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04-11-2013, 04:35 AM
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Spoiler![[Image: tumblr_ml2pxgjLc91r8zvhko1_1280.png]](
Name: Bernard (Extremely important: pronounced as BerNARD. Well... BERnard is also A-okay, he doesn't really care. The D may be silent, it may not be, Bernard doesn't know, and he really doesn't care either.)
Race: Top Hat
Age: Somewhere between 20 and 40. A while ago, he had his age tattooed somewhere on his body so he wouldn't forget it, but he can't remember where on his body the tattoo was placed. Actually... He didn't forget it, he's just not looking for it. Or maybe he's about 50 years old.
Bernard was born in France, a happy child with the proudest (and richest) parents of all France, for there wasn't anything wrong with their son. He was healthy, he smiled a lot, and he was a very curious and social baby. On his 1st birthday, Bernard got an enormous birthday chocolate cake, and he waddled his way to it. He had never seen such a huge brown thing with white toppings and such a colorful candle on top, in the shape of a 1. His eyes began to sparkle, and he put his hole hand into the thing, which made Bernard's family members giggle. He brought his hand to his mouth, and as he was licking his fingers, Bernard's mother asked (in French, of course), smiling: "Do you like it?" Uncle Barbara then grabbed the baby with his bionic arm and threw it at the door. The cake was now a pizza, and Bernard said: "I love pizza." As of then, no one succeeded to communicate with Bernard, because he didn't care. At all. About anything. I mean, although he lived in France, and everyone he knew spoke French, Bernard spoke only British, because his imaginary friend was from England and he couldn't care less about the French language, or his French family, or anything French at all, or anything English, German, mormon, morbid, mortal or even about the frustration he didn't get from sentences that are way too long and don't even have an . The rest of Bernard's story is just doing random stuff and eating pizzas. Bernard loves pizzas.
personality: Chaotic Neutral. Bernard just doesn't give a shit about anything, so yeah. He does whatever he feels like, whether it's the most logical choice or not.
height: Short (But average for a top hat)
Weight: Light (Average top hat)
Luck: 14 "It would be really cool if I had a glass statue of myself... Hey, over there!"
Intelligence: 2 "I think I should kick it."
Endurance: 10 "Well, at least it didn't not break."
Vitality: 20 "Pfft, lost a foot? Who cares? Oh look, there's a -oh, it flew away. care."
Dexterity: 8
Knowledge: 3
Speech: 3 "I love pizzas. Wait, do I? Meh. or... Oh well, maybe. care. How do you feel about this, random stranger?" "I think you should see a therapist." "I am a top hat." "Oh... Yeah..." "I am a top hat." "Stop that." "No, without the 's' and 't'." "I think I just litterally became 35% stupider because of you."
Class: Freelance Don'tcaretaker.
"Freelance" actually serves no purpose here, because all don'tcaretakers are freelancers. It doesn't really matter, some people just like the word "Freelance". Anyway, don'tcaretakers not only don't care, they also gain power when there is more stuff not to care about. The more happiness, trash, dead bodies, enemies, etc, the less don'tcaretakers care, which obviously makes them more powerful when they do random things.
yyyyeNO: When asked for a favor, Bernard will not help out and care even less. Instead, the person asking may do it theirselves harder/better/faster/stronger out of frustration.
Pizzalover: Everything is better when pizza is involved. Bernard may even care for a while and help his teammates.
Just a Fleshwound: Whenever one of Bernard's limbs is removed from his body, he can still use it, because he doesn't care that it's been removed and he just wants to use it.
Yawn Bomb: Well... It's not really a bomb. Maybe I shouldn't call it a bomb, then? Meh... care. Anyway, when Bernard yawns out of boredom, he may give his yawn a little boost, in order to make EVERYONE yawn like him, causing them to give 0 fucks about anything for a turn. That'll teach uncle Barbara. (Cooldown ? turns)
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04-11-2013, 10:49 AM
Name: Tau
Race: Lesser Sphinx, which has the body of a bear-sized lion, an Egyptian Vulture's white wings, and a dude's face with the vulture's "mane" for hair.
Age: 70, which is young by sphinx standards. Tau's got a distinctly teenage kind of face, and I suppose he's got the body of an almost-mature lion as well.
