Solekii Draws Stuff

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Solekii Draws Stuff
Solekii Draws Stuff
So.... I dunno where else to put my nonsense but I have some characters and such I drew and also I wanted to post this 'draw again' thingy I did.

From 2013 (apperently, I thought I drew this waaaay longer ago)

From 3 minutes ago:

So I guess I did some of that 'improving' stuff. Which is pretty cool.

Oh and here's some character doodles.


And I guess have this Gaster since I'm Undertale trash


I also did a few backgrounds for a game at school but I dunno if anyone wants to see those.

So yeah. Um. I like to draw, hi.
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
I really like the way you draw, these are all good arts!
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Hey, thanks. It's good to hear! Maybe I will post those backgrounds. .
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Ok well here's the backgrounds I did for a game back at school. It was like a visual novel style murder mystery set in the 60s. Before this I wasn't too into background art. Now I really like it cause I'm much better than I used to be so hey, it all worked out

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Oh man I really like the colors on those. They're muddy in just the right way and they're really evocative of the mood of the thing.
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Hey thanks, I have a thing for colour. In that I really freaking love picking out colours. It's one of the many reasons I love drawing space so much. And alien stuff
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
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RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
I'd post some of the full backgrounds I have for my adventure but they're still a bit spoilery. Though if anyone wanted I could post some of the stuff from the house like the bedroom. I made huge ass files for those I realized I had to scale WAY down heh

And thank you! Sometimes I worry I might be rushing a little
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
hm. Well I did show the whole bedroom so I guess I'll post it here. It's freaking huge so uh. Beware?


And I also believe I showed the entire hallway so here ya go.

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
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RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Heh yeah, I like drawing bigger for the backgrounds I'll need to use a lot so I have some room to work in

Still figurin' out what works best, though
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Here's a quick drawing of a character I'm trying to figure out for an idea I've had since forever


I have no idea what she's holding
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
She look like she's holding wings to me. Or maybe a wing.

I like her freckles. They look like constellations.
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Gosh, your art is so cartoony and dynamic, I love it
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Heh, thanks! It's good to know I'm doing something right.

Have some alien doodles and also hands i didn't wanna colour

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Anybody like Rick and Morty? I drew this a while ago for someone and forgot about it

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
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RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
crap tastic sketches at lunch

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Here's some doodles I definitely didn't do at work because my home computer's haywire or anything




and one i did with this ancient dark magic known as 'pencil and paper drawing'

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
i ran outta stuff to do at work for a while so...

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
here have a little mad scientist and his cat that i once again totally did not draw at work


here have a larger version cause i didn't notice how tiny that was with how small i had the screen minimized so this is a really huge one

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
He's my favorite!
RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Thanks, man, his name is Edgar and his cat is Winston. Here's some more totally-didnt-draw-at-work drawings of kids with powers n' shit

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
Aaaaaand here's another. Her name's G

RE: Solekii Draws Stuff
(i gotta stop doing this heh heh)

here's another. this one's the one with the umbrella but this time put to use. i was way too lazy to shade water properly or even much at all so here we are
