Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [The End!]

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Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [The End!]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]

i shall put 100 points onto ROller coaster tycoon
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
106 on Hearts of Iron III
14 on Snakebird
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
Actually I'll shift my Hearts of Iron points onto Galak-Z instead
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
I'll... go all in on roller coaster tycoon.

It's time for some people to get on Mr. Bone's Wild Ride.

And never get off.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
Move 90 from Axiom Verge to Sinister Stories Bundle.

Let's get niche up in here.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
Hi guys, really sorry for the lack of update today. I found out a few hours ago that apparently I need to start moving a week earlier than I was originally supposed to, so I won't be able to announce results until tomorrow.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
Bidding Tally - Couple Hours to Go Edition

RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic Collection: 250 (Paranoia - 150, Crowstone - 100)
Ittle Dew: 230 (Robust Laser - 130, Akumu - 100)
Crypt of the Necrodancer: 200 (icanhasdonut - 100, Vancho1 - 100)
Escape Goat 2: 175 (Ixcaliber - 125, Demonsul - 50)
Orcs Must Die! 2 (Complete): 150 (Supernerd - 150)
Galak-Z: 136 (qwerx3 - 106, Not The Author – 30)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter: 125 (Vancho1 - 75, Kadis - 50)
Axiom Verge: 125 (Ixcaliber - 125)

Castle Crashers: 110 (speedchuck - 100, Druplesnubb - 10)
Skulls of the Shogun: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 100)
Valdis Story: Abyssal City: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 100)
Reus: 96 (Schazer - 96)
Homeworld Remastered Collection: 95 (Bramzter – 90, Whimbrel - 5)
Sinister Stories Bundle: 90 (Gatr - 90)
X-COM UFO Defence: 90 (Bramzter - 90)
Dishonored: 75 (seedy - 75)
Momodora 3: 75 (seedy - 75)
Hyperrogue: 50 (Robust Laser - 40, Whimbrel - 10)
Hearts of Iron III: 50 (Kadis - 50)
Long Live the Queen: 50 (seedy - 50)
Stronghold Crusader HD: 50 (Kadis - 50)
Snakebird: 49 (Druplesnubb - 30, qwerx3 - 14, Whimbrel - 5)
Ys Origin: 15 (Kaynato - 15)
Cave Story+: 10 (Druplesnubb - 10)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch: 10 (seedy - 10)
The Beginner's Guide: 10 (Whimbrel – 10)

Other Games
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Six- Geese a Laying]
50 more on Skulls of the Shogun
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
And here we are! Round six draws to a close, and the halfway point has been passed. Let's look at our top eight:

RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic Collection: 250 (Paranoia - 150, Crowstone - 100)
Ittle Dew: 230 (Robust Laser - 130, Akumu - 100)
Crypt of the Necrodancer: 200 (icanhasdonut - 100, Vancho1 - 100)
Escape Goat 2: 175 (Ixcaliber - 125, Demonsul - 50)
Castle Crashers: 160 (speedchuck - 100, Kadis - 50, Druplesnubb - 10)
Octodad: Dadliest Catch: 155 (Coldblooded - 145, seedy - 10)
Orcs Must Die! 2 (Complete): 150 (Supernerd - 150)
+ Skulls of the Shogun: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 150)
Sinister Stories Bundle: 140 (Gatr - 90, Kadis - 50)

Very few uncontested games this round, should prove to be exciting!

First and foremost comes Roller Coaster Tycoon. One of our two bidders here will win, and the other will have the distinct honour of not having to worry about the Wild Ride any longer.

We move onto our second title, Ittle Dew. It's another fairly close battle between two bidders, although unlike our first title Mr. Bone won't be a concern either way.

Third comes our second Necrodancer title! The two losers from before have thrown much more weight behind winning this time, but as always only one of them will walk away with their prize.

Escape Goat 2 is the halfway point of this halfway round, and is our first clear lopsided battle this round. This has been the giveaway of upsets though, so maybe the underdog will pull ahead?

Castle Crashers rides into the fifth slot of the round, and is our first game in it with three bidders - though one does retain a significant disadvantage.

The sixth slot of the sixth round is Octodad, Deadliest Catch. Thankfully there's not a third six here or the winner would be cursed.

Seventh comes Orcs Must Die! 2, our only game of the round to only have a single bidder, I wonder who will win? Also there's Skulls of the Shogun because its bid got just before I went to post this and it's my bad for not drawing a too late line.

