Pirate legendaries!

Pirate legendaries!
Pirate legendaries!
Hey so because notails got banned from the legendary dex it's time to move on to another theme for people to make legendaries off of, and so we're making a small pirate group.

The idea: All the pirates have their own crew but are flying under a common flag sort of like a union of "I don't stab you, you don't stab me." though, of course, they're pirates so some of them are still breaking even the basic rules of "Don't stab your fellow pirate union members."

Feel free to make a super serious pirate, or a jokey pirate, as long as they still count as a pirate in some way (steals, typically in a crew) they're allowed to say they're part of the pirate union! Feel free to post here about your pirate as well as make connects (or even crews) with other pirates for even better lore!

Currently, we're looking for a name for this pirate union and a leader, so if you would like to recommend a name or even offer up your pirate as the leader of the union feel free to say so! Note while your pirate can be anything the leader pirate should be at least semi-serious.

Now lets see some pirate ideas!
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RE: Pirate legendaries!
I'd like to present the formerly straight-laced Poseidon Unit turned ruthless pirtae Admiral Crossfire

He was a good boy who hated pirates until He ended up getting his programming subverted, by an unwholesome hackerman. He became an infamous Robo-pirate and eventually became a founding member of this group, and is one of the few if not the only surviving original member.

I think it'd be great if he was the leader, but nonetheless he definitely acts like he's in charge based on "seniority."
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Pirate legendaries!
I have the idea of a Bibesia unit who is the captain of her own crew. She won't fight anyone directly but should you say anything to cross her she'll drink you under the table. An execution set up by her is a party seen by every member of her crew, and if you survive her special 200 proof special reserve then you're part of the crew despite if you want to be or not, and being part of her crew is eternal, for she is Captain Yenna Jane.

I like the idea of her being the head pirate as a sort of decider of who joins, plus she provides all the pirates with quality booze, but if she was sort of a fake figure head that'd be cool, putting together big parties for everyone, and bringing the pirates together just for them to fight while sloshed.
RE: Pirate legendaries!
My current pirate idea is a chocolate doubloon leo who is based off of disney pirates who are usually protrayed as cute, if rough around the edges while mixing this with typically stealing and burning down places pirates.

Basically my pirate is a chramatic song singing thief who has gained a "fandom" of people as well of at least one movie about them that sort of glazes over the whole "murder and take over" thing by putting a cute spin on it. He is the leader of his own crew (Which has no name but will have a "cute name" when it does). This crew is, of course, part of the union but this dude would not be the boss.

If anyone else is interested in being apart of his crew I'm all up for talking lore.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Pirate legendaries!
We, as always, need an Aftik, s0 i pr0p0se "Blood", an aftik wh0's guiding light and accents are s0 c0vered in bl00d that it can never wash 0ut, s0 their true c0l0r was f0rg0tten. They are a knife and sniper s0rta birb, 0ften getting int0 drunken fights. he is part 0f captain Yenna Jane's crew. he j0ined v0luntarily. may 0r may n0t have w0rked with the hackerman bel0w t0 get a v0ice m0dulat0r s0 he s0unds like a badass r0b0t, al0ng with s0me cyber enhancements s0 he has a bassically perfect sh0t fr0m the sniper every time.

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Pirate legendaries!
I've got an inkling of an idea for a digital pirate hackerman e.g. just some guy who runs a torrenting site and/or forums that most definitely infringes copyright with a moderating "crew" behind him... no ideas for species yet (but I will gladly accept any suggestions!)

May or may not be indirectly responsible for the events depicted in post #3
RE: Pirate legendaries!
I had a concept for a comet which (when it slingshots around a star, so at irregular times) produces a spectacular rainbow tail that is venerated among space-surfers as one of the greatest rides to be had in all the cosmos. It keeps falling off the radar but the one permanent settlement is a poseidon ship locked in orbit around it. The ship is run by a poseidon unit called Broseidon. Broseidon's ship acts as a dock and social hub for the comet's many visitors, and has stayed open for years and years thanks to generous donations by its patrons.

Broseidon's Surf Shack was initially conceived as a beach house/no-frills accommodation for people hanging around Gay Surfer Comet (name to be finalised), but it could quite easily become a pirate outpost/gathering point. Broseidon himself could either be Just A Guy who's not a pirate proper but is under pirate protection because they love his establishment, or He's A Guy Who Knows A Guy and is one of the more reliable sources of information about specific pirate whereabouts (who still can't be intimidated/threatened into divulging information because, again, under pirate protection).

