The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: Get in touch with the Mephitist church, tell them that you're working for Fuma to set things right and it's their duty to support your rebellion. Say, nail a list of theses on a church door explaining why Estemere's reign totally sucks.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Quote:Adler > you start to move towards the forest again to retrieve your clothes, then realize its not a good idea, Thomson could be in there waiting to mind control you (if shes alive), the scuti could be readying another ambush.
Adler > send your army to find your clothes instead.

I needed to get dressed! Walking around naked may have been fine for the elves of old, but we were civilized. I had an army to lead, and some delicate negotiations to make with the Duchess of Daisies! I started toward the clearing where our recent tussle had taken place, but then paused.

What if Thomson was lurking somewhere nearby? Or SALV Fofox could be waiting to pounce me .. or that horrid Scuti could be crouching in the bushes, waiting for me to bend over and pick up my clothes. Perhaps it would be safer to order some of my soldiers to search for my missing garments. It would give them something to do, and help me get accustomed to the feeling of being in command.

Then again, what would Irenaeus think of me ordering my men into danger that I myself was unwilling to face? The mighty Lacktail King never commanded from the rear! He was always in the thick of battle, taking the greatest risk, inspiring his followers to ever greater excesses of valor!

[Image: 0911think_zpswmwf75gp.gif]

I decided to try to use magick to fetch my clothes. This way I could avoid an ambush without letting my men know I was afraid of an ambush. Besides, it would be good practice. As Burnside and the Duchess watched curiously, I focused my mind and pictured my clothes in as much detail as I could recall. I reached out toward the spot where the clothes were lying .. I carefully composed the Gramarye to bring the clothes to me and place them on my body...

Quote:Get thee clothed, sir.

[Image: 0911clothpook_zpssotqzrau.gif]

With a soft "pook" my garments apported onto me. EALA! It worked! I actually did it!

"Not bad," the Duchess murmured approvingly. "Now that the Prince is dressed, I reckon you better put some clothes on too, Burnside honey."

"Okay, if I have to," Burnside sighed.

Quote:Maybe gramayre some padded clothes so that it look transparent
>Adler: Burnside keeps hanging onto you.
Adler: You can probably ask for some sort of armored tail sleeve made of either leather or chainmail to defend your buttocks from unwanted scutis.
Burnside, come up with a cunning plan.

[Image: 0911watchback_zps3z1hqcsd.gif]

"I still need a way to protect my tail," I mused, craning my head around to examine the construction of my jacket's tail slit. "No telling when or where that Scuti will return for me."

"I'll watch your back, darlin," Burnside purred. "Ain't nobody but me gonna be layin' a finger nor a tooth nor nothin' on my sweet thang, not while I'm on the job."

I didn't quite like the tone of Burnside's offer, but decided it was best to play along. As long as the raccoon was hanging around me, she couldn't be off wreaking havoc somewhere else.

Quote:discuss strategies with the duchess. maybe a agreement to "make antglade great again"
>Addler: You aren't going to take the capital with the just ragtag army you have now so you need to recruit and reinforce ...but waiting without action means the other side could organise and reinforce as well.
> Not to mention the queen may be calling upon her father for reinforcement and that would be /bad.
> Maybe you could turn some of the crown allies to your side. Isolate the capital, turn the church, find way to be more legitimate.
> In fact the queen youre real enemy, if you could paint /her as the villain pu,petting your borther int he shadow in some gran cospiracy with the vulpitian and other groups (not that far from the truth even) you'd actualy look like the 'good guy' forced to take arms to save truth, persimon pie and the elf ways...
>Adler: Get in touch with the Mephitist church, tell them that you're working for Fuma to set things right and it's their duty to support your rebellion. Say, nail a list of theses on a church door explaining why Estemere's reign totally sucks.

[Image: 0911conference_zpsyhyfciuw.gif]

"I reckon we got some thangs to discuss now," the Duchess grinned. "Seems you is all outta friends after this lil' ol' ruckus."

"The Scuti attacked the Sisterhood floozie," I retorted. "So they can settle that between themselves. I had nothing to do with it."

"Good luck convincin' them that."

"I don't care what they believe. I am integral to the Sisterhood's plans, and they cannot afford to lose my goodwill. Hmm .. though in that case, why would Thomson try to use domination Wiles on me? Surely they wouldn't authorize that."