Background/bio/motive/etc: He's looking for something to be a guardian over. This could be some really sweet treasure or the tomb of an otherwise important person. Death by anything other than guarding whatever he's chosen would be the most dishonourable death, so he needs to hurry up and find a thing. If there's nothing good in the dungeon, then escaping the dungeon is the best course of action. A hero is also an acceptable thing to protect, because he can protect their tomb if they die of natural causes (which they should, if a sphinx is guardianing over them).
Personality: Haughty. Judicious. Only does the riddle thing if you're not likely to cut his head off before he's done asking. Naturally inclined to protect important people or valuables, but values his life over treasure (unless it's legendary treasure). Does not attack unless struck/threatened first.
height: Tall
Weight: Very Large
Vitality: 7
Endurance: 10
Dexterity: 2
Intelligence: 8
Knowledge: 17
Speech: 10
Luck: 6
Class: Unarmed Brawler - Tau is not fast, but he's durable, magically vitalised, and can rip you apart with tooth and claw. He'll solve most conflict with wordplay, but when push comes to shove he doesn't need weapons or armour or magical laser beams.
Thousand-tongued - Tau speaks in riddles and vaguely-prophetic statements, but is able to have these riddles be comprehensible to anyone he speaks to, ignoring language barriers. Creatures intelligent enough to make any sense of it will be compelled, just a little bit, to converse with Tau rather than fight him.
Treasuremonger - Sphinxes are known to be treasure-guardians, and have a magically-powered sixth sense for whether something is a legendary artifact, magically mundane but priceless to mortals, or a piece of junk. Tau doesn't know have an encylopedic knoweldge of every artifact ever but has a good gut when appraising an item.
Magical beast - Like any good mythical creature, Tau has an innate immunity to spells, and tends to resist magical attacks.
Special: Riddle-spinner
Once per encounter (even in a combat situation), Tau can make him and his adversary settle their differences with a battle of wits. This works best in a one-on-one situation, and the opponent is likelier to have to agree to the Riddle when Tau has an advantage of some kind (psychological or tactical) over his foe. It is unlikely to work if the target is otherwise distracted by fighting other things. If Tau's riddle is guessed correctly, he will concede defeat and assist or otherwise declare subservience to the guesser. Guessing incorrectly magically binds the idiot and gives Tau a chance to maul them to death.
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04-11-2013, 06:39 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2013, 01:45 AM by BestTeaMaker.)
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Spoiler![[Image: pUOsGuA.png]](
Name: Sir Jairus von Shlickensberg IV
Race: Wisp
Wisps are noble, sentient, telekinetic gaseous beings who use their powers to affect the natural world. Many of them take the appearance of "spirits" in common folklore and have been associated with flames and ghosts, although wisps don't have power over either of those two. Most of them are quite happy to be left to their own devices, the lazy sods. They also change color depending on their mood.
Age: I like to tell everyone that I'm 25. Makes things less complicated.
Bio: Well, where to begin? I was granted knighthood by Her Most Graceful after saving her from a rather potentially nasty tree-falling accident that may or may not have been inadvertently caused by myself (telekinesis can be hard, you know). To exemplify myself as a wisp of such stature, I decided to wear the clothes of a nobleman. Ok, so I simply use my telekinesis to make clothes float around me, but hey, what else is a wisp supposed to do? I do have a fashionably durable glass sphere I got at a flea market. It also doubles as my voicepiece as I can vibrate it to produce sounds. Aren't I the handy fellow?
Personality: I'm a fun-loving, mischievous wisp. I have a hobby of pulling practical jokes with my telekinesis, which are loads of fun, although many of my colleagues tend to respond with a hammer to my sphere (which, I might add, is quite rude). But otherwise, I am the exemplary gentleman...wisp...thing.
Height: Average (Very Short if it's just the glass sphere)
Weight: Twig
Class - Trickster
Tricksters use their guile in battle to baffle and befuddle enemies. Sleight-of-hand, misdirection, and illusions are all part of the Trickster's arsenal. While not handy in the way of physical force, their persuasiveness and tricky nature (ho ho) can take the better of many brutes.
