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GIGASPARK - Printable Version

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GIGASPARK - Elita - 05-23-2017

[Image: LARaHw6.gif]

[Image: SqU7pvY.png]

[Image: zBfa12N.gif]

[Image: IDNWHAT.png]

Lost somewhere in a sea of stars, a life sparks into existence. It is called into being by a Rhapsody of Deep Space - one in which it does not yet know its role.

Part I.

[Image: NvxU35d.png]

You awaken to find yourself aboard an unfamiliar vessel. The room you are in is lit by dim auxiliary lighting, and - apart from the hum of the ship - it is silent.

Blinking machines and unusual devices sit around the room. You aren’t really sure what their purpose is. At either end of the room you see a closed door.

What will you do?

RE: GIGASPARK - Elita - 05-23-2017



[Image: wyIOn5H.png]

You look around for means to control this spacecraft. This large console features a keypad and a blinking light, but it doesn’t strike you as steering controls.

Examine doors.

[Image: D2XoUlx.png]

You examine the door on the left side of the room. A panel beside it displays a red light. Above this a sign reads “Navigation”.

You turn to face the door opposite this one.


[Image: RTuQF36.png]

The door to the right is labeled “Research” and stands next to a green panel. At its center is a button lit by blue light.


[Image: i5y7JKq.png]

As you are looking around, the control interface on your arm beeps. It appears to have just completed startup procedures.
It might be a good idea to get your bearings by checking your Map, or attempt to contact someone through your Comms system.

RE: GIGASPARK - BreadProduct - 05-23-2017

Oh pixels.

Turn around and marvel at SPACE through the port window.

RE: GIGASPARK - Schazer - 05-23-2017

Slam that blue-lit button

RE: GIGASPARK - The Walrus - 05-24-2017

>Check out the screen of that console between the window and that stasis-pod thing.

RE: GIGASPARK - Myeth - 05-24-2017

>Touch the pretty pink crystal, then try to eat it.

RE: GIGASPARK - typeandkey - 05-24-2017

>Instead of a distress signal, why not send out a looping, recorded broadcast of a handful of your favorite songs? I'm sure someone out there will appreciate it.

RE: GIGASPARK - Elita - 05-25-2017

Marvel at space through window.

[Image: yt3sa8n.png]

You gaze into the void absentmindedly, taking in the vastness of the space around you. You can't see anything of significance in your vicinity, though one of the stars seems brighter than the others. Maybe you are in a distant orbit around it?

Check out the screen of that console.

[Image: tQyEX0G.png]

The console itself seems to be wired into the pod beside it.

Whatever this monitors use is, it's currently displaying a stream of corrupted characters. It appears to be reeling from some sort of forced external command operation, and has been rendered unresponsive while it recovers.

Investigate pretty pink crystal

[Image: VjPhjvp.png]

You examine one of the glowing crystals sitting in this room. It lets of a slight glow, and seems to be fixed in its position. Some sort of lighting fixture, maybe?

It tastes kind of salty..

Slam the blue-lit button.

[Image: lgae1FM.png]

With a mechanical sound, the door obligingly opens as you press the button at its center. The Research Room is now opened.


[Image: FBzX996.png]

You take a look inside the next room. This looks like it was the vessel's research lab, but you get the feeling that it was cleared out not long ago.

Open Comms.

[Image: SirurL3.png]

You access your control interface and select the Comms button...

Broadcast your favorite songs instead of a distress signal.

[Image: hIO9fIf.png]

You would do that, if you had any musical preferences to speak of. Also, as it happens, if your Comms system wasn't completely unusable at this time.

It looks like there is no one on the ship to receive you. You may have to gain access to the ship's communications system to extend your range.

RE: GIGASPARK - wiltingMyosotis - 05-25-2017

Poke everything.

RE: GIGASPARK - Myeth - 05-25-2017

Fucking GAIN a music preference! Smash some shit together bANG bANG. Old school cool.

RE: GIGASPARK - The One Guy - 05-25-2017

> Check the map.

RE: GIGASPARK - typeandkey - 05-25-2017

>Since there is no one else here, that means the ship is technically yours. Lay claim to your prize!

