wisdom tweth remobkk threaarde
12-18-2017, 06:46 PM
k glt them remkmved rodag
first whn j was there i was realky scafed becaudi am scared to dewrhbof needles nd then tgye put me kn ogyen which onky mde me hyperventitkre so thyn piut me on lufhijg gs plus some other sruff which firsr maee me eizzy then made me disconnect i think the exact words i uswd were "i feel weird, it's like my head is floating" but my voice soundwe like it qas twpo octaveww too low but my brain was still fine, jusr tired, qne then i closwe my wyes and thought "these are probably gonna be my very last thoughts" and they pretty much were, and i felt a small sharp stab in my arm that i knew was the iv that i used to b e so desperately afrqid of but i could barely feel it and i ddint care and then there was nothing afterward
then i woke up qnd i wqs dixzy and my jaw heart (but not my gums) and they removed the iv and i remember saying tht hours ago i woukd have been terrified to know that it had been jn my arm but i didn't care qt all then the whole thing felt like when you habe a fever qnd are wqtching tv and then ypu start dreamin g about dr who but your still kind of awake
also my mouth was really dry whihc made me really angry because i ha dbeen already really before th e operwtion that i couldn't drink anything so now being even more thirstymade me mad
and now im home and the sides of my mouth are all numb and i think im moetly okay but my jaws still hurt amd the places wherre my teeth used to be are just goo
first whn j was there i was realky scafed becaudi am scared to dewrhbof needles nd then tgye put me kn ogyen which onky mde me hyperventitkre so thyn piut me on lufhijg gs plus some other sruff which firsr maee me eizzy then made me disconnect i think the exact words i uswd were "i feel weird, it's like my head is floating" but my voice soundwe like it qas twpo octaveww too low but my brain was still fine, jusr tired, qne then i closwe my wyes and thought "these are probably gonna be my very last thoughts" and they pretty much were, and i felt a small sharp stab in my arm that i knew was the iv that i used to b e so desperately afrqid of but i could barely feel it and i ddint care and then there was nothing afterward
then i woke up qnd i wqs dixzy and my jaw heart (but not my gums) and they removed the iv and i remember saying tht hours ago i woukd have been terrified to know that it had been jn my arm but i didn't care qt all then the whole thing felt like when you habe a fever qnd are wqtching tv and then ypu start dreamin g about dr who but your still kind of awake
also my mouth was really dry whihc made me really angry because i ha dbeen already really before th e operwtion that i couldn't drink anything so now being even more thirstymade me mad
and now im home and the sides of my mouth are all numb and i think im moetly okay but my jaws still hurt amd the places wherre my teeth used to be are just goo