Tiny Chat People

Tiny Chat People
RE: Tiny Chat People
we should give fennel massive, inflatable anchor arms
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: Tiny Chat People
If you get three or four inflatable arms that's basically a hydra
RE: Tiny Chat People
Windy could have a buckler brace or small shield with holes in it, designed to catch+snag+break+disarm swords etc that get swung at em?

For a weapon (more for the purpose of showing strength rather than actually using it, something like a censer full of nice-smelling smoke on the end of a flail like a Morningstar?

Fennel's most synergistic weapon would be a battering ram imo. Armor that protects from cuts (e.g the kind you get diving through a window) at the cost of not dealing well with heavy hits. Alternatively, a cloak that looks like it's made of broken glass. Bad for stealth but flashy and impressive.

Tubes' weapon is a cat o nine tails, but with cubes on the business end. It's a blockchain
RE: Tiny Chat People
(02-02-2018, 08:33 AM)Jacquerel Wrote: »If you get three or four inflatable arms that's basically a hydra

Doc Oc' arm apparatus? Could be useful for grappling.
RE: Tiny Chat People
Hey, sorry to get everyone's hopes up, since I'm bumping this thread, but this is an important announcement.

Over the past few months, my interest in this adventure, and the setting of Morbit as a whole, suddenly dropped and I haven't been able to get it back. I can't really force myself to update this comic anymore... so I'm letting you all know it's officially dead now.

I'm glad you all kept up with it for so long, I had a good time running this comic... I think it ended up being the longest running adventure I've made so far. Now, I'm going to try to move on to making more works in my own setting (Paradise Tourism).

On one last note... here's some of the reference material I made for the other TCP teams that never got to show up. It's unfinished, so I listed TCPs that aren't shown in parentheses.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: Tiny Chat People
It was a great story! Though I never suggested anything I really enjoyed reading it. I'll definitely keep an eye out for any other works of yours. Good luck!
RE: Tiny Chat People
I'm amazed at how well you handled steering a story for which the surrounding thread conversation so often felt very tense to be honest, I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be responsible for that .p
Wax's team is also, a big power move.

This was very fun and I am also going to be looking forward to whatever your next thing is.
I'm also glad that our most important legacy lives on
[Image: 1f52a.png]
RE: Tiny Chat People
Thanks for the awesome read!