dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition

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dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
(05-04-2016, 07:10 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »prop: gif it's pronounceDD gif with a fucking g get it right

yes on gif

bonus i'll vote yes on whatever you want so long as you return the favour so we can finally all agree upon the proper pronunciation here

Yes on pronounce, yes on gif

Because "with a g" is exactly how everyone says it.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
isn't giggle pronounced 6ith a hard g? just pro2es that there are exceptions, like 6ith gi9.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
the wor8===D git has a har8===D g, as 8===Do give, gimlet, giggle and gift. Gilt and girl and gibbous and gig and gill too. When the nearly i8===Dentical wor8===Ds git an8===D gin have 8===Different pronunciations, you can't only rely on orthography; most soft gs are from Latin origins, while most hard gs come from other roots, meaning you can't really try to apply the rules to an acryonym anyway. it's not latinate or germanic, just a contextless neologistic initialism.

That sai8===D, it's not a giraffe-ical interchange format and "jiff" soun8===Ds ba8===D. there's not much case for either from a linguistic perspective, imo, so it really comes 8===Down to whether you respect the inventor's (8===Dumb) preferences. Personally, I think that if the wor8===D 8===Does not come from any kin8===D of recognize8===D language source, and the rule really only says that Latin-based words with a following i have a soft g, then there's no reason to apply those rules to an initialism.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
There's a difference here between descriptivism and prescriptivism in how we evaluate this.

Both are the main trends of thought when dealing with the study of language. Prescriptivism works to assign rules to languages and then determine if speech follows the rule or not. Descriptivism simply looks to study what rules are at play, but it refuses to say if one is right or wrong.

That is the first point here. This is a case where descriptivists would say that because both usages successfully functionally occupy the same niche in the language, both are "correct" pronunciations.

In order to say that pronouncing "gif" with a soft g is "incorrect" you have to first go against the descriptivist interpretation of linguistic rules.

Essentially, in order to even have a "this is the wrong/right way" argument here. You have to first conclude that a "wrong way / right way" of pronouncing it exists. If both pronunciations retain equal functionality, and both communicate the idea, then descriptivists would say that both pronunciations work.

If, however, you want to attempt to make the egregious point that using a hard-g is in fact the "ONE TRUE WAY". (and not just the way that happens to make sense to you.) You are standing on incredibly shaky ground.

The main standing point I have seen here is that, because ".gif" is an acronym, it should retain the pronunciation of the letters within its original word. (Aka, graphical, not giraffical)

The fallacy in this argument should be inherently clear. There is no linguistic rule that states that the pronunciation of acronyms is determined by their original words. Acronyms are unique words in their own right. Nobody says that you need to pronounce "Laser" with a long E, because the "E" in "Emitting" is long. We don't because we recognize that pronunciation is based solely upon the interactions within the new word.

A unique case with many acronyms, especially modern ones, however, is that their pronunciations are often established according to the body that developed them.

Of course, there is no need to focus on that point, as the governing body for .gif states that "the correct" means for pronunciation is with a soft -g.

However, I would side with the Oxford English Dictionary on this one, and say that, because both usages have found their way into common use, both are valid pronunciations.

If you still wish to insist, however, that the only way to pronounce .gif is with a hard-g, then meet me on the playground afterschool and we'll see how you pronounce it with a mouthful of rubber asphalt.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
That's what I already sai8===D you ner8===D

Prescriptivism as a linguistic philosophy is inherently unsustainable and also classist
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Oh okay. We can trade some philosopher beyblades now.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
if you could replace all instances of Geoluhread in the spreadsheet with OrangeAipom that'd be great
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
it is, in fact, under the jurisdiction of pharmdrugs, and all vanilla hawkspace rules apply to after dark — but who can imagine someone attempting to game the system by hopping over to vanilla hawkspace and voting there?
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Could we...vote in hawkspace for pharmdrugs to anexxx nnts?

Edit: Ninja edited. The answer is yes.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Prop NOTHAWKSPACE: Hawkspace will become a subforum of Neo New Trollslum
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
i should have said "SINCE" all vanilla hawkspace rules apply to here, not "and," for all that's worth
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
yes on equal ground
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
Another wave of Votals:

NO to prop 5 (#5), fuck (#24), !!!! (#26), beagle (#30), stupid (#34), negatori (#35), proposition 14 (#36), prop 15 (#38), proper (#39), Proposition 16 (#41).

YES to prop II (#31), gay (#33), chiseled slabs (#37), mean girls (#40).

More later.
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
proposition fuck, : all posts must contain at least one (1) curse, swear, or profanity
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
ye2 two fuck,

propo2iitiion tiingy: make typiing iin all cap2 or all lowerca2e mandatory iif the u2er ii2 not u2iing a quiirk.

ye2 two tiingy
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
yes on fuck,
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
yes on tingy
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
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RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
prop Actual Edgy: edginess is mandatory. cussing is banned

no on Actual Edgy
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no to fuck,

yes to thingy
RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
no on tiingy and actual edgy