Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances

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Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances

Look at the first preview video
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
((But how did you take such a good picture while high? I always imagined that you would be unfocused or something...))
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
Well, motor skills are usually manageable, and you forget a lot of short term things, like what you're trying to do.

You could take an AMAZING photo while high, it'd just take a long time because there are a lot of distractions (funny distractions!!)

By the way, its been 17 hours since i took those capsules and im still a little high, oh no, i have class in an hour

Actually, i should be fine. Duckreport
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
Alright it's almost time for class and i would consider myself sober. Good experiment, good job team. Never doing that again.
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
(01-17-2017, 12:08 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »((But how did you take such a good picture while high? I always imagined that you would be unfocused or something...))

in + to what exe said, cameras have auto focus. as long as you know how to do a skill already, your muscle memory of the skill can take you through it. you wouldn't want to try to concentrate on learning a new skill/instrument/tool/whatever while high bcuz you probably wouldm
t get ne where

"taking a shopping trip through the emerald aisle" is different from being drunk, things aren't really "blurry"

like mentioned, you get distracted a lot but that is because you start noting different things that you might normally not while sober. as a result you could end up doing a lot of experimental art things, recording objects or ideas that might not usually get jotted down. a lot of it isn't really usable and youd it throw out when you come to your normal senses again, but you might come across a gem or spark of inspiration you wouldn't have noticed otherwise that you can refine later

your brain also craves strong sensory inputs to notice, like colorful patterns or music. as a result you might go out and try to take lots and lots of photos.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
if you ever try edibles, stick to a single ed. remember they take a few hours to set in because they're processed by your body differently. it latches onto fat in your digestion in order to become soluble by your liver or something. i mean thc attaching to fat anyway is why people get the munchies but instead of being lungs-air-brain direct high, it takes longer but also lasts longer because it's digested, and thus takes as long to set in as any other oral medication.

lots of people trying edilbes of the first time will be like "ah i'm not feeling anything, i must not have taken enough" and then they take more and end up getting too high

luckily you can't overdose from tweed (i'm leaving this typo in here)

all that happens when you take too much is (level 1 of too high): you get "couchedlocked" which means you don't really want do anything, (level 2 of too high): you can have a harsh and unpleasant experience (level 3 of too high) you pass out. someone who is clever called it greening out, compared to blacking out.

then you wake up still high because your liver can only process so much at a time, like with any other substance. differing from drinkiness, i find that next day effects are actually bright and cheery instead of a hangover's "piss on everything".

taking too much is a waste and it's less fun, so be responsible. if you try for the first time, make sure you don't have anything important to do the next day, because even one may still leave you a bit sozzled the next day (like i still felt the effects of it like 36 hrs after.) you may also want to just sleep it off a bunch the next day.

lastly these posts are in no way peer pressure to try things everybody's got their own swing and you can go high or low no matter which way you row your boat.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
i'm not sure i should be taking advice from a lithuanian meth user, no matter how good the advice sounds.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
Well that pretty much explains my experience since yesterday. Fell asleep, woke up slightly sozzled.

Now I know not to do that any more!!
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
ahah waht
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
am i the cannabus, is it me? am i truly
the cannabus
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
(01-17-2017, 10:42 PM)a52 Wrote: »i'm not sure i should be taking advice from a lithuanian meth user, no matter how good the advice sounds.
sounds good, kid
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
(01-19-2017, 12:28 AM)lithuanian meth user Wrote: »
(01-17-2017, 10:42 PM)a52 Wrote: »i'm not sure i should be taking advice from a lithuanian meth user, no matter how good the advice sounds.
sounds good, kid

[Image: liF4CRv.jpg]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
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RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances this was in the sidebar
[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
It is that time of night,
when you sail on an airplane
low and slow
down into sozzletown
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
5mg THC in gummie format
current emotional feelings are wonderful, albeit aware of that this is a wonderful forced upon me from on high and I feel unable to control laughing at that bad bad pun

RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
hoha wow when I was using the post somehow it deleted the rest
enjoy a repost
5mg THC in gummie format
current emotional feelings are wonderful, albeit aware of that this is a wonderful forced upon me from on high and I feel unable to control laughing at that bad bad pun

RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
so turns out there are emoji issues emoiji intolerance
discord is intolerant of emoji rights

5mg THC in gummie format
current emotional feelings are wonderful, albeit aware of that this is a wonderful forced upon me from on high and I feel unable to control laughing at that bad bad pun

