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A: yes, as in "everyone on the forum can join at once"


A: HAHAHAHA I WISH no this is something more insane. It's basically a miniature, extremely simplified D&D campaign with an unlimited number of players. All of whom are stuck in a horrifying dungeon. And you all have one true goal, and one only: getting out.


A: Sadly (for my sanity), no. I was already planning to do this on MSPA before the games forum got shut down...


A: look down, doofus


the following is a guideline for requirements for character apps:

Name: Self-Explanatory
Race: See Above. No limit on race if you can explain what the race is.
Age: See above. again.
Background/bio/motive/etc: no need for word walls if you don't feel like it, but could I get at least four complete sentences pls k thanks
personality: again, word walls are unnecessary, but for this you can just say something like "essentially chaotic good" and that's enough. try to play to your character's personality or I'll slap you
nothing else I'll just bitchslap you and move on (i'm referring to things like a character that is supposedly completely, utterly, remorselessly, irredeemably evil being super nice more than once for little to no evil reason, etc)
height: No need for exact measurements just Short, Very Short, DWARF, Average, Tall, Very Tall or GIANT(you can throw numbers in too if you desire)
Weight: again no measurements required, choose from Large, Very Large, FATSO, Average, Thin, Very Thin, or TWIG

Stats: You have 60 points to put into stats. All stats must have at least one point in them, but you may not put more than 20 points in one stat.

Vitality: Affects your Hit Points and general physical wellbeing.
Endurance: Affects your physical strength, stamina and similar things
Dexterity: affects your deftness, speed, and similar things.
Intelligence: Affects your uh... well, intelligence, perception, and similar things
Knowledge: Affects your MP, magical prowess, and similar things
Speech: Affects how others see you and how easy it is to win a speech check, etc
Luck: Affects your luck, which has various effects.

Class: If you can explain what it is and subsequently justify its existence, it's fine

Traits: traits are essentially unique character abilities. Try to make them go with your character's theme! you can make up to three to start, tho you might get more later. if you don't die horribly. Examples:

Special: You get to make one special cooldown skill. These generally fall into four categories: mid level cooldown strong skills, short cooldown effect, healing or buff type skills, long cooldown finisher skills, and extremely long cooldown tactical nukes. Examples:



A: Probably, but who cares? lets do this


A: would it matter? nahhhh fuck that we're doin' this my way.

A: Sure, I'll make one for all the effects I've mentioned so far as well as a few I haven't!

Status Effects


ICan't: Kracky, HP 650/650, 20 MP

yd12k: Wegwijspiet, HP 550/550, 40 MP

Masterblade: Miss Sinclaire, HP 350/350, MP 60

Pala: Simon Adale, HP 250/250, MP 200

Cyber95 - I'adrod, HP 300/300, MP 50/50

Kiven - Toof, HP 500/500, MP 10/10

Tilde (Garuru) - Svangr Grisvr, HP 700/700, MP 0/0
Horse apps. There aren't enough in this world.

Name: Kracky

Race: Equuserin (Horses that can stand up and talk like any other person.)

Age: 17 (in HUMAN years I sure as hell am not measuring in horse ones)

Background/bio/motive/etc: His mother is also a horse except she was sniffing cocaine at the time of his birth because "childbirth is painful" but it didn't really help. She named him after her favourite drug. It kinda fits him now because he's extremely hyper anyway, his eyes bulge out of his skull in excitement. Anyway, his mom is currently suffering from withdrawal symptoms so his mother said that more drugs of all different kinds are needed so they can unite and fight her drug-disease. Kracky doesn't know the difference so he goes looking for OTC drugs, street drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Basically any toxin that would cause a horse to feel euphoric. He also takes smokes/inhales/injects some of them if he can. Yeah I didn't think this was a good idea either but I'm an author! I can't go around breaking 4th walls.

personality: Chaotic Good. He's always hyper and doesn't really know what to do at times but means well.

height: Tall - 7 feet 1 inch.

Weight:Average - 850 kilos. (this is a horse, this is "normal" weight)

Stats: You have 60 points to put into stats. All stats must have at least one point in them, but you may not put more than 20 points in one stat.

Vitality: 13
Endurance: 13
Dexterity: 14
Intelligence: 3
Knowledge: 2
Speech: 5
Luck: 10

Class: Horstler, a class using an ancient form of wrestling in which horses have their hooves and horseshoes become enchanted with nitric acid while punching people with a mix of wrestling- and boxing-type moves. The horse occasionally suffers some damage from this. But it only builds up after the fight. So, I think he loses health after a battle equal to 1 tenth of the damage he dealt. (Note: He deals a lot of damage)

Death on my Tab: All damage dealt to Kracky during a battle is not subtracted until after the battle (which is pretty much after he wins). Even amounts owing to more than his total health. But of course there's interest... he cannot Rapidly Regenerate for a number of turns.
Rapid Regeneration: Kracky regenerates health very quickly.
Rock-star Metabolism: Heals when exposed to poisons or toxins rather than loses health. Also heals more from health potions.

