Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Killer Unmasked]

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Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Killer Unmasked]
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
Hurf durf sorry for delays I sent this off now.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
MalkyTop rolls a 3.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
Three steps towards the library.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
[Image: ibpVAB2rc0sXLN.png]

Woffles rolls a 4.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
Mrs black, with the revolver, in the lounge
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
[Image: iJvpgQ76GYe9G.png]

Gnauga and PYP cannot disprove this suggestion, but Schazer is able to.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
Then I am going to ACCUSE

if my logic has been correct then this should be 100% right. If not, then, well, whoops! Serves me right for being cocky.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Started]
Woffle's accusation is correct, and as such she is the winner!

I'm going to try and write up some flavour to conclude on, but apart from that the game is over. Thanks for playing!
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Killer Unmasked]
RE: Clue: Murder At Tudor Mansion [Killer Unmasked]
Well now that I have my spreadsheet in front of me I can say I had all but five of the cards nailed down, not counting the two final ones I had (Mrs. Black and the Knife, which I'm pretty sure everyone had figured out).

And to answer your question in IRC, woff, looks like I don't have all three of your cards pinned down, but I know you had Colonel Mustard and the Kitchen for sure, with the last one being either the Ballroom, the Billiards Room, the Spanner, or the Lead Pipe.

Using the endgame data I'm only able to reduce it to either the Ballroom or the Spanner. Whichever one you've got, Malky's got the other. I hate splits like that. Other than that I've got everyone's cards figured out now.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]