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Touch the material that totally "did not" fall on the floor.
>break the rest of the orbs. you've already broken one of them.
Touch the material.

[Image: W7NzDt6.png]

You examine the liquid spilling out unto the floor more closely.


[Image: kgzla0m.png]

It's a fluid more viscous than water. The translucent liquid shimmers slightly and small crystal shards are scattered throughout it.

Break the rest of the orbs.

[Image: tV7UJRd.png]

You aren't even sure what their use is. You don't think it's a good idea to just carelessly destroy lab equipment.

Set that office chair right side up.

[Image: p0adjV5.png]

Finally. That has been bothering you since you entered this room.


[Image: 8K0Hvti.png]

You decide to check back in the Teleporter Room. The terminal here is still outputting lines of unreadable text.
[Image: et0zORA.png][Image: lSI9N43.png][Image: qutBi71.png][Image: d7w4o4h.png][Image: Kf12dbw.png]
> Stare at the terminal intently. Make it reveal its secrets.
> Read the piece of paper on the floor
>pick up that arm-looking thingie on the floor
>Contemplate the machinations of this teleporter. What kind is it? Is it the kind that sends you through a mini-wormhole or the kind that builds an exact duplicate of you out of copied electrons on the other end and vaporizes the original you down to the last atom?
Stare at the terminal intently. Make it reveal its secrets.

[Image: s0L94LT.png]

The monitor continues to print meaningless characters as the timer steadily ticks down. Now that you think about it, the only input on this terminal is the green power button beside it. You don't know what use it will even be when it's back online.

After an uneventful minute or so, you stop watching it.

Pick up that arm-looking thingie on the floor.

[Image: nFk4ZWO.png]

This is some kind of powerful magnet. The switch on its handle seems to turn it on. Looks like this could be used to grab things, or pry things open.


[Image: bIkiB95.png]

It could be useful, so you take the magnet tool with you.

Read the piece of paper on the floor.

[Image: peKDUDT.png]

It's a printout with directions for using the Requisition Station. It reads:
Ensure requisition pad is clear of objects before use.
Check that you have sufficient points on your Requisition Card before ordering.
Consult your facility's catalog to ensure you have the correct Object #.
Report any issues to your facility administrator."

It looks like there's writing on the back, too.


[Image: Ph6qSRY.png]

The reverse side has a handwritten list.

"Item ..# ..Cost
Battery*3 ..011 ..1
Wiring Tool ..573 ..1
Explsv. Charge*2 ..028 ..1
Destabalizer Wand ..559 ..1
Magnet Tool ..705 ..2
Plasma Cutter ..832 ..2
Osiris Suit ..257 ..3
Osiris Uniform ..255 ..2
Osiris Labcoat ..258 ..2"

It looks like a reference for items you can requisition. Some of these sound pretty useful. You don't have a Requisition Card, though.

You take the paper with you in case you need it later.

Contemplate the machinations of this teleporter.

[Image: jTiBtth.png]

Teleportation is a pretty niche technology, since its usability is limited to inorganic objects.
That said, it's not like it's very useful for robots either. Using it would be akin to being destroyed an rebuilt at your destination- your memory wouldn't make the trip.

Regardless, you can't see any controls or anything for this one. You aren't sure how anyone is meant to use it.
[Image: et0zORA.png][Image: lSI9N43.png][Image: qutBi71.png][Image: d7w4o4h.png][Image: Kf12dbw.png]
>Perhaps the teleporter is voice activated? Sternly speak a command at it, let the lesser machine know who's boss.

>Say, you don't need to worry about that magnet tool do you? It's just that, magnets can mess with the hardware of certain computers and robots.
> Use the magnet to pry open the door to security.
>what are those blue shards on the floor? look at 'em.
Sternly command the teleporter.

[Image: 7OzZO7R.png]

Curious to know if its voice operated, you command the teleporter to activate adamantly.
It seems to be unmoved.

Look at those shards on the floor.

[Image: 32UoCuf.png]

It used to be a data pad of some sort. You guess someone didn't want anyone looking at it.

Use the magnet to pry open the door to security.

[Image: U2CgpbV.png]

You stick the magnet to the security door and turn it on. This should grant you better purchase to try to force the door open.
You attempt to push on the handle.


[Image: vPSqTjM.png]

It works! It takes you a lot of effort, but the door reluctantly slides open. With a creak, the door gets stuck and you can push it no more.
There's just enough space for you to squeeze through.


[Image: sNpcjd4.png]

You enter the Security Room. Soft light radiates from the room's equipment. Among them you note what looks to be an emergency control panel.


[Image: Xc69S6u.png]

Your map updates appropriately.


[Image: oFHSUOa.png]

The door to the port looks unpowered. It says it leads to the Core.
[Image: et0zORA.png][Image: lSI9N43.png][Image: qutBi71.png][Image: d7w4o4h.png][Image: Kf12dbw.png]
>How much energy do you run on? Would you be able to power up the door by plugging into it?
>Examine this powered-down door for wires and plugs. Maybe the battery is upside down.
>Knock politely and see if anyone answers.
>pick up that screwdriver. it may come in handy if you need to fix a machine, or stab someone!
>check panel on the wall next to the table
Check out that hole in the floor that the wires are going into beside the door.

