Of Ash and Dark Places...

Of Ash and Dark Places...
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
fill your suit pockets with the ashes for closer inspection later. also taste them
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You forgot to put suit on earlier you you quickly put on the least crumpled one of the lot and shovel a fist full of dust into your suit's pocket. upon grabbing the dust you note is softness, it was like groping a clouds. You lick your dust covered fingers, and grimace from the disgusting metallic flavor. You feel like you just munched on pennies.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Fill your pockets with this dust. All of it. It's gotta be valuable to somebody, right?
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You cram dust in every crevice you can. your suit, now covered in dust, is like a sandbag. You also fill the remainder of your suit case with dust. The hallway is now kinda clean and while digging dust you find a chipped gold tooth. looks like someone did NOT have a good time here.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
hey, you're missing a tooth! must be yours. cram it in your empty tooth slot
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Gold is valuable. Put the tooth with the dust.
>Alright, you're ready for anything now.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You not quite sure you are missing a tooth so you check... Sorry no dice your smile's still full no open tooth slots. You cram the tooth in your dust ladened suitcase which is now full.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Onward to adventure. Whatever this place is, it will soon all belong to you.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You crack you knuckles and get to work, but uhh where to next? there is a door labeled 202, another labeled 204, your room was 203, a door labeled stairs, and one unmarked door.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Kick them all open, it doesn't matter if they're locked, the point is that you look cool doing it.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Check if they're locked or not before kicking 'em down.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
take the stairs down, if there's "exit" signs follow them. let's get out of this spooky joint, scoob
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
The door labeled 202 is open, 204 is locked, the Stairs are locked, and the unmarked door is open. The you walk over to the window to attempt to smash your way out. Unfortunately a large amount of dust is blocking it and by the way it looks this place might just be buried. So the window is a no-go you walk up to Door 204 and attempt to smash it in... a 7 is rolled. the door will not budge and you almost twist your ankle trying- sorry no luck here too.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You kick the door again however as evident by your last attempt that just ain't gonna happen, you throw in a polite "please open...Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top?" but the door rudely remains shut. you then recall you had picked up some keys earlier... but now they are in your suitcase and... that's rather full right now.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Use keys on everything
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You attempt to use your suitcase on the door... it fails spectacularly and all your "valuable dust" and other assorted item spill onto the floor. you pick your keys up and try them out on the door, the key labeled 204 unlocks the room.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Burst into the room and shout, "What's going on in here!?"
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You do that... but there is no one to respond. the room is just like the one you woke up it, except it has a working lamp. There is also some bones. That's cool, you guess.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Inspect bones.
>Wield the lamp! ... please be portable.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Combine the bones and the lamp, make a bone-lamp.
>That sure is a nice lamp made of bones you made... Wait a minute. Why are there bones here?
>... PANIC!
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You spend a half hour meticulously designing the ultimate bone-lamp, perfect for any evil lair, when you realize they are HUMAN BONES YOUR PLAYING WITH. You promptly flip the fuck out and reassess your situation. Clearly people have died here, maybe more than just this one set of bones. These bone are dusty and have taken a red hue, they are also extremely fragile and feel like they could break if you dropped them onto the carpet. You look at the lap to see if you could take it... nope no can do it's a table lamp. The room aside from bones and lamp looks ransacked.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Pour the dust out of your briefcase and fill it with bones. Waste not want not.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
assemble the bones into a skeleton friend
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You assemble the bones into a skeleton and store it into your suit case to... uh... bury them. yes. That,s the plan. Right?