Special: Equine Flaming Death Hug

Kracky douses himself with lighter fluid and sets himself aflame. This will probably hurt a lot BUT NOT UNLESS HE GRABS ONTO A TARGET AND BURNS THEM TOO WHOOPS. He then starts hugging them and patting their back REALLY HARD. Then, his grip tightens and he starts spinning both of them. When they're spinning fast enough, Kracky lets go, launching them at the nearest wall or deathtrap. Kracky takes 1 tenth of all the damage he deals with this move in an effort to reduce the cooldown. ;)
Name: Wegwijspiet
Race: Zwarte piet (a race of dark humanoid beings that serve Saint Nicholas and wear flamboyant colours, yet are somehow still very good at remaining undetected)
Age: Ageless
Background/bio/motive/etc: After his reirement as St Nicholas's personal admiral, He decided to go and live in acapulco. Sadly, he got lost on the way and must now find his way out of here.
personality: A natural leader, he can get people to follow his directions and other orders with relative ease, even if they're blatantly stupid. He's got a soft spot for children. May ramble a bit in dutch if surprised.
height: Tall
Weight: Thin

Vitality: 11
Endurance: 12
Dexterity: 20
Intelligence: 4
Knowledge: 4
Speech: 13
Luck: 6

Class: Trackrobat, which is like an acrobat, but with (supposed) tracking and navigation skills.

Stealthy like the rainbow: Cannot be spotted when actively being looked for. Instantly noticed when not.
Rooftop trot: Never suffers penaties for bad footing.
Holey blessing: Can fit through himself and anything he's carrying through holes and tunnels large enough to stick your hand in.
"recht zo die gaat": A single target or group of targets (That are all moving in the same direction in the first place) keep moving in the same direction as the turn before. (I'd say +- 5 turns, as it's not useful very often but can be devastating under the right circumstances, and retains some use in other situations)
You have a luck stat?

Isn't that what rolling a 20-sided die is for?
(04-10-2013, 03:26 PM)Godbot Wrote: »You have a luck stat?

Isn't that what rolling a 20-sided die is for?

No, we just always roll exactly our luck stat. Duh.

Name: Miss Sinclaire

Race: Ratman- A race of humanoid rat people. Ratmen share many features with both the common rat and the human. They have a fondness for explosions, mining and wealth. During puberty most ratmen lose their tails. In their culture those who retain their tail into adulthood is considered nobility.

Age: Thats not a polite thing to ask a lady is it?

Background/bio/motive/etc: Known to her piers ad Miss Sinclaire, this ratman inventer is a shining example of her race's grace and deadly efficiency. Her background of mechanical skill allow her to construct many of her people's firearms, and tamper with other machines whenever needed. As an only child, she had no family to look down upon her chosen path, but has noone to share her acomplishments with. For this reason she puts as much flare into her actions as possible to attract the admiration of the populace as a shallow replacement.

Personality: "Miss Sinclaire" as she calls herself, has quite the detrimental personality. Being abandoned as a child left her with lasting scars that have her seek the love of others to fill the void. This leads her to put on sparkling performances and flare up everything she does to attract the attention of everyone. Belle has a habit of trying to seduce any male she may be around, regardless of species, and will fiercely tear at any other girls approaching on one of her targets.

Height: Average



Vitality- 7
Endurance- 7
Dexterity- 13
Intelligence- 20
Knowledge- 6
Speech- 7
Luck- 10

Class: Demolitionist (Explosive launchers, Flintlock Weaponry, Combustion Vehicles)- The first rule of explosives is to make sure they go off exactly when you want them to. The second rule is there is never a wrong time for explosives. A class based solely around the use of gunpowder and cutting-edge steam technologies to out-tier the sword-wielding brutes of the land!

Prehensile Tail- A Ratman's tail usually falls off during youth, save for the few that don't; this is the sole indicator of nobility among the species. An adult Ratman's tail acts as a third arm, and can wield an additional weapon in addition to the grabbing onto things bit.
Boomsniffer- A Ratman's nose is its key method of detecting explosive substances in caves, and helps in avoiding, or finding them. The character knows a turn ahead of time if something is going to explode, and can smell if there are explosive substances in the area, and where (Gunpowder, gasses, grenades, etc)
Tinkerer- Living in the caves means making due with what one has, and Ratmen are a pro at making the most of their supplies. The character can modify existing gear with on-hand materials to create even better equipment, or new weapons entirely!