Code: Vit: 1
End: 1
Dex: 11
Int: 10
Knw: 15
Spc: 15
Lck: 7
While my abilities are telekinetic in nature, I usually pull out a playing card to add a bit of flourish.
The Invisible Man
Controling the particles of air to deflect all light, rendering Jairus and allies invisible. The range of this effect and its power are inversely proportional
The Strong Man
Jairus can lift objects telekinetically and chuck them at enemies. The range of this effect and its power are inversely proportional.
The Shield Maid
With his telekinetic ability, Jairus can erect a psychic wall that deflects all attacks against him and allies. The range of this effect and its power are inversely proportional.
The Feisty Maid
Jairus uses his telekinetic powers to concentrate matter into a single point. Upon doing so, he can unleash it at an enemy at frightening speeds. The amount of matter used and the time taken to create it are proportional. (5-turn cooldown)
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04-12-2013, 12:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2013, 12:18 AM by Romythered.)
- Entilliumn: boy, this ain't your father's standard D&D
Pliksain Ct'pter is accepted. The following changes have been implemented:
-Class: Sage: a magic wielder trained in both the arts of harming and healing.
-Elderly Knowledge: your Intelligence and Knowledge (or you can call it Wisdom w/e) are increased by 2 during relevant checks.
-Special: Magic Missile +: Target an enemie(s) in the room up to 4 times for low damage. Attacks always hit. 5 turn cooldown.
- Ent misunderstands something and I guess I should clarify this so nobody else does: This ain't D&D, folks. I'm not following any standard rulebooks. The spells, class skills, enemies, pretty much everything may or may not be made up. I do believe I said "Similar" to D&D but I didn't say it was. for reference, some definitive differences:
>There will only ever be one die type. D 20. no D4 no D6 no D8 no NADA. "How will you determine damage for spells that are weaker or stronger then?", you ask? Fixed modifiers. :> "Too OP!", ye say?
AHahaha ha ha oh man you're funny can be scared now
a.) because I have a stat entirely devoted to affecting how likely you are to have extremely helpful or utterly horrible events occur to you
b.) this game is full of deathtraps. lots of deathtraps. so many.
c.) because you can be That Guy who kills your teammates if you want, the only punishment for it is the likelihood of the others to fuck you up in return
d.) because if people had to make a new character or wait to be revived every time they died this thread would either be more app than game or boring as hell, respectively
>Skill, Spell and monster compendiums don't follow D&D standards and never probably will. They might have a few classics thrown in here and there but mostly no.
>I don't actually have access to any kind of D&D DM manual so while I've played D&D enough times to understand how it works most of the time, I neither have all the rules memorized nor have the desire to make this game which is basically a gigantic clusterfuck I'm doing for fun into something that tedious
- calibornio: Nobody's done this yet because this isn't MSPA...
Tablestick Ball (Pool) is "accepted" with the following warning:
Sepulchritude is not a stat in this game!
In addition, the following changes have been implemented:
-Lucky Charms: Pool requires 2 less points to succeed in Speech Checks against "MALE" characters, and 2 more to succeed in Speech Checks against "FEMALE" characters.
-Past Tracer: Pool can see where enemies have been in the past two turns, but only in his current room. This ability is ineffective on enemies with a higher Luck stat than Pool, and does not reveal what kind of enemy he is tracking.
-Special: Speedster: Pool may perform a second attack this turn. 4 turn cooldown.
- Mordegai: Bernard is not accepted due to being not only incomprehensible but literally having a special whose effect could be distilled to "Hold up the game for a turn". Funny, but it doesn't work. Sorry.
- Schaz: Tau is accepted. The following changes have been implemented:
-Thousand Tongued: Tau gains a modifier to Speech checks equal to half the difference of the Target's intelligence stat and Tau's Intelligence stat. The smarter the target, the more likely they are to be convinced and vice-versa.
-Treasuremonger: Tau can evaluate a general sale price of any item he examines (this is automatic for items in his inventory). In addition, he can compare two similar items and obtain a general idea of which is more more "Valuable".
-Magical Beast: Tau is immune to most spells, and takes half magic damage.
-Special: Riddlespinner: a target that answers incorrectly is STUNNED for 3 turns. If the Riddle is answered correctly, Tau becomes unable to agress that target in any form for 6 turns. Cooldown of ONCE PER ENEMY ENCOUNTER due to unique nature.