RE: GIGASPARK - tronn - 05-26-2017

>see what they were researching the last

RE: GIGASPARK - CeruleanSky - 05-27-2017

>read the note on the desk

RE: GIGASPARK - Elita - 05-30-2017

See what they were researching last.

[Image: kuFD1kc.png]

You check the computer on the desk and the monitors on the wall for research data, but they appear to be unpowered. The only working device you can find is a holo tablet hanging on the wall.


[Image: tDWcjvi.png]

You pick up the tablet. It looks like a sign in sheet for active crew members. You're in luck! Someone is still on board.

Check the Map.

[Image: TbxNMwz.png]

You open up your maps menu and take a look.


[Image: Ct1tSyD.png]

It would appear that you are somewhere in the Candlelight Stellar Cluster, but you can't pinpoint what region. It's comforting to know you aren't adrift in uninhabited space at least.


[Image: VGXEcQE.png]

Apparently you aren't on a ship per se, but the Space Station Osiris. The only map data you have is of the rooms you've explored so far.

You'll probably need to find some way off the station, since you doubt you'll be able to just fly it somewhere else.

You take a moment to check the doors in this room.


[Image: B8VuOBy.png]

Facing what you have now determined to be Aft, you see a door labeled "Dock B".


[Image: poFKVNN.png]

The Port side door reads "Security". It seems stuck in a slightly opened position, but you can't seem to pry it open further with your hands or squeeze through the gap.


[Image: UiRQMLK.png]

Finally, you look at the door to the Fore that you came through. It looks like you came from the "Teleporter" room.

Read the note on the desk.

[Image: qWCS6ey.png]

"Attn. All Crew:
It seems the worst case has occurred. It's time to clear out. We've been discovered and it's only a matter of time until the dream is upon us. All there is for us to do now is leave our futures in the hands of the Hope we created here.
Our mission is officially canceled. As my last order, you are to board the last shuttle out and sever all contact with each other and with Osiris.
Captain Strolean"

This paper seems to be a copy of a handwritten note, probably distributed to the crew members. You don't really understand what happened here that made them need to drop everything and leave.

RE: GIGASPARK - Kíeros - 05-30-2017

> Any idea what is meant by the "dream"?

RE: GIGASPARK - CeruleanSky - 05-30-2017

>check out the frayed wire connected to the door to security

RE: GIGASPARK - typeandkey - 05-30-2017

>Scoff most vehemently, they were in a futuristic space ship and they were STILL using hand written notes?

RE: GIGASPARK - The One Guy - 05-31-2017

> You wouldn't by any chance be named N. Ebaronn, would you?

RE: GIGASPARK - Tuesbirdy - 05-31-2017

Fanart incomingShow

RE: GIGASPARK - Elita - 06-01-2017

Check out that frayed wire.

[Image: uAqszmp.png]

The wire connected to the Security Room door looks damaged, and sparks are emitting from the part where it enters the metal wall. You aren't eager to test your resistance to electric shock, so you aren't going to touch it with your hands. Maybe you could try finding something to insulate the wire, or sever the connection completely...

Any idea what is meant by the "dream"?

[Image: YasitgY.png]

You don't seem to have any information related to that topic, or Osiris for that matter.

You wouldn't happen to be N. Ebaronn, would you?

[Image: Yqpm4hp.png]

Well, you guess you could be, but it doesn't seem likely to you. You don't think you are a crew member on this space station.


RE: GIGASPARK - CeruleanSky - 06-01-2017

> take a look-see at those glass orbs by the wall

RE: GIGASPARK - typeandkey - 06-01-2017

>Haphazardly mess around with those crystal globe thingamajigs.

RE: GIGASPARK - Elita - 06-01-2017

Examine those glass orbs by the wall.

[Image: MVPvz7F.png]

These globes hold crystals suspended in some kind of liquid or gel. You guess this is some sort of experiment or intended as research materials.

The globes appear to be separate from the pedestals they sit on.

Haphazardly mess around with those crystal globe thingamajigs.

[Image: RtxkABF.png]

You most definitely will not do that.

RE: GIGASPARK - typeandkey - 06-02-2017

>Set that office chair right-side-up; we're civilized people, after all.