
RE: Waterworks
"I thought we would be partners, but you're just so controlling"
RE: Waterworks
Dang I'm late, got so focused that I forgot about this thread for a few days >.>

Unfortunately I can't come up with anything fancy.

>Connie: Random compliment
>Creature: Actually be complimented
>Cue awkward bonding over bad circumstances
RE: Waterworks
>I'm listening, so you better have one hell of a sales pitch.
>Don't get any funny ideas, I'm in charge. You can be my sidekick.
RE: Waterworks
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RE: Waterworks
>3rd character: Reveal thineself and explain
>Tubs: Save the day
RE: Waterworks
Smooth move slime for brains, you brain blasted the person you're psychically connected to.

>Fella off screen: Check on the two knuckleheads napping on the floor.
RE: Waterworks
>Not cool...
RE: Waterworks
>Where did all the static go? Did it work?
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Waterworks
>You know for being a hive mind, you're not much of a team player.
RE: Waterworks
>Merge and become that new, third character.
RE: Waterworks
> Subject: Appear from just off-panel in a dramatic camera pan. Even though you're just a memory, you didn't suddenly stop being a thing that existed or anything.
RE: Waterworks
(09-10-2018, 04:51 AM)KingMomo Wrote: »Smooth move slime for brains, you brain blasted the person you're psychically connected to.

>Fella off screen: Check on the two knuckleheads napping on the floor.

RE: Waterworks

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RE: Waterworks
>CC: Wait, are you the new hivemind leader now?
>Creature: No use trembling and throwing a tantrum, how about a nice, calming glass of WATER?
RE: Waterworks
>See? We're not so different after all. We both have trouble accepting the facts of the situation.
>We both find it hard to accept the things that are unfair.
RE: Waterworks
=>Deliver Rebuttal / 'You fight like a cow!'
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Waterworks
Okay I have no idea what's going on here. Seriously that flashback (...I guess ?) did not calrify much.

I mean except that those dark shadowy scientist creagted the goo from some sort of prexisting entity, I guess ? But the way Connie talk she talks like she's almost familiar with it and it's past now, also she's cool with being queen of the goo now ? SI it een Connie anymore ? So I guess she gots a lot more infor than we did ?

(I understand not wanting to bog down the narrative with exposition but assuming we're supposed to have understood at this point and it's not meant to stay a secret much longer, I think my dumbass self would apreciate a nice plot dump wrapped in an update.)
RE: Waterworks
> Creature: you might spontaneously combust or something if you don't say what you want to say. Just say it, it'll make you feel better.
RE: Waterworks
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RE: Waterworks
>"So... Um... Is that a 'no'?"
RE: Waterworks
>They already know that you know that they're Elodie and they're still insisting on going through this surprise sequence? Who's the real drama queen, huh? Huh?
[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]
RE: Waterworks
Actually, Mist's code is 122. I thought he is Surge but according to the text, the creature is Laze. There's art of various harpoons in LuFa's blog, and I guess Laze is the one drenched in goo.
RE: Waterworks
>Well since he blew you off, you might as well take back control of your mind while he's pouting in his box.

According to this page

Typhoon is subject 1002

Mist is subject 122
Assigned to Japan. But seeing as she has appeared int he weird dream sequence the good created for Connie, one wonder if she hasnt been absorbed by the goo

Subject 111 is indeed Laze.
So that's the pod we're seeing right now. which is not a good hint as to Laze fate, methinks. Also I could have swore we saw his harpoon somewhere before. e never saw the guy in comic, not even in Rheo'd flashback.

Surge is subject 10
He was the one in Derelix. Whose suit had basicaly become a goo zombie, so we can assume him dead and aborbed by the goo. And it's his harpoon that slick has been using for a while (and then Connie in the battle with the Guardian)
Interestingly, Derelix had it's own guardian, which seems to indicate, it's own "The first". One wonder if those hiveminds would eventualy combine or exist as sparate entities.

We have never heard or seen of Hydride, Syphon or Mariner except for the harpoon art.

And Rheo/Slick is subject 101
RE: Waterworks

Hydride (Hydride's musings)

Mist (possible flashback?)

Most definitely Typhoon

And THIS particular log is probably what happened to Laze.
RE: Waterworks
(11-06-2018, 10:45 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »we can assume him dead and aborbed by the goo

[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]