- BTM: Sir Jairus von Shlickensberg IV is not accepted for the following reasons:
>I need a height and weight in the given measurements! No Cop-outs!
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04-12-2013, 12:20 AM
Sorry about all the MSPA references, but this seemed like a spiritual successor to the Forum Games subforum as it was recommended there and a large amount of its users are on here. Also, I was joking with the sepulchritude stat and if you were joking I apologize for taking that seriously.
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04-12-2013, 12:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2013, 02:22 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Is mine accepted? I've tweaked it. (the special is now slightly simpler: He sets himself aflame, he grabs ONE target, he hugs them tightly and then tosses them at a wall. And he suffers damage afterwards based on the damage inflicted on the target)
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04-12-2013, 01:44 AM
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04-12-2013, 02:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2013, 03:36 AM by Entilliumn.)
No, I understood this loud and clear, I just wanted my character to be all about D&D. But this is perfect.
Will fix!
EDIT: Just realized my character is the hypothetical and literal definition of glass cannon. Awesome!
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04-12-2013, 04:03 AM
(04-12-2013, 12:22 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Is mine accepted? I've tweaked it. (the special is now slightly simpler: He sets himself aflame, he grabs ONE target, he hugs them tightly and then tosses them at a wall. And he suffers damage afterwards based on the damage inflicted on the target)
Ican't, he's BEEN accepted for a while now
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SpoilerCalibornio, I was indeed joking
I contemplated saying "get your MSPA-Endorsed Cereal out of my dungeon" but it seemed a bit rude
No worries Ent, it let me point some things out anyways
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04-12-2013, 07:57 PM
wow this game has a lot of players
Name: Kettleclatter
Race: Steam-powered humanoid construct. His body resembles a human skeleton made of brass pipes and hydraulic valves. His head is a teakettle with eyes, and he speaks by whistling and hissing words out of the valve.
Age: 7
Background: In the city of Miliria lived an alchemist who dreamed of creating life from inorganic materials. So he built a body out of pipes and hinges that could walk and talk. But it still needed a mind. He found a spell in an ancient codex that would probably do what he wanted, and he was so thrilled that he cast it immediately, without reading the fine print. In a shriek of hissing steam, his creation stood up, hissed "It's time to LIVE!", and then pushed the alchemist out of his window and ran off into the streets cackling. This spell did not merely imbue a motile body with life, it filled it with a singleminded and uncontrollable desire to live as much as possible. The contraption christened himself Kettleclatter, and began a mission to have every interesting experience in the world.
Personality: Kettleclatter is a dynamo driven by the need to see everything once. As long as he thinks things are interesting, he'll rush ahead maniacally. He gets bored extremely quickly, though. Also he doesn't care much about the feelings of others in either state.
Height: Average
Weight: Twig (thickness), Very Large (mass) (metal has a higher density than flesh ok)
Vitality: 10
Endurance: 9
Dexterity: 20 (he jerks and clatters almost too fast for the eye to see)
Intelligence: 6
Knowledge: 3
Speech: 2
Luck: 10
Class: Fencer- When Kettleclatter fights, it's all about style. Also, it's really funny to humiliate humans with his extreme speed.
Try Anything Once- Kettleclatter receives a bonus when he tries to rush through a task the first time, but a penalty to repeated attempts or doing something carefully.
I Laugh At These Inferior Fleshpuppets- Poison, cold, and electricity can't harm a creature made of brass. However, he thinks this is too funny to aid an ally who's being harmed by one of these forces.
Humiliate- Looking stupid is a fate worse than death. Kettleclatter can sacrifice the lethality of his attacks to instead damage the ego of his target.
Skill: Comical Disarm
Kettleclatter knocks an enemy's weapon away with such sleight of hand that they don't even know what direction it went or where to look for it.
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
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04-13-2013, 05:06 AM
(04-12-2013, 07:57 PM)TickTickTockTock Wrote: »wow this game has a lot of players
Kinda the point, boyo- BTM: Sir Jairus Von Schlickenburg IV - whose full name I refuse to type again in this post it's way too long and I'm on a 3ds - is accepted. The following changes have been implemented:
-The Invisible Man: Enemies require 4 more points to detect Jairus.