The Sinister Stories Bundle pulls up the rear, but one of them is going to have to deal with the sinister fact that only one of them will win it.

With that, we welcome in the seventh round. Two more contestants have walked away with their requisite third game, who will be next?

Remaining Games:

Point Totals:
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
110 on Hyperrogue (+100)
60 on Beginner's Guide (+50)
~◕ w◕~
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
100 on Galak-Z (+70)
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
50 points on View Spoiler Melonspa
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
150 on Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
Move my 106 points to Hearts of Iron. Add 50 points to Snakebird.
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
50 on Hearts of Iron, 150 on Hyperrogue, 50 on Reus
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
well, okay. sidle that 95 right back on Axiom Verge.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
put it all on axiom verge
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
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RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
175 points on LONG LIVE THE QUEEN
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
All my points on Ittle Dew 2
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
Bidding Tally : Happens Every Giveaway Edition

I'm going to be working tonight, but Kiven will handle the update if he can or I'll get to it (hopefully) tomorrow.

Axiom Verge: 320 (Ixcaliber - 225, Gatr - 95)
Hearts of Iron III: 306 (qwerx3 - 106, icanhasdonut - 100, Kadis - 50, Schazer - 50)
Hyperrogue: 300 (Schazer - 150, Whimbrel - 110, Robust Laser - 40)
Long Live the Queen: 225 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 175, seedy - 50)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter: 175 (Vancho1 - 125, Kadis - 50)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition: 150 (Gimeurcookie - 150)
Galak-Z: 100 (Not The Author – 100)
Ittle Dew 2: 100 (Akumu - 100)
Valdis Story: Abyssal City: 100 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 100)

Homeworld Remastered Collection: 95 (Bramzter – 90, Whimbrel - 5)
X-COM UFO Defence: 90 (Bramzter - 90)
Dishonored: 75 (seedy - 75)
Escape Goat: 75 (Demonsul)
Momodora 3: 75 (seedy - 75)
Snakebird: 69 (Druplesnubb - 50, qwerx3 - 14, Whimbrel - 5)
Cook, Serve, Delicious: 50 (Kadis - 50)
Reus: 50 (Schazer - 50)
Stronghold Crusader HD: 50 (Kadis - 50)
View Spoiler: 50 (TangledAlmond - 50)
Ys Origin: 15 (Kaynato - 15)
Cave Story+: 10 (Druplesnubb - 10)
The Beginner's Guide: 10 (Whimbrel – 10)
Reigns: 5 (Druplesnubb - 5)

Other Games:
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
I think it's reasonable to assume Shredded intended on Cave Story+

Also I have 64 points on Snakebird
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
Hey everybody, thanks for being patient with me! Let's get the game train a'rollin', shall we? Here's our top 8 for today:

Axiom Verge: 320 (Ixcaliber - 225, Gatr - 95)
Hearts of Iron III: 306 (qwerx3 - 106, icanhasdonut - 100, Kadis - 50, Schazer - 50)
Hyperrogue: 300 (Schazer - 150, Whimbrel - 110, Robust Laser - 40)
Long Live the Queen: 225 (ICan'tGiveCredit - 175, seedy - 50)
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter: 175 (Vancho1 - 125, Kadis - 50)
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition: 150 (Gimeurcookie - 150)
Galak-Z: 100 (Not The Author – 100)
Ittle Dew 2: 100 (Akumu - 100)

Starting off strong, who will be the winner of Axiom Verge, the game with the most points of the round?

Second is our most contested game, a four way struggle for the coveted Hearts of Iron III! And the lucky winner is...

Third up, HyperRogue has certainly given three people a run for their money! But only one person's going to win this one, and that person is...

Our next game on the list is Long Live the Queen! We have two bidders, but only one is in line for the throne!

The fifth game on the list is The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, but the result of this one is no mystery.

Our final three games, Guacamelee, Galak-Z, and Ittle Dew 2, while perhaps not as hard fought, are nonetheless hard won by:

Quite a few contestants walked away with their third games, but that just leaves more for the rest of us, right? Let's check out what's left.

Remaining Games:

Point Totals:

As always, please let me know if I messed something up, and I hope you guys enjoy your games!

Round ends in two days, so get to it!
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
Cripes them odds.

150 on Euro Truck Simulator 2
RE: Steam Winter Giveaway 2017 [Round Seven - Swans a Swimming]
(01-28-2017, 08:01 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »View Spoiler: 50 (TangledAlmond - 50)
