Application review and appreciation topic + Lore Q&A

Application review and appreciation topic + Lore Q&A
Application review and appreciation topic + Lore Q&A
Hello and welcome to the application topic! Here you are able to post any applications you filled out even if applications are closed. If you need help with applications, are unsure if your ideas make sense, or just have no idea what you're doing, this is the place to be! Anyone at all can comment and give their ideas in.

Do note the application topic is not a submission area, thus here all your applications belong to purely yourself. To actually submit the application to me you'll have to wait for the appropriate time and pm it.

For the sake of ease here's all the Fortuna applications. If by chance you post anything that isn't a Fortuna application we will probably sit around and appreciate it anyway.

If you have any lore questions you may ask them here to make sure that your application's lore will be oked. This helps you make sure your application isn't rejected and you're forced to wait a month+ for a reopening.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
A while back I statted a Tweep that I made for a joke.

I'll share him for fun.

RE: Application review and appreciation topic
I really enjoy that he's going on an adventure to finish what his friend started seeing as Tourists tend to die when they see the "Most breathtaking spot" ever. Poor fella must have died before the tourism killed him though.

Here's a quick doodle I did of the guy for fun.

[Image: nCl67Ks.png?1]
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
[Image: Appreciation_zpsvgezhhjh.png]

Nice, I like it.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
Changed [Speech Disorder] to [Easily Stressed].
An introvert, even online.

Currently seeking cosmic knowledge. Contact me if you know anything about the following:
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
@The Flower King
I really like the history of Wandreni! I think it's interesting that he has his own created god which opens a lot of fun options when talking to him. It's also cool that he has a neat flip side where he does a lot of stuff he wouldn't want others to do such as talking about his god to people while not caring about others talking about their gods to him.

I also like that you gave him a meaning for his existence, it really helps me write a character and place a character when I know what their motives for even being alive is. (I mean other then the death thing sure must suck!)

While complex I really like all the playstyles one can use K~L for! It reminds me of more advance version of moodmeter and makes K~L clearly seem like a character for more advanced players.

Other then that I love the bit of oddness thrown in like "Face has Mood Activated Googly Eyes of Sensitive Understanding and a disarming smile" and "A favorite jape to pull is to hang up a hollowed-out fake orange, which unscrews to reveal a real orange" It really makes them a character I really want to write, in fact I do have a spot or two I need filled for a certain event that may happen later on and I'm thinking of using K~L and Wandreni cause they come in a really nice package already!

Really it'd be cool if more people got their characters together to make "crews" or groups. I know in the past people have submitted whole crews to me but I'm always picky about using them as a package as it ends up being just one person who got to make 4 - 5 characters when I could just ask 4 - 5 people to make one characters and thus get a little more cool dynamics and also avoid everyone being just 1 species.

Also that little bit about the robots (Which I love, I love robots that seem to be made for no reason/do nothing/do something absurd like constantly cry) can just be slapped at the end of personality.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
I've thought up a pair of characters thinking about what I could do with the [moodmeter] trait.

One's a disraced diplomat who very quickly becomes undiplomatic when she loses her temper:

The other is sort of a support character who hangs around another person and brings them good luck when she's in good mood, but is an absolute pest otherwise.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
Here's a species I've been working on for the next time apps open up. I haven't really thought much on the personality of the common Spoopers so there's not much there yet.

Name: Spoopers

Physical description: Skeletons with gourd heads, or more accurately, gourds with skeleton bodies. They grow around the skull of other species' skeletons and use them as bodies, holding them together with vines and moving them with weak psychic powers.

Diet: Candy. Lots and lots of candy.

Personality & Traits: Spoopers have a holiday where they scare eachother for fun and give free candy to anyone who's a good sport about it. Problem is, they will insist that it's always this holiday, so they're always trying to make people scream. On the bright side, free candy.
Common traits: (I can never think of these.)

Average Lifespan: 50-70 years (? idk I just pulled that range out of nowhere)

Home Planet: SPOOKUS SCARUS SKELETUS will send shivers down your spine. It is a war-torn world that now mostly contains ruins and Bloops, as there is, ironically, a complete lack of usable skeletons. It is rumored that there may be remnants of whatever species Spoopers got their skeletons from before they reached the space stage, but it's just a rumor.
Oh, and there's trees that grow candy, so there's that.

History: After an event long ago that they call "THE SKELETON WAR" (and will not elaborate any further on), most Spoopers fled their homeworld and have been "bringing holiday joy" to the universe ever since.


Boneheads: Boneheads grow entirely inside the skull of the skeleton they use, and have stronger psychic powers to hold up their body without any vines. They also appear to have an "eye" when they use particularly strong powers, although this is just a glowing spot caused by the exertion. Unlike their spooky scary brethren, Boneheads like to make people laugh rather than scream. They love telling jokes, especially puns.

Bloops: A Bloop is what happens when a Spooper does not get a body of any sort and roots itself into the ground. They have the strongest psychic powers out of the 3 subspecies, however they have little desire to use it for much more than projecting a psychic "ghost" with a limited range of movement. They will also mark their territory in some way, whether it be a simple line or erecting walls around themselves. They would likely keep to themselves even if they could move around on their own.

Special: They love making elaborate costumes for spooking people, and are quite good at it. (So good in fact that the entire species is prohibited form entering cosplay contests in many major conventions across the universe.) If you need a disguise a Spooper is likely the best one to make it, just don't use the word "disguise" when asking.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
A bit too blatant, but I did get a few laughs reading that.
An introvert, even online.