-The Strong Man has been classified as a Spell or Skill. You may not make a replacement Trait without losing use of this ability. (i.e. a Trait saying "If an enemy adjacent to [Player Character] deals damage to [Player Character], [Player Character] has a chance of dealing the same amount of damage to the attacker automatically" is qualified as a trait. A trait saying "X can attack an enemy with a crescent slash that hits twice" is actually a Skill [or Spell].) Jairus throws an object at the target. Variable damage and MP cost.
-The Shield Maiden: Jairus can create a shield that reduces damage to allies within two spaces of him by 1/2, and to him by 3/4. Jairus cannot move while the shield is active. Drains 10 MP per turn while active.
-Special: The Feisty Maid: Very Weak Damage, however Jairus may charge for x turns. Each turn waited increases the damage. Maximum charge time is 10 turns. Cooldown is 5 turns + 1/2 the number of turns you Charged.
- Tick: Kettleclatter is accepted
the following changes have been made:
-Try Anything Once: Kettleclatter gains an additional 4 points to his first attempt at any Feat, and loses 2 for any and all subsequent attempts of that Feat or similar Feats ("grabbing a ledge" in any instance gains +4 the first time, and -2 any other time, regardless of wording, so long as the action itself is similar.)
-I Laugh At These Inferior Fleshpuppets: Kettleclatter is immune to the Poison and Shock statuses, is immune to Poison damage, and takes 1/2 Ice and Lightning damage.
-Humiliate is not really a useable trait; you may make a replacement or let me do it.
-Special: Comical Disarm: If successful, the enemy is disarmed and requires an additional 4 points to succeed in checks for the action "find and re-equip weapon". 3 turn cooldown.
- further announcements:
-Player list still under construction, please be patient
-Game starts Monday at the earliest
-COMBAT AND ONLY COMBAT WILL BE GRID BASED TO SOME DEGREE. This is what I'm referring to by "adjacent" and etc.
-There will be a public map containing all currently known rooms as well as character positions on the current floor(s) (unless an effect stops this from occuring.) Doors will be marked only when entered at least once. Traps, enemy locations and etc.will not be marked (unless caused by a temporary effect).
-There are ??? Floors in the dungeon. The ultimate objective is to leave the Dungeon.
-A Player Character can be revived in 4 ways, if they die:
1.) Respawn Point: A PC may, upon encountering a Respawn Point, temporarily Tether their Soul to the point. Upon dying, if the PC is not revived via another method in 3 turns (or if the PC chooses, instantly), they will be teleported to the Respawn Point and Revived. Upon Revival, the Soul Tether is broken, and the respawn point must be activated again to revive the PC. Respawn points can only be activated a certain number of times before breaking permanently.
2.) Revival Item or Spell: DUH
3.) Altar of Life: on a certain floor, in a certain room, there is an Altar which can revive the dead. If you can carry a dead PC here and place them on the altar, they will be revived after five turns have passed. Only one PC can be on the Altar at any time.
-4.)Pay The Reaper: Death, contrary to popular belief, can be bribed. A PC may pay 500 gold * their combined stat total or 1000 * their level - whichever is higher - to be revived instantly at any time. (base level = 3000 gold).
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04-13-2013, 06:49 AM
Explain the Strong Man change?
The idea behind it is that Jairus, as a wisp, is constantly using his telekinesis to lift things like his clothes and glass ball. The Strong Man simply describes his strength and range to lift things.
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04-14-2013, 03:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2013, 04:01 AM by Romythered.)
(04-13-2013, 06:49 AM)BestTeaMaker Wrote: »Explain the Strong Man change?
The idea behind it is that Jairus, as a wisp, is constantly using his telekinesis to lift things like his clothes and glass ball. The Strong Man simply describes his strength and range to lift things.
First, sorry that bit about the "no replacement Trait" is incorrect, rather The Strong Man will be one of your two starting Skills or Spells
Constantly using it on himself is superfluous information, and wouldn't be counted as a trait anyways.