"Mighta been insurance," the Duchess theorized. "Or maybe Ms. Thomson was actin' on her own. Ain't so far-fetched to imagine a femme might wanna keep you all to herself. Anyhow, I wouldn't worry too much about it. All this means is, you can't trust 'em; but you knew that already, didn't you?"

"True. I'm more worried about the Vulpitanians. I have no idea what they're up to .. and they seem to be working with the Scuti. I can't figure that out."

"Scuti's a means of control," Catherine explained. "Which is useful if you got control o' the Scuti. But I ain't so sure they do. Everybody's got their own agenda, and they ain't none of 'em got your best interests at heart. And don't forget that Queen Edessa is plum out to get you. I'm the only friend you got right now."

"Uh-huh. And what is it you want?" I asked cynically. "My assurances that I'll make Gladsome Antglade great again?"

"Honey, the Antglade is already great," the Duchess asserted. "We just wanna be free an' have the same opportunities as other elves. Plus I wanna be Empress. It ain't much to ask."

"I've got a pretty good claim of legitimacy for the Crown," I mused. "Maybe I could rally the Church to my side if I could demonstrate my right, and the fact that Fuma supports my claim."

"Does she now? Well, my advice is, whatever you do, do it quick, because the longer you poke around, the more time they got to prepare their defenses. You don't wanna let Adland send reinforcements to the capital now, do ya?"

"Could they even get there through the Gaps?"

"Prob'ly bout as quick as you could," she answered with a shrug.

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And back at the Rebel Camp:

Quote:the soldiers wish show their respect and admiration as well as apologize for silently doubting him earlier. They wish to bestow upon Adler the highest and most sacred honor a warrior may give to their commander. Each and every last one of them wishes to give Adler a noogie

[Image: 0911benedictio_zpsu91sz8wd.gif]

"Aye, tis a fine, bonny thing," MacBrock chuckled as he gave me a brisk Benedictio Interfalangeal. "Tae undergo this noble an' ancient ceremony, t'show all yon elves, each an' every one, that Fuma's blessed ye t'be our War Chief. After this, Highness, we'll be bound by a sacred bond t'follow ye tae th'Netherhells an' back if ye should so command."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Rabble rouse the peasantry as you march. Nothing says rebellion like pitchforks and torches!
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Magic of the poppet, reflect off of Fifi and, altered by the vulpine, on to Adler. Adler, find yourself involuntarily shapeshifting into Relda.
Army, be shocked. Adler, take a while to realize why everyone is staring at you. Then perform something very un-Adler like.

Scuti Preston, succumb to the urges in a most dramatic fashion.

Percy, be sure to record the encounter between the ungulate elfess and the crazed, two-tailed semi-feral white vixen in as much detail as possible. Do note that she only had one tail when you saw her last, though, and speculate on it.

The two SALVs, watch the events closely.

Brother Mathias, show up as if on cue. Explain that you have broken with Brother Mathew and most of the capitol clergy and come to assist Adler.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Adler> The magic of the poppet starts to make you sleepy and in danger of falling into another Irenaeus rage fueled black out

Alice> Something is really wrong with scuti prestons host, advise preston to disengage with fifox asap

salv Chesswick> order salv silverbrush to the corner of the room. Nothing but filth is being transmitted by the scrying orb. Chesswick also want to look at adler more closely
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Alder: Come to the realisation that a) you have no knowledge of Statecraft b) you're exhausted and obviously not mentally prepared for negotiating (well you did ravish Fofox and in Burnside's case....repeatedly) c) said negotiations are with the Duchess of Daisies so the stakes are against you already...utter a silent prayer to Fuma to grant you the strength and the wisdom to get through this trial.

>Alice: Suggest to Scuti Fofox to button her blouse, again suggest that Scuti "Preston" find another host body...preferably male because looking at Fofox's cleavage is kinda distracting. Debates reading the riot act/the consequences of reading said riot act.

1) (Is it a bad thing if I want to see Fifi get ravished again? Preferably from Alder?)