Currently seeking cosmic knowledge. Contact me if you know anything about the following:
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
You know, maybe sometime a bunch of us should go get together to create a race, robot stream style.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
I need to go read through the recent apps later but I like the idea of the stream species building, maybe we could do that for this month's patreon stream if a live update stream doesn't happen this month. (which I have a feeling won't happen.)

What's great is apps open after planet 2 and the planet coming up is planet 2 so it works out time wise.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
Here's a totally original creature that I made up:

RE: Application review and appreciation topic
I had an idea of an extremely anonymous species.
Enjoy! :]
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
okay so i made a A.I., it's based off of a Japanese Goddess here take a look.

[Image: tumblr_o5c97qa4qB1uz73lyo1_400.png]

Name: Izanami Gen 1
Species: A.I.

Strength- 7
Intelligence- 9
Charisma- 6
Endurance- 7
Agility- 4
Luck- 7

[1st Gen]
[Mind Control]

[Doesn't Know Their Own Strength]

[Sanity Swap]

Personality: Her regular personality is Kind, Gentle, Cute, and Sort of an Otaku, But her other personally is Murderous, Jealous, Disturbing, and Manipulative.

Special: True Self: Strength and Agility increase by 5
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
oh! i've already showed Gime this one i think, but i have the Itzel species here!

And a Wonderful App for the Itzel Homeworld, written mostly by my wonderful friend Helios,
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
A year ago I created an app for a species called "Spirits". This was a Halloween species that was made at the same time as Spoopers (which you can see above). I GOT THE IDEA AFTER PUMPKIN POSTED IN FORTUNERDS CHAT, BACK WHEN FORTUNERDS CHAT WAS A THING,

[9/23/2015 8:30:24 PM] an unholy demigod joaje: now I want to make a species with competitive Halloween romance

I didn't know Pumpkin was actually following through with this idea and making another app for a Halloween species at the same time, and we made these separately without realizing until later.

I ended up scrapping this app because I think I ended up going too crazy with it and created a system for how souls function in Fortuna as well as the species, which I realized was probably overstepping my boundaries. Since the species was based heavily on these soul mechanics, and since another Halloween species was being made, I scrapped it altogether.

Even though this is a scrapped app, I'm not putting it in the up for grabs topic, as I don't want people to co-opt this. Pumpkin can co-opt some of this for Spoopers if you want though, I guess.

Anyway, I'm talking too much. Here's the app:

RE: Application review and appreciation topic
I spent most of last night writing up this app up since hallloween is approaching us soon, so here's based on 'whats the most ridiculous movie monster concept i can come up with'

enjoy!! sorry if there's grammar errors unu

People throw these words around like tennis balls. But I eat balls for breakfast.
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
Okay, I just came from the OC sharing thread. Would it be okay to share the soon-to-be-revealed Nixie here, or would Downtime followers rather wait until after either his character sheet is revealed or he's rejected from joining the crew?
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
(10-30-2016, 04:01 PM)DetectiveCaillou Wrote: »Okay, I just came from the OC sharing thread. Would it be okay to share the soon-to-be-revealed Nixie here, or would Downtime followers rather wait until after either his character sheet is revealed or he's rejected from joining the crew?

I can't speak for Hichico but I know that in regular Fortuna it's very frowned upon to reveal your characters' apps. If you do, your character gets changed or moved to the background while another character takes their place.

I think this rule makes sense. If I were to reveal that Rivet had [Madame Rivetington] and was actually a very charismatic metal bolt, it'd ruin the suprise, right?
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
(10-30-2016, 05:16 PM)Fellow Wrote: »I can't speak for Hichico but I know that in regular Fortuna it's very frowned upon to reveal your characters' apps. If you do, your character gets changed or moved to the background while another character takes their place.

Ah, thank you.

Also, I really want to start a fanadventure of my own... but I don't art good.
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
Okay so I've had this App on the shelf for a while and I figure I might as well get an opinion on some of the stuff before I submit it.


RE: Application review and appreciation topic
The mafleeca are pretty neat! The tell gender via what they're holding thing is strange but I dig it, sort of like an extreme version of purse holding being considered a feminine thing. For the black sheep thing you can always go with high stress during pregnancy causes the mafleeca to have more aggressive offspring as an old genetic survival trait.

As for blacksheep traits, I suggest just giving them [Black Cat] + 0 luck. Seems to be on the nose with the theme.

As for the alienfiying stuff I just went ahead and doodled you a few things. Not sure if any are good or not but feel free to take one or none. I think the mafleeca can pass pretty okly right now.

[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
So I'm planning on submitting some revised homeworld apps for my two species, I just finished with the one for Oerson, and given the nature of things, I'd like some additional opinion.

[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Application review and appreciation topic

You app is looking dang good! Other than a few minor changes (aka some words are capitalized mid sentence which I can fix) there's nothing I would change. It's the perfect balance between awesomely funny, strange, and serious! But mostly absurd, which fits those guys nicely.

Love that they blew up some moons, it's just every mad scientist's dream to do such things.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Application review and appreciation topic
Ooh, those are some very neat ideas Gime. I think the thing where they breathe smoke would add to their mafiosity and make them suficiently alien-like, though I kinda like the idea of sleep inducing sheep people too and I think I might turn those into a subspecies.

The idea of a species that can disguise themselves as others, especially if that species has a tendency towards criminality and agression, is a pretty intresting one as well, but I don't believe it suits the mafleeca.

I'm not sure if I'd need to include the black cat+0 luck thing in the entry of the black-fleeced ones as well but you can probably sort that out when I submit the app.