@ I took a gummi and am now feeling it in ittermitent slams like
me: *goes into another chat, notices the meme joaje posted is in spoilers
me: oh wow cookie added a spoilers section to eris chat
me: *is reading the meme, and notices that the video of the meme not only broke youtube analytics, but that there is also a :Kinkshaming:-able ad
me: *goes to eris chat to post the screenshot and :Kinkshaming:
me: *blinks, realizing he needs to go back to the channel, and looks for the spoilers chat
me: *has a sudden and painful realization that the last 5 minutes is not real, realizes he is high, notices the fact he had to switch chats but thought they were all one channel, and wow he is really fucking high suddenly and he realizes the last 10 minutes were the start, so now he has to tell someone about that, and then as he's typing it he goes vERY SUDDENLY HIGH, and then has to start typing about that in his typing about him typing about him typing in a recursive narrative structure about him typing him typing him typing him typing about how he's reacting to the thing and him realizing he hasn't even had some taffy, just an edible and some mac n cheese that's really good and what if it wasn't about the payoff of the joke but was about the mac we made along the way

the end result was friends linking me to this thread, but also when I asked if this was that type of post a friend went 0ω0

I lost focused and then headed back here wondering if I posted this or not. it was only about 20 or so minutes ago

oh ya and reading the rules I found it hilarious
but ya even while high I don't tend to really have typos? I maintain my 95+ typing accuracy and wpm speed despite being high. The typing speed remains the same, but that's not counting sentence formation time ig

SO maybe a 3 or a 4
I wanted indica cbd, not indica thc. that's just a comment about these gummies bc I thought the indica gummy would be the cbd gummy. I like the cbd taffy I have while I have not tried yet, but CBD never gives me the motion sickness or nausea that I get from these thc doses. I ate way too much taffy last week and it caused me to puke. it was a good cleansing puke, like I felt that in an ominous way I shall not puke for another year bc I already had my "Ian got sick" puke
also DO NOT ILLEGAL and DO NUT HURT YOUR BODY (ya y our first typo) is has this sick euro beat vibe
I cackled loudly at "oh no" because I am skimming, but how I cackled? "I just explained the sozzletown dynamics and I am at penthouse

oh no" and I thought it was familiar but I hadn't read that rule and "oh no" made me die
also I made a "we die tonight with honor" joke about how good my multi-cheese man n cheese is
because of the eclectic mixes of normal and weird germanic cheese it has a sensation going down like eating a mouthful of spray cheese or like just gulping down a large enough amount of velveeta package losquid cheese

but ya I haven't made mistakes mistakes like it reads like "I kil MAMA OOO A OOO you know that queen song about killing a man" or like drunk texting a n ex you had a toxic ending with
so it's not that bad as I am in a good place to use and attempt usage of substances and damnit I still want more food I want to CONSUME the means of production vote lemongrab 12k1k20

oh y a about the forcee d emototional states a(you are welcome for no o correctrion of typos I am forcing this) too) that I am constantly in a smiling status, nearly painfully smiling, that is I how I react to THC mostly is a mix of early on instense smiling and gushy tipsy lovey dovey vibeass aand frankly I love being a lightassweirght

I'm excited for the OH NO
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
so there was also a post about play by post forum rp and it related to this theory of earth.exe and insultron dating and then a conpsiracy theory
anyhow it led to based on the time posting between posts and I used to play by post prrg on a n egg hatcihing rolkeplay forum and it took like two years to get anyway
whanyhwyanywhere with the story sort of
one of the other users on this site ais a person from that roleplay and it's less took forever and more it wasa a 2-4 year or like 6 year part of my fucking life my dudes
so here is an example of play by post forum rp that looks like an anime or som fanime? I was not involved in this but I was on tvtropes last week and found it
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
it failed
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
Hey so gu3ss what

I am high enough to attempt thr hare hare yukai i thought to myself
Btw imagine id thif if statue typo was actuallym "'my elf'
Anyjow i thought this and realized it is a 10 bc I was singing the theme of that anime nearly evrry person in my age group had seen
And the dance we all basically onew
From the anime ending theme
And I realize now i was singing luckystar but thinking of lemancholy suzumiya ending theme dance
Anyhow saying that to myself realized this is a [10]

We went from 0 to [10] quick loghtke a bullet train
Intense acceleration to 10sville
So ya [10] os is ehat i welcome and 3njoy, in10s things, ai like this acceleration within an hour, but also eo not, but it is still enjoyed rather than dismayed
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
"if you ever try edibles, stick to a single ed. remember they take a few hours to set in because they're processed by your body differently. it latches onto fat in your digestion in order to become soluble by your liver or something. i mean thc attaching to fat anyway is why people get the munchies but instead of being lungs-air-brain direct high, it takes longer but also lasts longer because it's digested, and thus takes as long to set in as any other oral medication."
reminds me very much from somehwere I read before
but when you say fat attaching
*looks at my body

I love the release of the extended release part in me
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
I just bought way too much food to CONSUME
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
I had an idea for a stoned shit post that is:
_suggestion: please get rid of the larry emote. It's not good, nobody likes Larry. He is a threat to all life and he is here, in my house. I am hiding from Larry, he is here save me before he kills us all delete him, will we be the killer or the killed_