Post making contest 1.0

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Post making contest 1.0
RE: Post making contest
Schazer judge this post, please and thank you.
RE: Post making contest
(05-06-2016, 12:31 PM)Akumu Wrote: »Schazer judge this post, please and thank you.

This post breaks all the rules!
RE: Post making contest
I don't know what any of these dang rules are!

Hopefully someone else does.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
RE: Post making contest
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RE: Post making contest
I want to know what rules are.

I want you to show me.
RE: Post making contest
Wheat, you're absolutely fantastic. Eidermagine this is disagrebeable, but I'm gonna finch your words to try and take the cheep way out? Because I think that, if I were to do something like this, then it might just possibly go down well?

(05-06-2016, 09:19 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Fogel crochets a grand battle character out of a weird bug, but was it fly? Yes! It was dragonfly. Thank you for making it, Fogel! It terned out very well

Also, plaid is good

(05-06-2016, 09:22 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Word sword swords.
Green Day lyrics.

peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | Woke up in the noon smelling doom and death
Feeling homesick no matter where I is | Gonna beg steal and borrow 'til we live like kings

So, willet work? Or is this an aukward misstep?
RE: Post making contest
That's an interesting hypothesis you have there, Wheat! Unfortunately, I don't think it's right, because then surely posts like #2179 should have passed rule 2? I have another idea, which, if I'm right about all the rules are additive, means that #2199 might be okay? Owl be amazed if that's the case, but you never know.
RE: Post making contest
(05-06-2016, 12:56 PM)g0m Wrote: »I don't know what any of these dang rules are!

Hopefully someone else does.

This post breaks all of the rules!

OTTO Wrote:
(05-06-2016, 10:35 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »guys i have a new policy on the pronunciation of a certain word used to describe animated images.

keep the hard g but start spelling it jif instead. the worst of both worlds.
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This post breaks all of the rules!

(05-06-2016, 01:36 PM)Wheat Wrote: »It occurred to me to look at many weird bugs. It took all night and boy am I beetle.

This post breaks rules 1, 4, and 5!

(05-06-2016, 01:37 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Plaid, is still good!

This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, and 4!

(05-06-2016, 01:38 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Crocheting is a wonderful way to pass the time... or sew it seams!

This post breaks all of the rules!

(05-06-2016, 01:52 PM)Akumu Wrote: »I want to know what rules are.

I want you to show me.

This post breaks all of the rules!

(05-06-2016, 01:58 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »Wheat, you're absolutely fantastic. Eidermagine this is disagrebeable, but I'm gonna finch your words to try and take the cheep way out? Because I think that, if I were to do something like this, then it might just possibly go down well?

(05-06-2016, 09:19 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Fogel crochets a grand battle character out of a weird bug, but was it fly? Yes! It was dragonfly. Thank you for making it, Fogel! It terned out very well

Also, plaid is good

(05-06-2016, 09:22 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Word sword swords.
Green Day lyrics.

peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | Woke up in the noon smelling doom and death
Feeling homesick no matter where I is | Gonna beg steal and borrow 'til we live like kings

So, willet work? Or is this an aukward misstep?

This post breaks rule 2!

(05-06-2016, 02:03 PM)Wheat Wrote: »
(05-06-2016, 01:58 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »

Your effort is always admirable (even if it seems this time like you are robin me)!!! i think you are still "laying an egg" on rule 2, since I believe that rule two has to be meta/discussing the nature of the rules themselves.
This post breaks rule 2!
RE: Post making contest
(05-06-2016, 02:07 PM)Wheat Wrote: »
(05-06-2016, 01:52 PM)Akumu Wrote: »I want to know what rules are.

I want you to show me.

You've always got a sunny disposition ak, so i'll share what i've got. My guesses for what the rules are:

1: birdpun
5: compliment
3: currently testing for either plaidness, crochetability, or bug pun
2: I think talking about the rules themselves

4: haven't looked at it

This post breaks rules 1, 2, 3, and 4!

(05-06-2016, 02:09 PM)Sruixan Wrote: »That's an interesting hypothesis you have there, Wheat! Unfortunately, I don't think it's right, because then surely posts like #2179 should have passed rule 2? I have another idea, which, if I'm right about all the rules are additive, means that #2199 might be okay? Owl be amazed if that's the case, but you never know.

This post breaks rules 2, 3, 4, and 5!

(05-06-2016, 02:18 PM)Wheat Wrote: »Maybe it must include positivity in the statement, too? this ruleset is possible to pass after all!!

A bird that's all the buzz at the bird bug bar: the Bee-eater. Or bee-r for short.

You're really good at puzzles, sruixan! Plaid is good at arting, and also green day is good at music.

Uuuuuuugh I'm saying this one breaks Rule 3 and passes the rest, though I think you already know what Rule 3 is.

Bugger it, this post passes all the rules, Wheat wins this round! Excellent work. Rules in a second.
RE: Post making contest
Maybe it must include positivity in the statement, too? this ruleset is possible to pass after all!!

A bird that's all the buzz at the bird bug bar: the Bee-eater. Or bee-r for short.

You're really good at puzzles, sruixan! Plaid is good at arting, and also green day is good at music.

RE: Post making contest
1. Posts must crake at least one bird-related pun.
2. Acrostic - The first letter of each new line must spell out a single word. Contractions/acronyms don't count; Wheat's post spelled out MAY.
3. Reject any posts that do not injsect bug-based wordplay.
4. To snap up the prize, you must squeak some onomatopoeia into your post.
5. You must say something nice about a fellow forumite. I'm truly heartened to have friends, who, of all my shitty rules, figured this one out quickest. You guys are the best Minion
RE: Post making contest
I gotta say, of all the reactions I've had so far to the revelation of a ruleset, "you mean I needed to make more puns?!" has to be the best.
RE: Post making contest
My original draft of Rule 3 had "skeleton or bug puns, but not both, and puns about puns+wordplay were an automatic fail".
RE: Post making contest
a good set of rules
RE: Post making contest
(05-05-2016, 04:47 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »
Buckle up mother fuckers
DuckreportDuckreport⚡lightning round⚡DrudgerepondDrudgerepond
Whoa emptyquote Raaaaage this post to

What if I were to say "Welcome to the Space Consortium"?

when you take out the emotes and symbols, the first letter of each line in this post spelt "blew"!
RE: Post making contest
Fact Seagull Keep on trucking
RE: Post making contest
(05-06-2016, 03:55 PM)Akumu Wrote: »Fact Seagull Keep on trucking

Why, wherefore, the seagull trucks?
RE: Post making contest
This is test #1.

End of message.
RE: Post making contest
Keep on trucking
RE: Post making contest
RE: Post making contest
I like interpreting that post as somebody saying the alphabet once, and then saying it again LIKE THEY MEAN IT.
RE: Post making contest
OTTO Wrote:
(05-06-2016, 10:35 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »guys i have a new policy on the pronunciation of a certain word used to describe animated images.

keep the hard g but start spelling it jif instead. the worst of both worlds.
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i meant just as far away from the inventor's wishes as possible while still recognizably being the same word
RE: Post making contest
Beep bees beople
RE: Post making contest
hiii sruixan sorry for being mean to you
RE: Post making contest
Creep crepe crake creek