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06-17-2016, 12:35 AM
(06-17-2016, 12:27 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #150.
I found some iron! Dug straight through it, eight blocks worth, figured I'd keep going and OH GOD WHY SILVERFISH I HAVE ONLY EVER SEEN YOU IN YOUTUBE VIDEOS
so now I'm too scared to keep digging here tonight
there's a black sheep outside my window - I'm just going to watch it munch grass for the remainder of the night
End of message.
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If you found silverfish you should be really close to a stronghold then. This is an exciting occurrence.
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06-17-2016, 12:50 AM
This is update #151.
I eventually mustered up the courage to keep digging and stuck to some Diorite, on the grounds that it couldn't betray me, and sure enough found some more iron. Result!
My plan for today was thus: chop a few of the trees outside, then hug the coast until I found something less depressing that I could potentially make a home out of.
What actually happened: I chopped the trees, then fell in a cave. I picked some mushrooms there, found some more iron, considered going deeper then chickened out, and then spent a minute or two figuring out how to get out. Then I followed the coast for about twenty seconds, after which time I tried to climb a hill to get a better grasp of where I was going, saw a pretty flower, ran towards it and promptly fell in a sinkhole. Upon getting out, I was completely disorientated, so I ran through a spruce forest (collecting more mushrooms) until I hit water again, then followed it west until I found my second night hole again. I'm in it now, for night three. The prospect of there being a stronghold nearby is terrifying.
I need a more permanent home soon. My inventory pretty much full of increasingly unnecessary crap.
(also you missed #6145 & #6146)
(and Ix you probably ought to be concerned if I'm honest)
End of message.
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06-17-2016, 12:53 AM
(06-17-2016, 12:22 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #149.
I forgot I had to eat until I had two bars of hunger left. All the pigs were on top of a plateau, which I had to climb up, so by that point I had only half a bar of hunger remaining and was thus too drained to chase them properly. Cue the Yakety Sax as I'm running around waving my stone sword, on the verge of starving, being outmatched by a bunch of clueless pigs.
I survived. Obviously.
I really don't like this land at all. It's so barren. I'd love a good cliff to cut my home into, yeah, but I'd like some grass beneath it. Trees too. Didn't see any until I legged it to the coast come sunset. Again, hole in the wall for tonight. Maybe I'll find some iron - that'll be nice. I've got two stacks of coal and no iron to cook with 'em...
End of message.
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(06-17-2016, 12:23 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »sruix i'm concerned
This post passes none of the rules!
(06-17-2016, 12:50 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #151.
I eventually mustered up the courage to keep digging and stuck to some Diorite, on the grounds that it couldn't betray me, and sure enough found some more iron. Result!
My plan for today was thus: chop a few of the trees outside, then hug the coast until I found something less depressing that I could potentially make a home out of.
What actually happened: I chopped the trees, then fell in a cave. I picked some mushrooms there, found some more iron, considered going deeper then chickened out, and then spent a minute or two figuring out how to get out. Then I followed the coast for about twenty seconds, after which time I tried to climb a hill to get a better grasp of where I was going, saw a pretty flower, ran towards it and promptly fell in a sinkhole. Upon getting out, I was completely disorientated, so I ran through a spruce forest (collecting more mushrooms) until I hit water again, then followed it west until I found my second night hole again. I'm in it now, for night three. The prospect of there being a stronghold nearby is terrifying.
I need a more permanent home soon. My inventory pretty much full of increasingly unnecessary crap.
(also you missed #6145 & #6146)
(and Ix you probably ought to be concerned if I'm honest)
End of message.
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06-17-2016, 01:05 AM
(06-17-2016, 12:35 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »If you found silverfish you should be really close to a stronghold then. This is an exciting occurrence. Alternatively, you're in an Extreme Hills biome, which given what you've said about having to climb up to the pigs, seems more likely.
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06-17-2016, 01:08 AM
(06-17-2016, 01:05 AM)Kíeros Wrote: » (06-17-2016, 12:35 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »If you found silverfish you should be really close to a stronghold then. This is an exciting occurrence. Alternatively, you're in an Extreme Hills biome, which given what you've said about having to climb up to the pigs, seems more likely.
This post passes no rules, but is probably a better source of Minecraft information than mine.
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06-17-2016, 01:57 AM
This is update #152.
