Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop

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Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Welcome, and congratulations on your induction to one of the world's eminent legitimate corporations! We are pleased to offer up to six positions in our pilot program for eminent young Rocketeers, infiltrating the as-yet untapped Aroa Region!

Alternate title: Charisma is the Dump Stat: The Game

By popular demand, I'll be running a separate campaign to Cyber's doohickey. It'll be a bit unorthodox because instead of winning contests or getting a bunch of gym badges, you'll be criminal-ing the place up. That'll mean stealing valuables/rare or powerful Pokemon, exploiting/intimidating simple townsfolk and their wares, or just plain tearing down the establishment so Team Rocket can usher in a brighter future for all. Or something.

How this campaign'll differ:
  • Pre-levelling. Player Characters will start at Level 5, because Team Rocket ain't gonna hire a bunch of skill-less freshmen. A backstory that explains how you got those levels would be appreciated, but isn't totally essential provided it all balances out.
  • Updated versions: We'll be running the latest build, where possible working off this wiki.
  • Levelling up: Because of the gamestyle, most of the standard methods of gaining player levels won't be available/applicable. You can instead gain levels from capturing Pokemon, performing skills that pertain to an Advanced Trainer Class you might be aspiring to, or just generally impressing me. Long and short of it, levelling up will be a more homebrew affair.

Some things to note:
  • Information in the Pokedex is off-limits during the game, unless you're a Researcher class. Feel free to peruse it pregame, though, to find a starter and make sure it's got a decent nature and satisfactory movepool and such. (Link to Cyber's set of PDFs)
  • Because there'll be more Rocketry and less Leaguery in this campaign, certain Trainer Classes will be favoured over others. Capture Specialists, and nefarious Mystics are in, honourable Ace Trainers and Coordinators are out. Talk me into it, though, and I'll probably accept less conventional class aspirations - or insidious uses of "nice" ones.
  • The number and level of starting Pokemon is a bit more fluid, provided you have good justification. Nothing over level 10, nothing fabulously rare without a good backstory reason. For reference, you're a team of potential experts in your respective fields, sent to Aroa on something of a sort-of paid internship. It's all in the contract. We'll figure out the details as we go.
  • Cyber and I noticed there are no explicit rules about the number of moves a 'mon can have. Based on the provided character template sheets, we're going with a limit of six "Natural" moves and six "TM" moves. A hatched Pokemon can acquire up to four egg moves from its parents. If you desperately want more than one Egg move on your 'mon, you will need to apply in writing with a) a mechanically solid chain of lineage where the move came from, and b) whatever penalties you're willing to take for getting an advantage right out the starting block. Remember, most Rocket recruits will be getting whatever fell off the back of a truck!
  • Some of the setting's details are still up in the air (although a map and native fauna and the like are on their way to being properly constructed), so feel free to ask me and I'll make internally consistent shit up to the best of my ability.

Some additional addendal things to note:
  • Money will be finalised closer to gamestart. It may or may not be totally arbitrary. You may or may not receive a paycheck, and you may or may not receive commissions for sending stolen Pokemon back to Rocket HQ.
  • Weapons/Arms Features are taking some time to figure out, because of differing information in Cyber's 1.29 resources and what's on the wiki. Considering nobody's going the Weapons Master route and you're mostly just in it for the free Feats, we'll sort that out once everything else in everyone's profiles is squared away.

Some sheets'n junk

-NTA - Researcher Lucian and Hades the Beldum
-Cyber - Mystic Vladenie and Poppy the Shuppet
-Slorange - Researcher Nariman and Copenhagen the Pineco
-Jacquerel - Psychic Jack and Jack the Gastly
-BTP - Ex-Ranger Sergio and Maury the Mr. Mime
-Granola - Dominique the Dirty Martial Juggler Fighter Artist and Dizzy the Sandile
-Pharms - Ace Trainer Nada and Dirty Harry the Scraggy
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Yoinking last spot
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Vladenie, the Mystic of Questionable Nationality

Poppy the Shuppet

I'm assuming I didn't miss anything.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Knock that question mark off mah name, girl!

You know I aint no interrogative!

Lemme snooze a bit before I upload my rockets.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
The Good Doctor

His Lovely Assistant
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
The Half-Wit:



The No-Show:

RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Here is a post b/w informations:


RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
I sort of talked about move limits and I think we decided that you can have up to 6 Natural Moves, and 6 TM/HM moves. At least, that's what I'll be doing in mine.

Arms Features count as a trainer feature if you want to take it by meeting the prerequisites, but you also get some for free if you take a class. Like, because I took Mystic, I automatically got Blunt Weapons User and Fist Weapons User without having to spend a feat point on it, but if I didn't take Mystic I use could Feat points on them because I meet the prerequisites.