Also let's look at the Emergency Control Panel. Does it happen to have any controls on it?
Pick up that screwdriver.

[Image: v0q4M3o.png]

It's just a normal flathead screwdriver, but it might be handy. The piece of metal next to it looks like a cover panel off of something.


[Image: jMiTwkX.png]

Check the panel on the wall.

[Image: 1ELcER5.png]

It's some sort of protective field. Tantalizingly, a security pass of some sort is suspended in it. You try pressing the button on the panel to no avail.

Examine the door's wiring.

[Image: C3dJK4Q.png]

Someone must have removed all of the electric components providing power to the door. There's nothing in here!

It's like someone went around this station and made it as hard as possible to get anywhere.

Plug into the door to power it.

[Image: TW2sz4W.png]

You don't have any sort of electrical output function like that. Though now that you think about it, your energy has mysteriously not depleted at all while you've been awake. You can't really even discern where it's coming from...

Look at the Emergency Control Panel.

[Image: eEW4SaB.png]

Finally, something that actually works.

The display here seems to show the station's power distribution and the status of its communication systems.
Most of the station is running on low power. Also, it looks like emergency communications are still online.
The controls on the panel seem to consist of a few sliders under the power display, and a Distress Signal button.
[Image: et0zORA.png][Image: lSI9N43.png][Image: qutBi71.png][Image: d7w4o4h.png][Image: Kf12dbw.png]
>Keep pressing buttons until something happens.
>Ah-Ha! Emergency communications. Now you can finally broadcast songs.
>Do the rational thing and press the distress signal, but with style.
>make sure to grab that cover panel. as a wise man once said, "gotta catch 'em all!"
So can we turn off power to starboard and safely remove a door thingamajig? Maybe safely remove the keycard?
> do not press the distress button just yet, push one of the sliders up, see if you can turn the right red segment green.
Mess with the controls.

[Image: NI4OvR1.png]

You move the sliders around a bit to see if anything changes. You cant seem to get the power levels to go any lower than their initial state. After moving each slider up, sections of the map change color.
You hear the sounds of systems and electronics coming online, as power is restored to the area.


[Image: EU8EwME.png]


[Image: fti209j.png]

A moment later the lights flicker on. This place is looking better already.

Press the distress signal button.

[Image: rcJRedD.png]

The button lights up - it looks like it's working! You are able to sync your Comms to the signal, but you won't be able to contact anyone directly. You'll just have to hope someone notices the signal and issues a response to you.


[Image: A0UkEil.png]

While you're waiting, you decide to go check if anything has changed in the Research Room. Now that power has been restored, the monitors and the computer terminal have turned on automatically.


[Image: DiNaMyn.png]

The Dock B door is now powered as well.


[Image: X2vH68N.png]

Huh? You are alerted of an incoming message. Someone has already responded to the distress signal!

Open Comms.

[Image: uFh9sgu.png]

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] Greetings, this is the Sidereal Primacy Ship SO105, responding to an Emergency Distress Signal received from this vessel. Please connect me to the person who issued this signal.

[Image: dZ3qsY2.png] That was me.

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] ...Huh?


[Image: n1LbQKL.png]

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] ...An AMO?

[Image: dZ3qsY2.png] ....

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] And wow, what is with this model? Talk about a blank slate... It's like you wandered off a factory floor unfinished.

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] A-anyway. My name is Hathor. What are you called?

[Image: dZ3qsY2.png] I don't have a set designation.

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] Well that wont do... what is your primary function?

[Image: dZ3qsY2.png] Unknown.

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] ...How long have you been in operation?

[Image: dZ3qsY2.png] At least 10 minutes.

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] ....Wait, did you literally walk off of a factory floor unfinished??

[Image: dZ3qsY2.png] ....

[Image: lL8nOFi.png] Alright then, what's the emergency?
[Image: et0zORA.png][Image: lSI9N43.png][Image: qutBi71.png][Image: d7w4o4h.png][Image: Kf12dbw.png]
>Postulation: As all parts of the station are unable to be at full power at the same time, the stations generator is damaged.

>Postulation: All but one crewmember has signed out from the station. Combined with a note recommending staff evacuate the facility, it stands to reason that the crewmembers have either died or successfully evacuated.

>Conclusion: At this time, the nature of the emergency is uncertain. However, determining the status of the remaining onboard crewmember should lead to answers.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
> “There is no one in this ship. Also I totally didn't like. Break stuff the moment I went on.”

(06-12-2017, 07:10 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Postulation: As all parts of the station are unable to be at full power at the same time, the stations generator is damaged.

>Postulation: All but one crewmember has signed out from the station. Combined with a note recommending staff evacuate the facility, it stands to reason that the crewmembers have either died or successfully evacuated.

>Conclusion: At this time, the nature of the emergency is uncertain. However, determining the status of the remaining onboard crewmember should lead to answers.

Seconding this as well. :P
>Tell her everyone has vanished. It sounds just like a spooky campfire story. Maybe she thinks so too and might call you out on it.


>Wow, she answered quick. Almost too quick. Run suspicion.exe, she might be involved in some way.