Basically, you described a triggerable action that would be used to cause damage ("Jairus can lift objects telekinetically and throw them at enemies") as a Trait. TRAITS ARE NOT DIRECTLY OFFENSIVE! Traits can only be PASSIVE ABILITIES or NON-COMBAT SKILLS! These include Stat-changing effects (i.e Tau's Thousand-Tongued [positive], generic Trait Blood Magic Locked[negative]) and unique abilities (Blackjack's Contracts, etc).
as it is, letting The Shield Maid count as a trait is questionable too, hence its MP cost.
Having The Strong Man as a trait would essentially give you the ability to perform as many extra attacks as you wanted per turn as Traits are not counted as ATTACKS, SPELLS, or SKILLS.
Shield Maid is only really staying because 1 vit is 50 HP so I'm being slightly nice
Also, if Strong Man were to be a constant effect that holds up your clothes, that would essentially require your MP to drain constantly and I'm sure you'd rather that not happen.
>Suggestions for Traits that would work:- Ethereal: Immune to Physical damage, but take doubled Magic damage (This would honestly better for you than Shield Maid, and if you do choose to use this it will replace Shield Maid, which would become your second starting Skill/Spell)
- Small Target: +2 to Evasion checks
- Etc.
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04-15-2013, 08:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 10:39 AM by DoubleD.)
Name: Razadar
Race: Half-Giant
Age: 32 years
Background/bio/motive/etc: Razadar is a Half Giant. He used to live in a town with others, but his own strength cause him to destroy allot and eventually he was kicked out. Razadar is currently looking for a way to redeem himself, and a way to better himself through the murder of others.
Personality: Gullible, weak willed. He tends to be True neutral, but can fluxuate based on who is currently guiding him.
Height: Extra Large
Weight: Very heavy
Vitality: 20
Endurance: 15
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 7
Knowledge: 8
Speech: 4
Luck: 1
Class: Giant-Blade. Taking from the long forgotten stories of his Giant ancestors, he follows the skills and techniques that lead some of his more remarkable kin to legendom
Overpower: Razadar gains +2 to his hit rate
Earthshaker: If Razadar rolls a Critical (NATURAL 20), he deals Medium Earth damage to all enemies within 2 spaces of him
Groundbreaker: If Razadar rolls a Natural 20 during damage calculations, up to 3 spaces adjacent to the target become non-navigable permanently.
Special Skill:
Leviathan Blow: Razadar deals Extreme Physical/Earth damage to the target, and activates both Earthshaker and Groundbreaker, regardless of their requirements. Once Per Encounter.
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04-16-2013, 12:39 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-16-2013, 12:39 AM by Romythered.)
- DoubleD: um... yeah you misunderstand how this works don't you
Also those names...
Razadar is accepted with the following changes:
-Overpower: Razadar gains +2 to his hit rate
-Earthshaker: If Razadar rolls a Critical (NATURAL 20), he deals Medium Earth damage to all enemies within 2 spaces of him
-Groundbreaker: If Razadar rolls a Natural 20 during damage calculations, up to 3 spaces adjacent to the target become non-navigable permanently.
-Special: Leviathan Blow: Razadar deals Extreme Physical/Earth damage to the target, and activates both Earthshaker and Groundbreaker, regardless of their requirements. Once Per Encounter.
- Game is almost ready, sorry guys I just have to finish figuring the map out and typing that fuckin player list on the OP
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04-22-2013, 11:15 PM
Sorry for the Dungeonquest delays, it looks like I'm gonna be putting this on hold for a while. I've been havin' some things coming up and just in general it's been a bit hectic for me so uh
Game will start within the next month or so
Sorry for the delays ahahaha....hah...ha...
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05-25-2013, 03:03 AM
Oh hey there. Just thought I should bump this up so it doesn't get crowded into the mess of SECOND PAGE...
Don't worry Red, take your time...
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05-25-2013, 06:27 PM
there have been some slight problems involving the map atm
it should hopefully be done by the end of next month. if it's not... well then it might end up cancelled due to THINGS
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06-23-2013, 04:59 AM
due to logistics problems, and the entirely real possibility I won't have access to the internet in two months, I'm sadly going to have to cancel any plans for Dungeonquest. Sorry, folks. if anyone else wants to take over the position of GM, though, feel free.
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06-23-2013, 03:45 PM
Aw, shit.
Oh well, I was pretty pumped for this.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
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