Let's write a song one note at a time

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Let's write a song one note at a time
Let's write a song one note at a time
i'll start: C
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Down a perfect fourth after one beat.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Up to the B right below the initial C after one and a half beats.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Immediately another C
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
A (note length to taste)
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
A m7
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Ab for one beat
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Rolled C# diminished for 1.5 beats
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
At the same time, a minor third beneath but held only for 1 beat.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time

I don't know how to play piano, tell me what to fix
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
random piano thing

this piano thing
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
That is sounding distressingly like an acceptable piece, especially in Kaynato's rendition. Well done all?

F#, one beat.

(also Sleepy thank you for this evening's "thing to play out the window to the ever-irritating loudmouths on the balcony" I think it went down well)
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
One major third above, three-quarters of a beat after the onset of the F#, lasting for one quarter beat.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
So acceptable?
E# for 5 beats, because let's screw up time as well.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
A# above the E# but within one octave, one beat into the E# and lasting for a single beat.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
C, after the A# ends but before the E# ends.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Staccato high B flat
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Staccato higher B flat.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Staccatissimo highest B flat on a standard piano.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Glissando from that to the lowest B flat on a standard piano.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
While still holding the lowest Bb, play the A right below it fortissimo.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
Within three beats, complete a diminished arpeggio right past middle C but no more than one note past.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
All of the notes so far, but shifted up an octave and twice as fast.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
The first three chords of the piano rendition of THE GRAND GATE OF KIEV by Modest Mussorgsky, in C sharp major.
RE: Let's write a song one note at a time
C# C..