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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-07-2014, 04:51 AM
I found this decent Homebrew sheet for the Gen VI Pokemon.
The number released this gen was smaller than usual though, so getting yourself acquainted with the new critters shouldn't take as long (though Bulbapedia or talking to us nerds on IRC might be faster)
In terms of Nariman's area denial and field control strategies, a few Gen VIs I could recommend are...
Inkay/Malamar, Contrary+Superpower abusers with a nice selection of support moves
Phantump/Trevenant, physically offensively oriented Harvest douchebags with Leech Seed /and/ Recover
Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist, physically defensive, great support movepool, come in four sizes with four different base stats
Klefki (with Prankster) and Carbink are two new Fairy Types, but they're both single-stage and have BSTs too high to have as your starting team (unless you wanted to start Nariman at Level 3/4?)
There were also some neat new moves, like the bug-type trapping move Infestation, new Terrain moves (Grassy, Electric, and Misty terrain), and Galvantula and Arados got Sticky Web which slows opponents on switch-in. We'll have to wait and see how these might work, though.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-07-2014, 05:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2014, 05:02 AM by SleepingOrange.)
Oh my God, they
They didn't give Inkay a Sky (or levitate) move
Its overland is 1
What have you dooone, homebrewers
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-08-2014, 06:01 PM
Alrighty, so I went ahead and made up a sheet for Nariman on the assumption that probably too much won't change between the homebrewed and official stats for gen 6 pokemon. Subject to alteration between now and campaign start of course, but I doubt I'll tweak it unless I have to.
I gave up ten stat points for Copenhagen's egg moves. I did not realize at the time that egg moves are gained every ten levels, instead of from birth. It's genuinely hilarious to me how slow-moving and offensively-unthreatening my team is right now and for a while yet.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-17-2014, 07:17 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-17-2014, 07:22 PM by Jacquerel.)
So I don't want to pre-empt Schazer posting anything about this herself but the new version came out so I decided to nail down a character before I started second-guessing myself too much. I also slightly edited the character sheet you are stealing from me so if anyone had downloaded it in advance they'll probably want to make a new copy.
But then I found something that I thought I should probably ask you about before writing onto my sheet:
If I told you that I realised I could take Type Sync at level 3 and use it to begin the campaign already owning fire/ghost gastly how receptive to that would you be
I was looking and gastly's line kind of doesn't really learn any moves, capabilities or abilities that reference the fact that it is poison type at all... So while it'd be neat if we could give it a new levelled move list actually pretty much all you'd have to do if that sounds like too much effort is change what TMs I could teach it.
And it doesn't take much thinking to reinterpret Gastly as a Will-o'-the-wisp either.
Also Slorange not much has changed to invalidate your general kind of direction but Cheerleader now requires a prerequisite of a new feature "Inspired Training" which you don't have because it didn't exist when you made your character, and also most of the features within the class have changed a bit too, so you're probably going to want to give them another once over. To start with you essentially get Motivate for free.
I think it might actually leave you with a stronger character than you had originally so there's not a lot to complain about there.
Also your pokemon have 42 + 47 stat points which works out a little over 80, unless I'm understanding this system wrong.
I'm not entirely sure this ends up as the best way of balancing things when it costs you about 90% of your budget for the pokemon and then one additional point per level but I think I can work within it (or rather, I'm pretty happy to start at level 4)
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-17-2014, 10:34 PM
Yyyyeah my system for Pokemon creation was pretty arbitrary and clearly not very sensible.
For balance reasons, let's stick with what we came up with, and if that leaves you with an unsatisfactory team, I'll happily concede wherever an extra level or two is appropriate. Mostly I just don't want anyone grossly overpowered and I only figure this out in the first encounter.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-18-2014, 01:48 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2014, 01:51 AM by Jacquerel.)
Contingent on I might need to prod Gastly a little if we decide it has the Glow Capability or some shit like that, this is Jack.
Please tell me if you see any glaring errors or if my pokemon are too good
(to be honest I'm slightly worried I'll be better at fighting than any of the 'mon we've rolled so far, I think the rough metric for comparing to a pokemon's level is 2x trainer level)
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-18-2014, 11:40 AM
(02-17-2014, 07:17 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »Also your pokemon have 42 + 47 stat points which works out a little over 80, unless I'm understanding this system wrong.
When we were working on this on IRC, after some discussion and examples, we decided 100 was a good cap on points for a team. I went with 90 (or 89 or howevermuch, I forget) to justify the egg moves.
I'll update Nariman when I get a chance.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-18-2014, 08:43 PM
A mostly complete Vladenie
Type changing shenanigans require GM input but I think I'm good other than that. I think.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-19-2014, 03:13 AM
Yeah, the Gastly line looks like it drops its Poison typing without too much trouble; the only notable tweak would be changing the TMs you can use.
