RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]

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RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
I'll do some classic vanilla defending, please!
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
[Image: MHa1Ugq.png]

Cil manages to peel himself away from Buffrobo, preparing himself for any more hits. His DEF raises by 2.

It's The Mothmatician's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
Cil [16 +8] (24)

The Mothmatician [7 +20 -8] (19)
Dr Ted [10 +8] (18)
A Turtle [16 +0] (16)
CA55-ED [8 +4] (12)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
THE BUFFROBO [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
Kafkan Displacement on Santar Clog and my handful of candy.
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
[Image: XZHfU32.png]

Mothmatician reaches out, and swaps his targets - dealing the maximum of 4 damage to each. Santar Clog takes 3 (4 -1), while the candy simply crumbles into wrapper confetti and sugary dust. Santar Clog's pipes screech just a little more annoyingly than they were before.

It's Dr Ted's Turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
Cil [16 +8] (24)
The Mothmatician [7 +20 -8] (19)

Dr Ted [10 +8] (18)
A Turtle [16 +0] (16)
CA55-ED [8 +4] (12)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
THE BUFFROBO [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
Seems like Santar Clog needs a mending hug.
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
[Image: gAPnMCb.png]

Ted rushes in to Santar Clog's aid, healing him for 3 HP.... but rushing by the fire singes the threads on his own hide for 1 damage. Mothmatician is not pleased with what he sees.

It's The Turtle's Turn, and then it's CA55-ED's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
Cil [16 +8] (24)
The Mothmatician [7 +20 -8] (19)
Dr Ted [10 +8] (18)

A Turtle [16 +0] (16)
CA55-ED [8 +4] (12)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
THE BUFFROBO [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
Just here to state again, since I'll be out for a few days again and I think some people missed it: You can submit your action if you're up next, provided any of the queued actions don't concern you! That way, we're not all waiting for me to draw, say, a certain reptile taking a few steps for things to move along.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
I distinctly remember typing in an action, but I suppose I apparently never hit submit.

RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
It's time to make a move.

RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
i'll just wait for any muscle checks. those are important.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
[Image: FPL2joi.png]

The turtle waddles up to Ted, to say hello in turtle-speak.

[Image: jIZKEH7.png]

Then a bolt from CA55-ED comes by to make greetings as well. Hello, Ted! You take 2 (3 -1) damage.

[Image: V6AaDr2.png]

Santar Clog thinks he should return the favor, sprinting over to CA55-ED to give her many, many claw-like handwaves for 6 damage. CA55-ED has 2 HP left. Her DEF is so low, that she ends up tumbling over the edge of the stage where she stands. CA55-ED and Santar Clog are a little out of range for some other combatants now, laying behind the ledge of the stage.

As such, CASS-ED cannot be targeted by Dr Ted, The Buffrobo, The Mothmatician, or Cil.
Similarly, Santar Clog cannot target or be targeted by Dr. Ted or The Mothmatician.

Santar Clog also leaves a fire next to Ted, again.

It's THE BUFFROBO's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
Cil [16 +8] (24)
The Mothmatician [7 +20 -8] (19)
Dr Ted [10 +8] (18)
A Turtle [16 +0] (16)
CA55-ED [8 +4] (12)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)

THE BUFFROBO [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 7: Celtic Cacophony]
the buffrobo introduces his fist to mothmatician's face. hello there, have we met before? hope you dont think too badly of my intrusion.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
[Image: LZcP8pI.png]

Buffrobo wants to say hello too! But something... goes wrong.

[Image: srRgVRj.png]

...The next thing he knows, he's on the ground, where he was moments before. The Mothmatician himself again feels the stinging effects of Cameron's flash.

[Image: IDaU1K0.png]

In the midst of her struggle, CA55-ED launches an attack at the nearest target, and Santar Clog takes 2 (3 -1) damage. He doesn't seem to mind, however; it seems he'll be comin' to town soon enough.