2) (I'm also enjoying the Chanson du Percy and would like to see it continue)

3) (Is seconding the idea of Percy getting "love mauled" by a sexed crazed Fofox because it ties in nicely to my first point)
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Quote:Agree to some of the Duchess' demands and stamp a "To Be Determined" on the rest. It's best not to deny her outright until you are in a position of power.
negotiations are with the Duchess of Daisies so the stakes are against you already...utter a silent prayer to Fuma to grant you the strength and the wisdom to get through this trial.

After receiving a Benedictio from EVERY MEMBER of the Volunteer Army, my head was throbbing. I was in no condition to negotiate matters of strategy and Statecraft with the Duchess of Daisies! Yet, that is exactly what I was going to have to do. I was momentarily tempted to ask Lady Fuma for strength and wisdom to get through this ordeal, but then I remembered that she had already blessed me with Luck. What more could I possibly need?

[Image: 0917negotiate_zpsdxnxe4ac.gif]

"Well," I began, diplomatically rubbing my tender scalp. "Now I officially command an army. Help me invade Albric Tor and take the crown, and I'll do what I can about easing the embargo and counteracting the geas against you and your people."

"Adler honey, why would I do that?" the Duchess smirked. "The geas is lifted when the Empire falls. Didn't you notice Burnside runnin' around wherever she pleased? Our restrictions done been lifted, I reckon on account of the current Emperor not bein' no proper Elf."

"Does that mean you are free to leave?" I asked nervously.

"Well, no, I still ain't," Catherine admitted with a shrug. "Burnside's only half-Antgladian, so she's got some wiggle room. Plus I got geased twice as hard as ever'body else, but still - the Empire is endin' and I'll be free purty soon. I'd be a fool to help you get the crown and reinstate the Empire .. unless you was gonna make me Empress. I could see my way to helpin' you if that was on offer."

"I think I'm sort of in a relationship with Burnside now," I theorized.

"Honey, the King can have concubines. Lil' Burnside'd make a fine Floozy."

"She's right, I would," Burnside confirmed.

"Well, I don't know how much use your people would be to me, since most of them still can't leave the Antglade," I countered.

"We'd keep reinforcements from comin' up from Caer Adland," Catherine offered. "And we can distract the Vulpitanians. Seems to me them foxes is interested in maintainin' this here half-assed Empire, that they think they can control with Scuti. Last thing they want is a bona-fide heir of Irenaeus on the throne. But we can keep 'em off your back."

"Very well," I sighed reluctantly. "If I prevail then I promise, after I am crowned, to come back here and get you."

"And marry me and make me Empress?" the Duchess prompted. "Elves don't lie, sugar."

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Quote:>Lemmy: Having witnessed these events unfold, report back to the Duchess and Adler
Adler> The magic of the poppet starts to make you sleepy
you're exhausted and obviously not mentally prepared for negotiating

[Image: 0917warning_zpspzoeioig.gif]

Before I could respond to the Duchess' prompting, Lemmy barged onto the porch.

"Sorry to interrupt, Your Highness, Your Grace," he blurted, with fortuitous timing. "But I have witnessed something naughtier than is usually seen around these parts, and quite appalling in its implications."

"This better be important, Lemmy," the Duchess muttered grimly.

"Oh it is, ma'am. The Vulpitanians and the Scuti have formed an Unseelie union with the presumed Sisterhood agent, and she is headed this way with every appearance of looking for trouble."

"Well she's a-gonna find it," Catherine hissed.

Despite the fact that this news should have alarmed me, I found myself feeling incredibly sleepy. How long had it been since I had taken any decent rest? It seemed like it had been a while ...

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The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: Be subdued hilariously fast.
>Two ancient beasts of magic Scuti Prime and Duchess of Daisies: Be locked in a fierce struggle over Adler's possession.
>Alice: Start missing your boring desk job at the embassy, tilt the tides.

Poor Fifi! Poor Thomson!
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>SALV Chesswick: Give SALV Silverbrush some instructional materials concerning the Facts of Life, hosted by that enthusiastic fox tod.
>Adler: Get some desperately needed sleep, guarded by Burnside.
>Scuti Thomson: Consider rebuttoning your blouse. It's off by one.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Preston > "what lowfolk?"
Alice > looks back at percy but percy has vanished!! Alice looks around astonished, "he wont last long out here anyway"
Percy > you peek out of the tree. As soon as alice and preston move on, land and put fifi in the recovery position. also write on this strange scuti creature.