Alternatively, specifically because he's not a pirate, Broseidon is considered the strongest moral compass when it comes to upholding the "let's all just get along" part of the Pirate Code (because he's guaranteed to have no allegiances to a particular captain/faction), and his word on who has to apologise to who or what have you is law, so Broseidon ends up like a Pirate-adjacent Judge of Pirates.
RE: Pirate legendaries!
I had an idea for a goldorian pirate captain who used to be a peaceful singer until the goldorian empire cracked down on him and his fanbase mid-concert. He ended up fleeing his planet with a few surviving fans, but the ship got blown up and he floated through space until pirates took him on their ship. At this point he gave up on peace and got himself a grudge against all police. He's kind of a sad boy, and while he does steal he's mainly in the pirating business to harpoon the police. Seeing as his primary goal is violence, his crew is probably full of similarily bad people.
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Idea for a queolchrost pirate captain:
-Is a fairly regular pirate in terms of raiding ships and such
-However, they also keep their word as well as they can. They may use an abundance of 'can', 'might', and 'will consider'.
-Just so happens to avoid queolchrost ships. Not at all suspicious.
-Formal posture, eloquent speech, runs a tight ship operation.
-Still a criminal who raids and steals, but in a way that they very clearly explain to their target...once they can be under the watch of weaponry.
-Probably prefers more valuable single objects or artifacts even if they're harder to sell.
-That DOESN'T belong in a museum

-Name is probably a bad pun. Enng Ardde or something. Or an incredibly long name which nobody remembers and they are angry when people don't recognize it.

-probably could be the boss, if that's needed

Suggestion for Name of Pirate Group could be something like: Union of Crews Performing Capers in Pilfered Wealth (U.C.P.C.P.W.)
RE: Pirate legendaries!
i'm gonna try to not die designing a lobster Viedafo. Her name is Lace Pradum, and she's got fuckin' sharp claws for cuttin' holes in walls and stuff. She's got a real impressive sharpening regiment. Can she cut through a safe? Well she's not saying she couldn't but like those are so small and unimpressive. Upgrade that to vault and we're talking.

like honestly while the looting and stuff is cool she's more enthusiastic about the actual breaking in part than the gains. Is there a good reason to maybe cut a hole on the way out as well? No? Easier to just use the first hole? Too late there's another hole. Snip snip.
RE: Pirate legendaries!
(s0 i was watching cutthr0at kitchen and thats basically all i need t0 say)

Arten is an aftik with a br0wn guiding light wh0 is master in b0th culinary and cutthr0at arts. they are the bane 0f ramsay's existance and even have their 0wn game sh0w. m0st pe0ple d0nt kn0w that he is, in fact, a pirate

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Pirate legendaries!
I als0 g0t an idea f0r a gimmick f0r the hacker man where y0u need a pass w0rd but the 0nly way t0 get it is t0 l00k at the trivia 0f his crewmates and it w0uld say like "x is 3" 0r s0mething and y0u make a c0de and use said c0de 0n a set 0f numbers in his best freinds trivia and then y0u get t0 see the hackermans page and his page c0uld use that 0ne gimmick y0u have but haven't used gime

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Pirate legendaries!
That would be an interesting idea! But I think it might only be worth it if hackerman pirate was the big bad leader, which I’m not really envisioning that to be the case - though the concept of hackerman unwittingly recruiting real pirates instead of internet ones for his forum would be funny
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Hackerman: wtf these are physical c0pies 0f the m0vie these arnt pirated

Pirates: Weeeeelllllllll..................

(als0 maybe have the big bad leaderpage have the passw0rd and it at the b0ttem say "protected by H4CK3RMAN"

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Is this still open?
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Oh yeah definitely! I don't think any of us have submitted apps yet
RE: Pirate legendaries!
It just started 2 days ago, yeah! Feel free to toss in your pirate, I'll pick a captain in a day or two.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Pirate legendaries!
My captain is a Promethius unit whose entire crew is based around fear and omens. Spitting in the face of fate and forging your own destiny are her main tenants. They make every effort to dare the dice to cross them. Fortune telling Chira, black fleeced Mafleeca, and many a Blessed crew member are all fostered in this crew. They take in those otherwise rejected by society and give them a home.

The process to join is a tough one. It involves facing your fears and embracing them. Easy enough for an AI. Constantly living near a Promethius is usually enough, the constant threat of oblivion looming over them. With organics though, it usually requires some creativity. Nonetheless, everyone that had joined has had to go through their own special hell. They're all in this together.

As a result, this crew is much more tightly knit than the others. Theyre less likely to break under pressure and would do anything to protect their own. You wouldn't go through that hell to join if you weren't devoted. However, the intense entry requirement also means the crew is smaller. Most of their plundering techniques involve trickery, deception, and driving the enemy crew into a panic. Rumors say that they've managed to turn their lack of luck into a weapon. Ships that fight them have unusally high rates of system failure. Weapons jaming, monitor cables becoming unplugged, and war animals breaking free are common reports. The crew of the Lady Luck have learned to deal with these things. Her enemies haven't.

