1]

Flannery uses Doppelmancy on the Dumpster...Show

Channeling your powers as an Orb of Faulty Replication reshaped into a person, you weave Doppelmantic Energies around the Green Dumpster. An image of it forms in your mind's eye, shifting and turbulent, as your imagination struggles to contain everything that it is. Summoning your Willpower from deep within you, you bind this struggling mental image to the stream of ambient Mana flowing around you...

Anchored by your imagination, the Mana solidifies, and bursts forth into a new shape...Show

Well, huh. It's not exactly what you were hoping for, but... you guess the Doppeldumpster is at least a little cuter than the original?

[box=#808080 width=full border=2]New Condition:

Distracted (Everything -1): Your attention is split while you sustain your Magic[/box]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]What in the... Justabox, did you have something to do with that Annoyingly Pink Dumpster that's suddenly appeared in my Alleyway?

...if you're planning on stealing my business, you've got another thing coming.

What do you do?

Character Info: FlanneryShow
RE: Mystery Box
> "I'm not stealing your business, I'm merely offering a much more attractive alternative to that ugly green bin you're running."
> "Perhaps we can strike a deal?"
> "Because this pink dumpster is totally in, all the fashion and homeowner's magazines are going to talking about it."
> "A thrift shop could make a good living in there."
RE: Mystery Box
>"I don't know, it has nothing to do with me. I'll go check it out."

>Peek inside the pink dumpster!
RE: Mystery Box
(03-22-2019, 03:49 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>"I don't know, it has nothing to do with me. I'll go check it out."

>Peek inside the pink dumpster!


Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Mystery Box
>Turn on your bartering skills. Time to show this shopkeep you know a thing or two about trade!

"Even if you don't like the colour, you can always paint it however you like. And your dumpster looks like it could use more room. Twice the floor space means you can fit twice as many goods and make twice the profits! Or you could sell this portable storespace to a franchisee.

This is an absolute bargain opportunity here and it would be a shame to miss out it because you happened to be closed. I might not be back in time for your opening hours so I'd have to find someone else, maybe a competitor..."
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Mystery Box
> Try and talk to the duplicate of Cam. Tell them you are their god, and that they should listen to you and open the dumpster.
> Also get them to start up a rival dumpster merchant business to this other Cam. Spark the flames of mercantile war.
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: Mystery Box
>"No, Cam. I'm not here to steal your business. I summoned another dumpster to open since the dumpster here already belongs to somebody."
>Open it like a treasure chest.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Mystery Box
> Well, this is the reason why I can do things for free. I'm the basis of the future's scarcity-free economy.
RE: Mystery Box
yeet y0ursel in the dumpster cause y0u are the treasure....


i mean..... fricc

Egg It hatched.Show
Sounds like trouble's brewing in the Mystery Box...
Suggestion: Disavow responsibility, and use the Doppeldumpster to scam Cam.Show

You're not sure whether it's a good idea to admit to Cam that the new Annoyingly Pink Dumpster was your doing. But more importantly, you're still really curious what's inside. Time to investigate the result of your magical handiwork.

[Image: nudge.png]

You approach the Doppeldumpster, and give it's lid a tentative nudge with the corner of your Cardboard Camo. Unlike the original, the lid budges without resistance. Following up with a solid push, you open the lid all the way, revealing...


It seems your spell could only duplicate the Dumpster itself, without it's contents. Oh well. At least your spell didn't copy the lock either, which made opening it a lot easier than it could've been.

You decide to consider that a small victory, as you nudge the lid closed once more.

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Seriously though, what's the deal with the new Dumpster. Is that thing yours?[/box][/2x1]

Cam the Trash Vendor is still peeking out from within his Dumpster, wondering what's going on. Hard to tell, but he might even sound a little nervous?

Hmm. Perhaps you could use this whole situation to your advantage? The rough outline of a scam starts to form in your mind. If this place really is all about making money like he says, this might be a way to get a bit out of him. Nothing extreme, of course... just enough to help you get started.

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]I don't know what's up with it. It's not like I put it here or anything. But I got to it first, so I'm pretty sure that makes it mine by default.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]...the Finders Keepers clause. Fair enough, Justabox. Fair enough.

But you can't just leave that thing there. This is already my place of business. It's gonna confuse people!

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well, actually... since this new Dumpster was definitely already here, and since I rather like it where it is, I'm not sure I actually have a good reason to move it?