Let's say you're barred from Toxic, Venoshock, Sludge Bomb, and Poison Jab, but then you're allowed to pick up Flame Charge (TM43), Flamethrower (TM35), and Fire Blast (TM38). Looking at the dollar values of different TMs, I think that's an appropriate tradeoff.
Flavourwise, I'd say that those TMs would work on Haunter, except for Fire Blast which needs the power of a fully evolved Pokemon to bring the burn.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-19-2014, 04:07 AM
Ok, and now for the lightmite. Bug typing gets changed to Ghost typing.
existing abilities Wrote:Basic: Compound Eyes/Unnerve
Advanced: Static/Swarm
Compoundeyes is quintessentially Bug; how do you feel about any of Insomnia, Frisk, Frighten, or Minus to replace it? Unnerve seems appropriate enough.
Swarm converts nicely to Overcharge (the Last Chance Electric) or Haunt (Last Chance Ghost).
capabilities Wrote:Overland 4, Swim 2, Jump 1/1, Power 1, Intelligence 3,
Naturewalk (Grassland, Forest), Zapper, Threaded,
Wallclimber, Underdog
Let's change Naturewalk to (Urban, Cave). Zapper is fine, Wallclimber is very Bug/unghosty, let's swap it out for what appear to be the standard Ghost capabilities. Darkvision, Dead Silent, and Phasing to replace it. Why not Glow as well?
Threaded is also very buggy but we'll keep it because of your presumed learnset.
Now for the learnlist. For argument's sake, why don't we say that Joltik retained the pre-mortem attacks up to Level 7?
joltik levelup learnlist Wrote:1 Leech Life - Bug
1 Spider Web - Bug - (lose this and String Shot though and you'll lose your Threaded Capability)
1 String Shot - Bug
4 Thunder Wave - Electric
7 Screech - Normal
12 Fury Cutter - Bug - Scratch, a vaguely equivalent 40BP move
15 Electroweb - Electric
18 Bug Bite - Bug - uuuuuh Shadow Claw? Crunch? It's one Damage Base lower but the best compromise I think.
23 Gastro Acid - Poison
26 Slash - Normal
29 Electro Ball - Electric
34 Signal Beam - Bug - Ominous Wind? Idk this one we could revise
37 Agility - Psychic
40 Sucker Punch - Dark
45 Discharge - Electric
48 Bug Buzz - Bug - it's a bit of a nerf in terms of raw power but Shadow Ball fits here I think.
Galvantula's only notable variation is learning Sticky Web at 65, what kind of hazard move would fit? Electric terrain? Electrify? Trick or Treat? Any one of those would fit the bill.
Now for TMs:
The only problematic ones are Struggle Bug and X-Scissor; Struggle Bug is costwise equivalentish to False Swipe? X-Scissor I'm pretty ok with because I say so.
Finally, tutor moves!
Quote:Bounce, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Gastro Acid,
Giga Drain, Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Sleep Talk,
Snore, Sticky Web (N)
Bug Bite as aforementioned is Shadow Claw or Crunch, Sticky Web we could reach a compromise where you learn one "hazard" move via level up but can learn another one via tutoring. Anyway I think that's everything
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
02-19-2014, 09:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 09:55 AM by Jacquerel.)
One thing that struck me last night is that if you were feeling a little generous, gaining a low level Ember somewhere in its level list would mollify Gastly's problem of "without TM intervention relies entirely on its weakest attack stat until level 29, or 33 if you let it evolve" a little bit
Without that it learns only Lick (physical) and Night Shade (set damage) before evolving and then Shadow Punch once it gains hands, though if you think that's asking too much as Gengar's notoriously pretty strong once it gets there, I can live without it.
Looking at Litwick, it has a very lengthy capabiltiies list of: Darkvision, Dead Silent, Phasing, Glow, Invisibility, Firestarter, Heater and Shrinkable.
My interpretation of Fire Gastly is basically just a burning orb with a face? Glow and Heater seem kind of natural from there and actually thinking about it, Firestarter would give me my Special Attack option without requiring you to give me an extra move (though I would also get same capability for free upon learning Ember anyway).
Also seems a shame to have a Ghost/Fire type that doesn't learn Will-O-Wisp but I don't know where on the list that would go as a learned move rather than a substitution and there's no obvious thing it would replace. The line's already pretty good about learning abilities every 3-6 levels once it gets going and I can probably just find a TM if I really want it, Gastly could already learn it through technological intervention even before I set it alight.
I hope I don't sound like I'm being greedy I just wanted to make some suggestions and it's not like much else had changed.
Also while it's not my pokemon, wrt Sticky Web: It's not a hazard move as such but for some reason I feel like Destiny Bond wouldn't be an awful substitution option. Ghoulvantula will presumably have the speed to use it.
And I'm thinking Cyber was fairly definitely going for some Overland 1 Levitate 4 capability there what with Crumb pictured not actually having any legs, though I understand giving things that can't do so naturally the ability to fly isn't necessarily something you want to throw around as a GM.