I was also thinking of adding a human in somewhere, but that may be a bit much. I'm not even sure if your humans would have any reason to be pirates anyway. Not particularly concerned with being the head leader either. My Promethius is most concerned with the well being of her own crew rather than the crews of others
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Hmm. Maybe the black fleeced mafleeca is like, the last of their family. And they did actually manage to hook up with someone and continue their family line at some point, but since black fleeced mafleeca's children tend to have a lot of defects they're now still doing piracy just to pay for the medical bills of their surviving kids.

Sometimes they even get their kids in front of the ship's webcam and greet an officer that would shoot their ship.

Maybe there could also be a batman parody on crew. A Vampwelf wearing bat pajamas who is terrified of bats, and they count themselves as a bat. First they use their high charisma to convince everyone else that bats are terrifying, then they take a jar of bats out of their inventory and open it.
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Okay I had another Idea for a guy, maybe the leader, maybe just some guy, I don't know I just want to talk about him.

Basically a combination Captain Ahab/Captain Hook pirate. He's a foppish eccentric who's really obsessed with alligators after one at one appendage or more. He used to be a real pirate, and a super a super notorious one, but now-a-days he mostly obsesses about hunting The Neo, whom he considers to be the alligator that stole his limbs. He neglects his pirate-group duties, and general piratical activities in favor of "Hunting the Gator" which of course means, if he's the leader, there's a functional power vacuum he ain't leading nobody the way he is.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Pirate legendaries!
pirate c0ncept f0r the pr0metheus crew: a heli0s unit that can't mem0ry wipe (cause darn H4CK3Rman)

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Throwing my hat into the ring for a leader pirate, not sure what species but the general idea is just a normal dude with really high luck and charisma that compulsively lies and is sarcastic. They've accidentally become the leader of a large pirate group. Someone asked them where they got a bag of chips from and they sarcastically replied that they stole it. Everything went down hill from there. Now a decade or so later they're the leader of large group of pirates and don't really know what they're doing.

I feel like it might be too silly but I figure you miss all the shots you don't take.
[Image: uIBQxlT.png]
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Expansions upon Hackerman Pirate (thanks to Cosmic Tuna chat for spurring this on):

[Image: labaan.png]

Species is probably gonna be athonae (art by wheat), and their whole shtick is that the code they code has some anomalous properties. They’re the “founder” of some online piracy/torrenting site and the corresponding forums, and their “crew” is the moderation team behind it. The relationship between hackerman and the rest of the team is strained at best, as can be expected since the forums are located in the more unsavory parts of the Internet.

When Hackerman was coding a “pirate network” he mayyyy or may not have accidentally triggered some pirate-related events to happen (see: hacking of the poseidon, along with other things) and caused a bit of a pirate rebirth (pirate-essaince). Now all of the topics on hackerman’s forums are all about swashbuckling and looting and yarr harr and he has ZERO idea what’s going on.

Later on, when he becomes less oblivious to his anomalous coding ability, and when stress over the pirate forums going to shit comes to a head, the hackerman realizes the real pirates he inadvertently brought together treat him better than his “crew”, the moderation team. So he learns the True Meaning of Friendship™ and “joins” the real pirate crew.

Now hackerman, fully aware of the magical properties his code ha, specializes in IRL hacking with the rest of the pirate legendaries. This leads to such shenanigans as plugging a USB into a wall and “hacking” or the classic move of typing on two keyboards at once (actually possible with his species).

Of course if this seems OP he has a pretty terrible work ethic - putting things off and starting things and then getting distracted are just some prime examples of things he’s known for but he (mostly) gets the job done in the end. He’s not really in it for the money either... such cash cash cash is great but he just mostly wants to see the copyright empire crumble like a cookie. As a result he’s been held as a legendary figure by the gignes and subsequently meme’d to death.

He is also very very susceptible to seasickness.
RE: Pirate legendaries!
what if he c0uld hack walls fr0m the safety 0f h0me?

Egg It hatched.Show
RE: Pirate legendaries!
Ok, I worked out who the leader is. The Prometheus unit took captainhood from the Ahab like character. It wasn't a violent takeover, as the Ahab like character was just too busy to do anything.

So with your characters you definitely might want to talk just a sentence or two about how they feel about the current captain (and maybe if they miss the current captain.)

I also decided that the pirate union name should be "Corsairs of the Black Sea".

For now just hash out your current lore with others, try to find at least one other pirate to have some direct lore interactions with. (Make sure to ask the character's owner first) We will be having a gimmick with this pirate union but it will not affect how the entries themselves work so you may now start working on your entries!
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]