Game of the dead

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Game of the dead
RE: Game of the dead
The first round of Games will begin after some preparation.

To participate in one of the Games, please send me a roster of up to four roles which are used in mafia games. Each role must be unique from your others in terms of abilities, unless they are vanillas.

If the role in its entirety cannot be described in five words or less, it is not an eligible role to use in the Game.

Your roster will be combined with others to create a playerlist for a game (as delineated from a Game) of mafia.

The winner of each Game - and thus, the one who will be resurrection in Murderfia - is the one who achieves the greatest variety of win conditions amongst their roles in the game. Audacity and risk/reward will be the basis for which the Resurrected's potential abilities in Murderfia will be restricted - victory with a four-man scum team may grant only a simple role for the Resurrected; a Survivor+Bodystacker+Fool victory would allow the Resurrected most any abilities they desired.

You may not communicate with other Dead, Restless dead, or living players as to what your roster will be. The only exception is if you choose to form a Partnership between two players - the Partnership's roster will be restricted to seven roles. If the Partnership wins the Game, both members of the Partnership will be resurrected.

Specifics as to how the games will be run will be elaborated upon when the livelists for these games have been filled. In essence, however, the combined rosters will be playing a standard game of closed-setup mafia - lynches by day, nightactions and mafia kills by night (where applicable), and role reveals on death.

Further questions may be posited here. At present, participation in the games are the only method to win the Game of the Dead and achieve resurrection.
RE: Game of the dead
So... the four roles I suggest... Are they all going to be my roles or other people's roles? If they are randomized, is there a chance of getting my own roles or are they guaranteed not to go to me?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Game of the dead
I am a complete mafia noob and don't really understand roles beyond "killer" "doctor" "tracker" and "town"

~◕ w◕~
RE: Game of the dead
The four roles will be your own to direct and control in the game.
RE: Game of the dead
So, if we're looking to form a partnership, do we just ask in here?
RE: Game of the dead
Players in each game will be told how many players there are, but will not be told which roles in the game belong to who, nor will they be told if any partnerships exist.
RE: Game of the dead
To clarify my previous question: what's the process for forming a partnership? Do I PM a prospective partner and inform you if they agree, or is it something else? Right now, I just see a note that you can form a partnership but no instructions on how to do it.

Not that I've decided to form one, I'm still making up my mind on that.
RE: Game of the dead
Partnerships are formed privately. I will receive roles and expect clarification from all members of the partnership that they have agreed to the partnership and its roster.
RE: Game of the dead
question: are you really running several nested mafia games at the same time, are you alright
RE: Game of the dead
For clarification: I will require each role's alignment as well when you submit your roster.
RE: Game of the dead
Am I allowed to play or not because I was the un-runner up.
RE: Game of the dead
Do we send the roles we want to schazer and wheat or just schazer?
~◕ w◕~
RE: Game of the dead
it just sounded, to me, like this thing with all the roles would be the foundation for all future games, is all
RE: Game of the dead
Hey what's going on with this?
Scum games: 1-0
Town games: 0-0
RE: Game of the dead
From what I understand, nothing yet. The roles and whatnot are probably still being worked out and whatnot.
RE: Game of the dead
Oh, ok. And as for day in Murderfia...will it start until this is over?
Scum games: 1-0
Town games: 0-0