[Image: JiHBO2p.png]

A stagehand has, again, dropped something from the catwalk, but this time it's the confetti that was supposed to be used for the declaration of the winners. Whoops.

All attacks have an additional 15% chance to miss this round.

[Image: wDtEh0o.png]

Cameron hops off the couch with a handful of jacks, slinging them at Buffrobo's back for 1 (4 -1 -2) damage. They scatter the ground around him.

It's The Mothmatician's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
The Mothmatician [18 +20 -8] (30)
Cil [14 +8] (22)
CA55-ED [14 +4] (18)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
Dr Ted [6 +8] (14)
THE BUFFROBO [4 +0] (4)
A Turtle [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
Abstractum Arachnum on Buffrobo, shifting their stats into INIT.
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
[Image: iTzuY8e.png]

Buffrobo feels a familiar numbness in his muscles as he stands up once more - where there was once thick carbon fiber, there is now vines and wood. And his chest feels dry and hollow...

...But he also feels like he'll be moving sooner than usual.

It's Cil's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
The Mothmatician [18 +20 -8] (30)

Cil [14 +8] (22)
THE BUFFROBO [4 +16] (20)
CA55-ED [14 +4] (18)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
Dr Ted [6 +8] (14)
A Turtle [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
[Image: F2jUH4d.png]

Cil stands ready to protect one of his allies!

It's THE BUFFROBO's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
The Mothmatician [18 +20 -8] (30)
Cil [14 +8] (22)

THE BUFFROBO [4 +16] (20)
CA55-ED [14 +4] (18)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
Dr Ted [6 +8] (14)
A Turtle [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
With BUFFROBO's newfound lack of weight, he pitter-patters about, running on the walls while FLEXing. My goodness, a dynamic flex! We haven't seen one of those since 1994! Anyways he tries to end up near the Mothmatician.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
Ca55 takes cover behind the bar on the right, somewhat close to Cil.

Attacking Santar Clog along the way by using him as a springboard.
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
[Image: 6Ld15s3.png]

Buffrobo struts his stuff, and re-flexes. He's awfully nimble, but Mothmatician's hex only makes him nimbly-er. He loses 1 HP.

[Image: TBVcOrt.png]

CA55 is nimble, too; she manages to vault over Santar Clog for 2 (3 -1) damage, and scramble over next to Cil.

It's SANTAR CLOG's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
The Mothmatician [18 +20 -8] (30)
THE BUFFROBO [4 +24] (28)
Cil [14 +8] (22)
CA55-ED [14 +4] (18)

SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)
Dr Ted [6 +8] (14)
A Turtle [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
Ah ah ah!! The XMUX spirit is not so easily escaped.

Santar Clog scurries up, following CA55, and takes a vicious swipe.
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
[Image: hzNj6Mk.png]

Santar Clog scurries up behind his target, and gives her a sucker punch to the back, dealing 5 damage, and CA55-ED's HP drops below zero! With a few sparks and half a Windows startup sound, she falls to the ground, unable to take any more punishment.

CA55-ED is down for the count!

A janitor comes in and swiftly sweeps the body away with a push broom.

[Image: zKqDOg7.png]

After the impact, her wand flies toward her nearest teammate, Cil - He's not sure how it works, but just holding it makes him feel more... powerful. Holding this remnant of his fallen comrade gives him ranged attacks, and +1 ATK!

The horrifying echoes of Santar Clog's pipes fade away.

It's Dr Ted's turn!

Cameron [19 +12] (31)
The Mothmatician [18 +20 -8] (30)
THE BUFFROBO [4 +24] (28)
Cil [14 +8] (22)
SANTAR CLOG [6 +4] (10)

Dr Ted [6 +8] (14)
A Turtle [3 +0] (3)

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: RE: Fyte Placan Season Five [Round 8: Can we get someone else up there?]
Dr.Ted grabs the turtle and throws it at Mothmatician, but not before a good luck kiss on its shell.