Later versions of Arms Features, so like, Proficiency, take feature points though.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Thanks! Sorry I deleted the post thinking "oh wait I can ask all these little questions on that chat program!" but you were so speedily helpful!
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Oh, neato. I guess I need to adjust my sheet slightly.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop

Pogeymon comming later

RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop

RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop

Sergio Dostaban

RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Slowly working my way through a dirty fighter (shame on us for not having one already!) I should be done Friday evening.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
In progress Slowly getting this done:

Dominique Dellis

RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Rocket Campaign-Setup Notes

Arms Features

Daily Feature Usage *New!*
Features which have a specific number of uses per day will gain (an) additional use(s) per day X levels after the level at which the feat was acquired. E.g.: Aim For The Horn acquired at Level 1 may be used twice daily after Level 5, thrice daily after Level 9, etc. Random Knowledge acquired at Level 4 may be used twice daily at Level 9, thrice at Level 14, etc.

Features which are One Time Use Only (gain an additional use of this skill at X levels), in contrast, will instead gain an additional skill every X levels after Level 0. Additional One Time Uses will not be awarded for milestones past. E.g.: Step Aside! gained at any level before Level 10 will acquire an additional one-time use at Levels 10, 20, and 30. From Levels 11-19, you will only get one One Time Use until another is awarded at Level 20. Plan your Feature acquisition accordingly!

"Daily" refers less to a rigid 24 hours from one use to the next, and more "ample in-game time to prepare your character (mentally or resources-wise) to repeat the action." This is obviously at mod discretion and is subject to non-official modifiers that will decide whether you're trying to spam your super-useful ability too early.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Sergio Dostabon and Maury the Mr. Mime are ready to hold you down and make you well.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Prologue: Everything Ship-shape

Interior. A conspicuously bland meeting room, its unimpressive size magnified by the table taking up most of the space inside it. A constant presence tickling your vertigo, along with the porthole in the wall, puts us on a decent-sized boat. Somewhere in the North-East Columbic, although you wouldn't have an exact fix on the location.

A half-dozen assorted miscreants lean against walls, sit, or perhaps slouch at the table. A few might look to the seventh in the room, or follow his wordlessly irked gaze to the single door across from him. He doesn't seem all that tense, though it seems his little companion's alert enough for the both of them.

A tentative knocking, and the creature's mouthful of teeth glow a disconcerting purple. It proves somewhat especially disconcerting considering the teeth are in the... whatever the hell the black thing is growing out of its head, but it snaps its jaws shut at a growl from its master.

"You're late."

The sixth intern mutters an apology, and slinks into the nearest seat.

"Right. Well, congratulations to you six. I'm Gerald. You lot can make your introductions later, I'm just here to brief you. This," he continues in his quiet grumble as he pulls a map out of his suitcase, "is where you recruits'll be working."

[Image: 12WMy.png]

"Seeing as you're all new to the organisation, here's the guts of it. Our syndicate's been traditionally based in the Johto-Kanto regions, but we've been looking to expand overseas. The Aroa region's no global powerhouse, but it's not a complete shithole either. They've got a famous university in Talasarch - that's over the hill from Port Charm, where you'll be docking - but that's worthless to us beyond headhunting for graduates. We're mostly interested in everything on Rosten's side of the Notables, but we don't really know shit about the region beyond Talasarch University and the Stone mines south of Rosten. That's for you recruits to find out, and report back to us."

"The region's got its own League, along with an Elite somewhere the fuck on Shark Island. This whole region's got an ass-backwards way of getting around, too, so other than a giant bridge between Falchion and Meridion you'll need a boat if you want to travel down there."

"I work out Port Charm most of the time, trying to make sure recruits like you lot are doing your job right. I suppose if you've got any questions, I'll answer them if they're not stupid."

As an afterthought, he pulls out a Pokeball, and tosses it to a guy who looks way too relaxed about signing up to a life of crime.

"Oh, right. This is Nada. He's your team Grunt. I've had to warn some paranoid idiots before about this, so he is not a mole or a snitch or out to kill your chances at some promotion you think you're already entitled to. He can do what I assume you bookworms especially are rubbish at, like hold his own in an actual fight. Got it?"

The Rocket liaison glares at the rest of you, clearly keen to get some sleep before he's got to smuggle you all off the ferry in the dead of night. Wouldn't want customs sending you packing right on Aroa's shores, now, would we?

"If there's anything else you want to know, quit standing around like hooked Magikarps'n ask me."

RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Nada squeals like a fat kid in a candy ball and exuberantly drops the capsule unit because GOSH HE IS SO EXCITED ABOUT POGEYMANS. And oh the mission too.
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Sergio overlooks the gruffly Rocket commander, he wonders if there is more to their presence here than Gerald is letting on.

He sits legs spread; his Styler nestled snugly between them.

"What sort of Law-enforcement does this region have? Sergio wants emigration to go smoothly."
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Nariman drums his fingers on the nearest available surface. "Is this mission purely factfinding, or is there an overarching goal we should be working towards? And since you mention other recruits, how much presence does the Team have here, other than us?"
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
"Hmph, as if we needed more muscle." Minnie idly fidgets with her bowie. "Just point me towards the nearest lab town and we'll be rolling in stolen pets in no time!"
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Vladenie closes her eyes and leans back in her chair. She opens one glowing eye and looks at Gerald, "So, we gonna get some uh, capital to work with?"
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
Sergio Wrote:"What sort of Law-enforcement does this region have? Sergio wants emigration to go smoothly."

"No central authority beyond the Elite, and they leave most of the actual work to the Leaders. Those trumped-up vigilantes stick to their own districts for the most part. I wouldn't know if any of them are turncoats as bad as you, Ranger," sniffs Gerald, "but I wouldn't count on it."

"Our main pain in the ass is a man called Aspen - you bookish types might've heard of him. The last bunch of recruits were some mid-ranking cocky little fucks who marched off the boat like they owned the place. Full uniforms and everything. Didn't even clear the hill road to Talasarch before he put a stop to that. If my walking you through this like you're a pack of nine-year olds offends you, go complain to them."

"Aspen's relaxed his vice grip on Charm in the months since, thank fuck, but we'll keep you lot off the registry of who's entering the region. Hence the midnight transfer onto the SS Who Are We Kidding, We're Lucky It's Motorised."


Nariman Wrote:"Is this mission purely factfinding, or is there an overarching goal we should be working towards? And since you mention other recruits, how much presence does the Team have here, other than us?"

"HQ would fire my ass for telling you lot this, but I'm the highest-ranking Rocket officer in the region, so whatever. The region's been a low priority since before Giovanni took over, mostly because no other organisations gave a shit about the place. There could be something valuable in the region, or outright powerful in Rocket's hands."

Gerald smirks. "You tell me what facts you should be finding. I do the coordinating, you lot get coordinated and try be useful or valuable. It's not Team Rocket's job to figure this out, we leave that to the Breeders or the Engineers or whoever before we capitalise on it. Remember, we'd rather a consistent buck than a quick one. Rearranging some hierarchies so we get properly compensated for overseeing the hydro stations' safe operation, rather than, fuck. Stealing the station's Pokemon? Point is, we prefer one over the other."

"Just remember, I'm not the one trying to impress my superiors here. You'll never climb in this organisation following orders, that's what Pokemon do."

Gerald thinks for a bit.

"Oh, right. If you do find any other interns, feel free to take their stuff. If I don't hear back from them within three months, I assume they're dead or living in some shack on the Rosten side of the hills hoping to god I never come looking for them. I'd chase those defecting little shits down myself, but I'm busy looking for an excuse that lets me pretend I'm busy in Charm instead. But, uh, other than that a few operatives can be found in other towns, canvassing the region. No, I'm not doing your job for you, the information they send me is classified."

Minnie Wrote:"Just point me towards the nearest lab town and we'll be rolling in stolen pets in no time!"

The liaison rolls his eyes. "Good luck with that. Like I said, Aspen's city is a mere hour's walk and a lifetime's excommunication with the organisation if you get arrested this early in your internship."

"Course, there's the other research institute down south, in Fuligan. If you really insist on raiding a laboratory."

Vladenie Wrote:"So, we gonna get some uh, capital to work with?"

"Uh, right."

Gerald pulls a sheaf of notes out of his suitcase, thumbing off 2000[Image: Pok%C3%A9buck_sign.gif] to each of the seven.

"You're looking after your own damn selves. Don't waste it. We reimburse you for Pokeballs or other equipment used to capture Pokemon, along with commissions to successful teams. Stick with shit worth catching, if you can - anything rare enough to sell to an interested party without too much scrutiny is Team Rocket's kind of acquisition."

"Transporting them overseas is another pain in the ass. The universities have the facilities, obviously, but you're better off eventually introducing yourselves to Agent Marsden, in Falchion. Between him and that lunatic Ford out at Molothrus, we can send your acquisitions back to HQ."

"Depending on how you want to go about this, Marsden would be worth speaking to. He runs the Aroa branch of Rocket's storage system."
RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
"And if we find some lubrative operations, how are we to inform you of this?" Sergio asks, stroking his mushtache, then adds "do you leave region frequently?"