Preston > "come to me adler young!"
Adler > "ok!" walk towards the preston controlled thomson. Alice is opening and closing the pair of shears. which makes alder notice.
Adler > you notice the skunk tail and poppet in thomson hand. you can not fight off the magic in your tired state. if you could get close you could use a (overcharged orgasmic touch) on thomson before you pass out.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: You know, is possessing freewill really that important? Why not let someone else call the shots for now, or forever? This is a good thing. Don't fight it.
>Adler: Boldly announce that you like the cut of this scuti's jib and your belief that he should be the emperor instead of you.
>Scuti-Preston: Because of lingering effects from your earlier magicking, state your intentions of making Thomson your empress, regardless if this goes against previous laid plans.
>Scuti-Preston: Realize the folly in waltzing with open hostility through the midst of an entire army.
>Percy: Actually do something useful, swipe the poppet from the scuti and be a hero.
>Bodb and Matholwch: Swoop in and save the day... Or at least try to.
>Thomson: Lucky for you, you're more useful to everyone alive than dead. They want information, hopefully you've got some.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Percy, recognize the "Dreaded Swamp Queen" from some of the elven legends you researched. Be afraid.

Adler, get a minor shock at seeing Percy in Fairie. Proceed to demand answers, but become too tired to do much.

Poppet, still not be made completely out of Adler material. Have more strange effects.

Lem junior, discover Fifi.

Burnside, offer to dispose of the lowfolk.
Someone unexpected, come to Percy's aid.

A tail, get yanked.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Percy: All of a sudden you're feeling a bit of a draft being merely dressed in leaves....appropriate the remnants of Fofox's clothes (she won't need them as she's <most likely> sleeping off the headache Ms Thomson gave her).

>Catherine O'Daisies: Demonstrate your power in a truly terrifying way!


>Burnside: Go full on Attack-dog mode!

>Scuti Thomson & Alice: GTFO! Umm I mean "Beat a hasty retreat" (It was folly to go against Alder with the Duchess in close proximity).
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
(09-19-2017, 12:59 AM)Tai-1 Wrote: »(It was folly to go against Alder with the Duchess in close proximity).

A little correction (as I've seen you make the same error before): The character's name is "Adler" (like the German word for "Eagle"), not "Alder". Just saying.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
(09-19-2017, 10:18 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »
(09-19-2017, 12:59 AM)Tai-1 Wrote: »(It was folly to go against Alder with the Duchess in close proximity).

A little correction (as I've seen you make the same error before): The character's name is "Adler" (like the German word for "Eagle"), not "Alder". Just saying.

*re-reads all posts...slaps forehead*

This is what happens when one doesn't proofread

Thanks for the correction...and the info...did not know that....
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Adler: start naming your ixie daughters since they are virtually indistinguishable from each other and consider buying their loyalty
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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Quote:>Adler: Be subdued hilariously fast.
>Adler: Get some desperately needed sleep

[Image: 0925weary_zpsptkkvlgx.gif]

"I need to get some sleep," I mumbled drowsily as I stumbled across the veranda of the Diplomatic Outpost. "I just need to curl up for a while with my ultra-attractive Floozy, Ms. Thomson. She's the best. I think I'll make her my Queen. And that Scuti is all right in my book. He can be Regent and I'll just take a long, long nap ..."

"My liege!" Burnside exclaimed. "What's gotten into you? Don't tell me that lil' ol' bit of ravishin' done drained you of all your fightin' spirit!"

"Looks to me like the boy's went and got himself enchanted," the Duchess muttered darkly. "Let's foller him and see where he goes."

Quote:Preston > "come to me adler young!"
Adler > "ok!" walk towards the preston controlled thomson. Alice is opening and closing the pair of shears.
>Adler: You know, is possessing freewill really that important? Why not let someone else call the shots for now, or forever? This is a good thing. Don't fight it.
> Adler: Boldly announce that you like the cut of this scuti's jib, state your intentions of making Thomson your empress
your ixie daughters

[Image: 0925attack_zps1d9ukm9w.gif]

A few seconds later, Thomson burst out of the bushes, with Alice following close behond her. Thomson held the poppet aloft while Alice brandished a set of silver-steel choppers.

"COME TO ME, ADLER YOUNG!" Thomson demanded.

