4tuna Mafia Game

4tuna Mafia Game
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
I talked to Hoot on both night three and four because we struck up a friendship. Not sure how this is going to counter our argument but... okay.
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
I'm just asking because Hoots tagging Larry is extremely strange.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
"I spoke to hoot on the second night, I was busily working away in my room, and he contacted me to ask a few questions. He was very upset over the decision to not lynch anyone, specifically how quickly we all seemed to come to that conclusion. He shared with me his thoughts on the crew and who were of note as being suspicious, and I shared my own thoughts on the matter, and unfortunately larry passed away the next morning."
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
I would indeed like the bracelet - but most everyone appears to be voting for me. It's quite useless to give it to a dead being, I'd think. []3

We're coming close to the end, one way or another. I have no other defense to give, my friends. If I am indeed the one being thrown out, then so be it. []3

If I get the friendship trinket... I'd like to give you the other one of the pair, Deed. You've been good to me. []3
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)

Zephik hands Slider the Lollipop, and says "We'll, are there two more votes for Dot here?" as he heads back to the corner, pulls out his [ITNTRUMENT], and starts playing an indecipherable mangled tune.

(Vote pulled, and put on Dot.)
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
I actually don't know how this message could possibly be lost on anybody at all... I have substantial evidence that not only points to Slider being a bad guy but also lines up with what two other people have heard and said... We can't afford to be split as a house right now, that's for sure.
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
Fine! I'll vote for Slider! I feel like I am dooming myself. In fact I'm 80% sure I am. I don't think you are a pirate....but if you are I am going to strangle you when I get to the afterlife! And at the rate things are going that's going to be soon.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
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RE: Day 5 - 4tuna Mafia Game (seven/11)
Zephik looks around. It doesn't seem like anyone else is going to vote.

"Well Slider, I'm sorry. Rest assured, if you aren't with them, we all will be joining you not too long afterwards."
Zephik changes his vote back to Slider. Here goes nothing.
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
[Image: psmzp.jpg]

Are we seriously still back in this situation of eject-correct or lose? Ugh...

Well I took a little peek into Dot's room and I think he's guilty. But really take this with a grain of salt, because I got really nervous that something bad might happen that night and got hasty. However, I won't be voting for him 'cause of that reason.

Anyone else got anything over the course of the night...?
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
"Ah.. Deed Mann Ahora es hombre muerto..

Did you happen to find anything specific when you peeked in Andromeda? I have had my own suspicions of certain crew members since we first received that note, as well, Dot has not spoken in quite some time no? Puedo sonar como un disco roto, pero que debe ser sospechoso. Not to mention the late Deed did have reason to believe Dot to be a member of this KORN"

"Unless Dot has something that can convince me otherwise, I will likely be voting for them. Desgraciado esta verdad, pero la verdad es todavía. For the sake of allowing them to say their piece, I will withhold my vote, temporarily"
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
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RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
I didn't get anything specific but I just got a really bad vibe...

I'm still not voting for Dot until we all agree on what to do, though.

But it is worth noting he hasn't spoken up a lot, which does make him seem suspicious.
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
"It would seem that dot is eh...unwilling? Yes, Unwilling to speak on this suspicion. Realmente un corazón pesado mora dentro de este cofre mío, oh para volver a un tiempo en el que mi depilación poética podría haber sido mucho más.

..Ah, sorry I believe I was..waxing poetic? Creo que es la frase, pero en negocios serios, I do hate to be the first to vote, but I do as I must. I will be voting for Dot, until evidence proves I should do otherwise

Es una pena que esto haya llegado a tal conclusión. Despedirse de cada uno de los que han pasado a la gran división ha sido tal pena, un dolor tan terrible. Tal vez cuando todo esto termine, ¿deberíamos estar vivos ... podríamos ir en muchas fechas, tal vez llegar a ser más que sólo amigos, sí Andrómeda? ¿O tal vez tú, Zephik?"
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
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RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
(( will post tomorrow in the afternoon. Very busy today. ))
[Image: lmmpL3T.png]
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
Well I mean if nobody else is going to say anything I'm going to vote for Dot.
RE: Day 6 - 4tuna Mafia Game (five/11)
Zephik wakes up, realizes the day is almost over, and then breathes a sigh of relief when he finds out that the vote is called.

"Well, I wish I could say it's been an honor serving about this ship with you all, but honestly it hasn't. Still, I'd take an adequate crew over a horrible one.

Zephik looks at his [ITNTRUMENT]. "You know, no one has ever successfully mastered this thing, since it was made [900 years ago]?"
Zephik sighs. "Maybe it never will be."
Zephik votes for Dot, just to be on the safe side. He also sits out the lynching.
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
Zephik looks around the room.

"Well, anybody have any ides who might be the last one?"
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)

I really think it's pretty obvious who's the remaining member.

Crypt. I'd like to say it's been fun... but it hasn't. This has gone on for long enough.

Vote for Cryptsinger.
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
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RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
Zephik sighs
"I'm sorry, but I don't see how it's obvious either.Can you explain?"
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
Well... think of the reasoning. I know you're on the crew, and I think you know I'm on the crew. I'm a cop. I've been investigating everyone and I've spearheaded most of the correct eliminations... and Crypt here's been awfully quiet throughout most of the week, a characteristic that many other mafia members have also shared.
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
It's almost as if their minds were on holidays...
RE: Day 7 - 4tuna Mafia Game (three/11)
(...Well, while I'd like to wait until the last minute, I'm going to have to vote for cryptic, or else I might wake up after voting ends)