RE: dark subforum ideas thread: xxx edition
07-23-2016, 09:59 AM
ye2 on both neo new trolltheme and neonewtrolltheme
prop ca2tle law: all thread2 have theiir own iimpliiciit rule2 that po2ter2 mu2t follow ("fuck," thread where u2er2 can only po2t "fuck,", certaiin thread2 u2e quiirk2 but other2 don't). the op of a thread may punii2h rulebreaker2 in a manner of theiir choo2iing.
prop ca2tle law: all thread2 have theiir own iimpliiciit rule2 that po2ter2 mu2t follow ("fuck," thread where u2er2 can only po2t "fuck,", certaiin thread2 u2e quiirk2 but other2 don't). the op of a thread may punii2h rulebreaker2 in a manner of theiir choo2iing.