"On my way," I muttered as I stumbled sleepily across the lawn.

"Uh .. sire?" Alice whispered as she noticed a swarm of Ixies staring to gather. "Sire, we may want to rethink this.."

"Don't interrupt my moment of triumph, young one!" Thomson snapped angrily.

Quote:Duchess of Daisies: Be locked in a fierce struggle over Adler's possession.
>Catherine O'Daisies: Demonstrate your power in a truly terrifying way!
>Burnside: Go full on Attack-dog mode!

[Image: 0925dontmess_zpskk2284l6.gif]

"Not sure who you thank you are, missy," the Duchess hissed. "But I reckon you is countin' your ants before they's hatched. You wanna get to Prince Adler, first you gotta deal with lil' ol' me."

"And lil' ol' me!!" Burnside added, as she pulled several dangerous-looking blades out of her Elfintory.

"And us!" the Ixies chimed in, as sparks began to flicker in the air around them.

Quote:>Alice: Start missing your boring desk job at the embassy, tilt the tides.
A tail, get yanked.
Alice: GTFO! Umm I mean "Beat a hasty retreat" (It was folly to go against Alder with the Duchess in close proximity).

[Image: 0925withdraw_zpso1uy2fx6.gif]

"Forgive me, Sire," Alice exclaimed as she yanked the white Scuti free of Ms. Thomson's rump. The creature hissed furiously and waved its tiny arms. "We are outnumbered. There's no way we can prevail against the Duchess of Daisies and her murderous midget, and a swarm of the same vicious monsters that blew up our caravan and killed Mara."

Ms. Thomson collapsed unconscious on the ground. Alice, firmly grasping the thrashing Scuti in one hand, began to slowly back up toward the edge of the woods.

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The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
Adler: voraciously search for the trophy and burn it while ordering the restraining of Thomson.
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]

RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
duchess > warn adler too late that the poppet hasn't been unbound!
alder > burn the poppet and begin rolling around in agony!
burnside > put out the poppet quickly stomping it with your foot
Alder > feel like your being stomped in the face

duchess & burnside > carry the unconscious adler back "okay enough excitement for one day" load him in a cart and get underway
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
"YOUNG MONOCLED PATRIOT PRESENTS: EVERYTHNG U ALLWAYS WANTED 2 NO ABOUT TEH SMEX BUT WER TOTES AFFRAID 2 ASK!!1!", do not be as useful to SALV Silverbrush as SALV Chesswick thinks. Also, be full of propaganda.
The model that provided the face of the YMP, be an old fat geezer now, filthy rich from all the royalties received.

Scuti Preston, resist being handled in that manner.
Duchess and Burnside, advance threateningly.
Alice, receive minor damage during your retreat.

Percy, find something for Fifi to wear, even if it's just a bunch of leafs.

Adler, still be under the influence of the spell. Attempt to mindlessly ravish unconscious Thomson.
Fifi, arrive and become jealous of Adler. Get angry. And when Fifi gets angry, things tend to get cold fast.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Situation at the swamp: Wrap up. Duchess and Adler ratify your alliance. Thomson be taken captive but later get broken out by Fifi, remain at large. Army start marching towards the capital.
>Young monocled patriot book: Consist of bizarre urban legends and pictures of birds and bees. Be the sole contributing factor to the weird psychosexual hangups the entire Viulpitanian nation suffers from.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Don't let them escape.
>Adler: Blackout. Maybe have a vision, or more likely, just see something weird.
>Fifi: Convince Percy to wear one of your uniforms so he doesn't have to wear leaves.
>Thomson: Be taken prisoner. Someone recites your Miranda Rights despite you being unconscious and unable to hear it.
>Duchess: Magick Thomson's horns into an unwieldy pair of moose antlers. That'll teach her.
>Monocled Patriot's Book: Contain no actual information about the "birds and the bees" as he doesn't actually know.
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
(09-19-2017, 10:18 AM)Torchfire Wrote: »
(09-19-2017, 12:59 AM)Tai-1 Wrote: »(It was folly to go against Alder with the Duchess in close proximity).

A little correction (as I've seen you make the same error before): The character's name is "Adler" (like the German word for "Eagle"), not "Alder". Just saying.

You could also say it's ok because this is on the Eagle Time forums

(Shut up, Tai-1)