Adventures in Finnacing and Accounting (Now with Magic)

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Adventures in Finnacing and Accounting (Now with Magic)
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 01:57 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>oh jeez are we the villain now did we run out of heroes

[Image: a2ZuO9E.png]
I mean, no? Why would I be the villian? Its in my name! Hero Boy! Im not a villian!

Or am I?

Nah kidding I'm not.

RE: Adventure Hero
You're looking considerably better than you were several updates ago, just saiyan
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 02:14 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »You're looking considerably better than you were several updates ago, just saiyan

[Image: EHhnVaM.png]
Maybe it had something to do with me coming out of the ball? It was a pretty sloppy simul-


RE: Adventure Hero
Yes actually, blue font god person
Hero Boy it's nice to see you in full res
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 02:44 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »Yes actually, blue font god person
Hero Boy it's nice to see you in full res

Im not god!

[Image: 9NFe5L6.png]

I'm just dressed like one!

Oh no... its... MAN VILLIAN, LORD OF EVIL!
RE: Adventure Hero
Is this the part where you anime fight
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 03:12 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »Is this the part where you anime fight

[Image: 2fkv5Q2.png]
No! because hes going back in the ball!

[Image: 2VA5pX3.png]

>muffled screaming<

Will Hero Boy make it out alive? Find out torromow... When the next simulation/story resets!
RE: Adventure Hero
can I get popcorn
RE: Adventure Hero
Maybe if we scream more reality would bend to our will because it wants us to ahut the fuck up.
RE: Adventure Hero
[Image: pCfI4BW.png]
You are Hero Adventure, standing on the top of STONEDEATH MOUNT where you are with your best boy and best friend, Groggo Jams.

What do?
RE: Adventure Hero
Cradle your boy in your arms. Make sure he feels safe. You will protect him
RE: Adventure Hero
Ask Groggo to remind you of why you're here
carrots are good for your body
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 10:01 PM)Solekii Wrote: »Cradle your boy in your arms. Make sure he feels safe. You will protect him

[Image: RlmXm4j.png]
Groggo is safe...

What else do?
RE: Adventure Hero
go west to seek adventure you gotta find something to hero
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 10:31 PM)bo Wrote: »Ask Groggo to remind you of why you're here

[Image: lyyU5Qv.png]
You ask Groggo why you're here.
[Image: h4eqR3y.png] (click)

You head west for adventure...
[Image: dTm7LXM.png]

[Image: fo5dt7w.png]

What do?
RE: Adventure Hero
You have a child, plead with it to leave you alone
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 11:00 PM)Tuesday Wrote: »You have a child, plead with it to leave you alone

Do you think they call me adventure hero because i help old ladies across the street? This is an evil beas-



[Image: 6Mf9lGL.png]

[Image: RUzDn4l.png]
>The bog monster has cried itself to death!

What do?
RE: Adventure Hero
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 11:10 PM)a52 Wrote: »>Loot
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 11:10 PM)a52 Wrote: »>Eat a big helping of discount dans heaping hot spaghetti and pasta and also Loot.

[Image: 8Wkfcit.png]

Hero Boy doesn't have any of that good spaghetitt on him right now, so he just loots the bog beast instead...

X1000 Purp Ner's
X2500 Groggo Love Points
+15 sadness points

What do?
RE: Adventure Hero
>Flip a Purp Ner to decide whether to go north or west.
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 11:36 PM)Xindaris Wrote: »>Flip a Purp Ner to decide whether to go north or west.

[Image: AId6clg.png]
(-1 Purp Ner)

[Image: zzRpVBn.png]
The purp ner is now flipping infintely.


What do?
RE: Adventure Hero
maybe if you flip all the purp ner you can waste ram/crystal ball power/ blind the villain to shenanigans because purp ners everywhere
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Adventure Hero
(06-01-2017, 11:50 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »maybe if you flip all the purp ner you can waste ram/crystal ball power/ blind the villain to shenanigans because purp ners everywhere

[Image: Z7dKhKI.png]
(-2499 Purp Ner)

SYSTEM... OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Image: Q7yduDX.png]
...Sigh...I just want him to like m-
[Image: CieHxNU.png]
>Man Villians remote crystal ball signaller and trapper dents!

RE: Adventure Hero
[Image: dxOloR4.png]
Thats what you ge-.. Huh?
[Image: AD61Cbm.png]
Whats happening?
[Image: lq0imrt.png]
>fast clapping