But, for a very affordable fee, I could maybe be convinced to relocate it elsewhere...

Flannery tries to scam the Dumpster Merchant...Show

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Hold up. You don't get to be a successful businessman like myself without learning a thing or two about scams, and this is starting to sound an awful lot like a scam.

In fact, I'm starting to think you're the one who put this thing here in the first place...

Maybe it's because your attention is divided by sustaining your Magically Cloned Dumpster, or perhaps it was just the way the Savvy Merchant confronted you with his bold retort. Whatever the case, you hesitate and stutter, which only deepens his suspicions. You find yourself unable to keep up your deception.

Suggestion: Admit to creating the Doppeldumpster, while taunting Cam.Show

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Okay, fine. You caught me. I put the Pink Dumpster here.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well, this alley's already my got a registered dumpster-based place of business, so you'd better clear out.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Why's that? Worried about a little competition? Or maybe you're worried I might actually be a better Trash Vendor than you?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Of course not! You got no business savvy. You don't know the first thing about running a Thrift Store![/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well, maybe you should be worried. Now that me and my Glaringly Pink Dumpster are here, no one's gonna even see your ugly old bin. And they'll know just by looking, my trunk's got all the choicest junk.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Justabox, you've got a flashy shop, and that's a catchy slogan. I'll give ya that. But I still know where to find all the best goods in this city. You've got no chance.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well I already copied your Dumpster with a spell. I can just copy your inventory too, and sell it cheaper! How about that?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Then I'll just have to...

Wait. What did you just say?

The Merchant's sudden change in tone gives you pause. What even is this guy's deal?

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]I said I copied your stupid Dumpster. With Doppelmancy.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]But... but that's Private Property. You can't go around copying Private Property![/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Actually, turns out I kinda can.[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]Well I'll have you know that's definitely some kinda Piracy. You're robbing honest Dumpster Realtors of a wage!

And, if you just start copying everything like that... I mean, you could flood the market. Make everything worthless. Crash the whole economy, even!

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Hey, you asked me how I could afford to do things for free earlier. Welcome to post-scarcity, I guess?[/box][/2x1]

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]No... that's crazy. You're crazy!

You're already a walking crime against good business sense, Justabox, but I'm not gonna stand by while some nobody Dumpster Pirate like you threatens The Free Market itself! That's the highest form of treason!

[2x1][Image: box.png] [|] [box= border=16]Don't hate me, just 'cause I'm magic.
That'd be absolutely tragic.

[2x1][Image: right.png] [|] [box= border=16]That's it, I'm callin' the P.I.G.G.S. They'll sort you out![/box][/2x1]

Before you can retort, or ask what that means, you hear the frantic slap of a Button inside the Green Dumpster.

[Image: alarm.gif]

Immediately after that, you're nearly deafened by a Loud and Obnoxious Alarm. Surely loud enough to be heard far beyond this Junk-Filled Alley.

Sounds like trouble might be heading your way soon. What do you do?

Character Info: FlanneryShow
RE: Mystery Box

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Mystery Box
Well, dispelling your Doppelmancy will have meant that Cam called these P.I.G.G.S for no reason. That's probably sure to get them a hefty fine attached to it. End the friendly, pink dumpster menace and then tell Cam that you were just trying to get a rise out of them, but now you have to work together or get in trouble with the Law?
RE: Mystery Box
>Dispel dumpster.
>Dispel box.
>Climb up ladder out of here.
i'm a rad teen, confirmed good dog, and i try to do things sometimes.
RE: Mystery Box
>Dispel dumpster
>Come up with convincing counter-claim against Cam for the cops. Something like, "He stole my shirt and I just want it back."
>Maybe "He just admitted to having insider information in a major company and then selling stock in it."
RE: Mystery Box
Dispel dumpster. Copy wall. Hide in wall.
RE: Mystery Box
>Dispel the dumpster

>Leave? You've done nothing wrong
RE: Mystery Box
you're gonna need a disguise. dopplemance your boxclothes for a fresh new look
RE: Mystery Box
>wear the boots
>jump up ladder
"hee hee ha hoo hoo.
i hail from the coop.
most of the time, i show my sunny side;
as for you, you see my hardboiled hide"
>then enter the door without any further explanation

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Mystery Box
>Discard the evidence! There is no pink dumpster here.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]