Day 4: successfully followed the coast this time. The land curves round into a shallow lagoon, in which I am thrilled to find some clay. I can remember going on special expeditions just to find a dozen or so blocks of clay cutting into a beach, but I can also just about remember the update that stripped it of its rarity. Still, I dig it up anyway, filling my inventory.
I trace almost a U-shape following the edge of the lagoon, so once stuck on the peninsula I'm forced to trek back across land. I see some reeds sugarcane in the distance, so I hike towards it. Only when I reach it do I remember that I have a full inventory. I consider eating the one raw pork chop I'm lugging around, but decide better of it. Instead, I climb the hill behind the sugarcane to check which way the coast was, and discover...
...a lake. There's a lake on the other side, and the hill I'm standing on curves up and around its edge, becoming a cliff that overhangs on the far side. The rest of the lakeside is flat and birch-forested, and I spy cows, sheep and pigs milling about the shore.
It is perfect. Ish. I mean, the cliff could do with being a little higher, but that's nothing several stacks of dirt won't fix. I dig out a coal vein in the side and finally make a chest in there. This is home now.
Night 4: I dig a staircase down and immediately hit iron, throwing my spiral off. Never mind - I keep going until I hit a bunch of granite and andesite, which I know from my multiplayer experiences earlier today I'll want shittons of for bulding, so I spend the rest of the night carving it all out.
Day 5: I go clay digging in the lagoon. I nearly drown twice. When my last shovel breaks, I scout out the islands that enclose the shallower water, and find a single red mushroom. It's something, at least. It appears to be nothing but ocean beyond the lagoon; I swam out a little way, but nothing appeared on the horizon. Further along the coast, past my lake, looks like flat, grass-strewn plains, so nothing picturesque there either. I reckon I'm in the right sort of place.
Night 5: I make three more furnaces and get my clay cooking, then head down the spiral staircase again. I consider cutting into the side of it about halfway down, but this immediately reveals lava. I was not deep enough to expect lava at the time, so I have blocked it up with cobblestone and filed it under "things to deal with later". That is a large category, for the record. Nothing else happens of particular note; I get some more iron and coal, but I doubt I'm going to get much more before I find a cave for spelunking.
I am now going to bed. If I play any more tomorrow, I'll probably start by getting farming going, because I'm still surviving off the porkchops I cooked on day two and am aware this is not sustainable.
I am also aware that none of this is helping to pass the rules, but my updates are a tradition at this point so you're stuck with them. Sorry.
End of message.
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06-17-2016, 02:07 AM
(06-17-2016, 01:57 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »This is update #152.
Day 4: successfully followed the coast this time. The land curves round into a shallow lagoon, in which I am thrilled to find some clay. I can remember going on special expeditions just to find a dozen or so blocks of clay cutting into a beach, but I can also just about remember the update that stripped it of its rarity. Still, I dig it up anyway, filling my inventory.
I trace almost a U-shape following the edge of the lagoon, so once stuck on the peninsula I'm forced to trek back across land. I see some reeds sugarcane in the distance, so I hike towards it. Only when I reach it do I remember that I have a full inventory. I consider eating the one raw pork chop I'm lugging around, but decide better of it. Instead, I climb the hill behind the sugarcane to check which way the coast was, and discover...
...a lake. There's a lake on the other side, and the hill I'm standing on curves up and around its edge, becoming a cliff that overhangs on the far side. The rest of the lakeside is flat and birch-forested, and I spy cows, sheep and pigs milling about the shore.
It is perfect. Ish. I mean, the cliff could do with being a little higher, but that's nothing several stacks of dirt won't fix. I dig out a coal vein in the side and finally make a chest in there. This is home now.
Night 4: I dig a staircase down and immediately hit iron, throwing my spiral off. Never mind - I keep going until I hit a bunch of granite and andesite, which I know from my multiplayer experiences earlier today I'll want shittons of for bulding, so I spend the rest of the night carving it all out.
Day 5: I go clay digging in the lagoon. I nearly drown twice. When my last shovel breaks, I scout out the islands that enclose the shallower water, and find a single red mushroom. It's something, at least. It appears to be nothing but ocean beyond the lagoon; I swam out a little way, but nothing appeared on the horizon. Further along the coast, past my lake, looks like flat, grass-strewn plains, so nothing picturesque there either. I reckon I'm in the right sort of place.
Night 5: I make three more furnaces and get my clay cooking, then head down the spiral staircase again. I consider cutting into the side of it about halfway down, but this immediately reveals lava. I was not deep enough to expect lava at the time, so I have blocked it up with cobblestone and filed it under "things to deal with later". That is a large category, for the record. Nothing else happens of particular note; I get some more iron and coal, but I doubt I'm going to get much more before I find a cave for spelunking.
I am now going to bed. If I play any more tomorrow, I'll probably start by getting farming going, because I'm still surviving off the porkchops I cooked on day two and am aware this is not sustainable.
I am also aware that none of this is helping to pass the rules, but my updates are a tradition at this point so you're stuck with them. Sorry.
End of message.
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06-17-2016, 02:19 AM
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06-17-2016, 02:37 AM
(06-17-2016, 02:19 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »HOW DID THAT PASS A RULE
It's a pangram
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06-17-2016, 02:41 AM
(06-17-2016, 02:19 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »HOW DID THAT PASS A RULE
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(06-17-2016, 02:37 AM)Akumu Wrote: » (06-17-2016, 02:19 AM)Sruixan Wrote: »HOW DID THAT PASS A RULE
It's a pangram
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06-17-2016, 02:48 AM
Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD., bags few lynxnyl wef sgab ,.DhP zuiq VT ,kcoJ .rM
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06-17-2016, 02:54 AM
(06-17-2016, 02:48 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD., bags few lynxnyl wef sgab ,.DhP zuiq VT ,kcoJ .rM
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06-17-2016, 02:56 AM
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06-17-2016, 02:58 AM
(06-17-2016, 02:56 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Abcba
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06-17-2016, 03:01 AM
wow mom wow
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06-17-2016, 03:01 AM
Abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz.
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06-17-2016, 03:08 AM
(06-17-2016, 03:01 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »wow mom wow
This post passes rule 2.
(06-17-2016, 03:01 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »Abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz.
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06-17-2016, 03:11 AM
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06-17-2016, 03:12 AM
aba cdc efe ghg iji klk mnm opo qrq sts uvu wxw yzy.
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06-17-2016, 03:13 AM
'0 w0'
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06-17-2016, 03:20 AM
a bear comes dancing egregiously, flouting gilded horses' indignation, joyous keyless laughter mocking nags of protest.
Questions raised, scolding threatened; Ursus' viewers wail:
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06-17-2016, 03:24 AM
(06-17-2016, 03:11 AM)Akumu Wrote: »'wom,
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(06-17-2016, 03:12 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »aba cdc efe ghg iji klk mnm opo qrq sts uvu wxw yzy.
This post passes rule 4.
(06-17-2016, 03:13 AM)Akumu Wrote: »'0 w0'
This post passes rules 3 and 5.
(06-17-2016, 03:20 AM)Schazer Wrote: »a bear comes dancing egregiously, flouting gilded horses' indignation, joyous keyless laughter mocking nags of protest.
Questions raised, scolding threatened; Ursus' viewers wail:
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06-17-2016, 04:08 AM
(06-17-2016, 03:11 AM)Akumu Wrote: »'wom,
This post passes none of the rules!
(06-17-2016, 03:12 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »aba cdc efe ghg iji klk mnm opo qrq sts uvu wxw yzy.
This post passes rule 4.
(06-17-2016, 03:13 AM)Akumu Wrote: »'0 w0'
This post passes rules 3 and 5.
(06-17-2016, 03:20 AM)Schazer Wrote: »a bear comes dancing egregiously, flouting gilded horses' indignation, joyous keyless laughter mocking nags of protest.
Questions raised, scolding threatened; Ursus' viewers wail:
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06-17-2016, 05:01 AM
(06-17-2016, 04:08 AM)Kíeros Wrote: » (06-17-2016, 03:11 AM)Akumu Wrote: »'wom,
This post passes none of the rules!
(06-17-2016, 03:12 AM)Kaynato Wrote: »aba cdc efe ghg iji klk mnm opo qrq sts uvu wxw yzy.
This post passes rule 4.
(06-17-2016, 03:13 AM)Akumu Wrote: »'0 w0'
This post passes rules 3 and 5.
(06-17-2016, 03:20 AM)Schazer Wrote: »a bear comes dancing egregiously, flouting gilded horses' indignation, joyous keyless laughter mocking nags of protest.
Questions raised, scolding threatened; Ursus' viewers wail:
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06-17-2016, 05:26 AM