Special: Light the Skies!- Miss Sinclaire lights off a firework rocket that flares across the battlefield, splitting and striking every enemy target with moderate damage. The more targets there are, the more impressive the display!

Name: Simon Adale
Race: Human
Age: 28
Background/bio/motive/etc: If you asked most people, they would say that Simon is bigoted, self-important, and all around just an awful person. If you asked him, he would just say that's exactly what every real human should be. After all, any other race is just inferior. Unfortunately, Simon was born with an incredible natural intellect, a mind for magic, a drive to pursue them to their fullest potential, and a cruelty to use them in the worst way possible.

Simon grew up in an average human town to a tanner and his wife, where his worldview was tempered/reinforced by the reinforced position of non-humans as second-class citizens that many average human towns usually have. His bigotry grew as his body did, and eventually he found his opinions and natural abilities too unappreciated as a tanner's assistant, traveling to the only magical academy that perfectly suited his views and tastes.

Personality: Neutral Evil, see class for more details as to why.
Height: Average
Weight: Average

Vitality: 5 (Blessed with a poor and sickly constitution to match a dark and sickly soul.)
Endurance: 3 (Humans were never the strongest of creatures, ones spoiled by magic even less so.)
Dexterity: 6 (Slights of hand and bursts of speed, both unnecessary and a sign of elfish tendencies if you asked him.)
Intelligence: 18 (All of this, and without any proper schooling - a terrible brilliance for such a terrible mind.)
Knowledge: 20 (He is a natural after all, well learned and trained in the arts of magic.)
Speech: 2 (There are those out there who would agree with him, but they are few and far between.)
Luck: 6 (Fortunately he's not particularly lucky, unfortunately he's never needed to be.)

Class: Racist Wizard (Spells and anything else he has to use to show up those lousy non-humans).

A long and proud form of wizardry, racist wizards are filled with a vast hatred of anything and everything that isn't them. So basically, their ranks are mostly made up of humans and elves. They have a begrudging tolerance of racist wizards of other races, as well as halfbreeds (as long as one of those halves are of their own race, otherwise ew). Most of their magic revolves around regular wizard spells or special spells specifically designed to hinder or harm people of a different species.

Racist Wizard - All spells deal damage based on target's race; in this case that means non-humans suffer extra damage and humans suffer less than normal damage. For half breeds, if one half is human, the target suffer regular damage. If neither half is, they suffer extreme damage because they are an abomination against nature. The inverse of this is true for positive magic, with only pure humans and half-humans getting any sort of real effect out of it. Note: If target looks like a human/non-human/halfbreed, they are treated as one unless caster knows otherwise.
Fuck you, Elf - If a friendly character who is not human performs some sort of stat-based feat of dexterity, agility, or skill (regardless of failure or success), Simon can attempt to perform the exact same action with a bonus to success. Bonus is based on how much worse his skill is than the other character's (greater if significantly worse, lesser if slightly worse/better).
Birds of a (terrible) feather - If another non-human character is met, who in some major way, shape, or form reminds Simon of himself (through being a terrible racist and self serving person) he will view them as being a bit better than they acutally are - non-humans will be like half humans to him, and half humans like regular humans (abominations are never good ever). On the other hand, humans or half-humans who do awful things like stand up for or identify with non-humans are viewed with contempt and treated as being no better than half-human and non-human scum (respectively).

Special: The Dark Execration - The Racist Wizard blasphemes the hell out of someone. He goes after them with reckless, shameless abandon, targeting everything about them - their creed, their religion, their species, the very fact that they are themselves bringing his fury to a boiling point, turning his expletives into pure, destructive magical energy directly down upon them. The magic is as uncontrollable as the Racist Wizard's rage towards other races, and will target everyone it can be directed at for large amounts of magical and mental trauma; friend, foe, as far as the Racist Wizard is concerned there is no such thing as a true, differently-raced victim (besides, what kind of ally is a non human, not an ally at all right?). Obviously this power cannot be used against one of the same race as the caster. Nothing is sacred. Everything is permitted. This special is not effected by any skills.

Cost is large to very large, depending on how many varied character apps come in/how evil the mod is in putting in enemies that match players' species. Also I plan to be the worst person and use this every time it is available, regardless of 'allies' (like I said, not a human? Not a real ally).

EDIT: In other news
Name: I'adrod
Race: Sectoid (a buglike race stolen from Leroy's game)
Age: 20
Background/bio/motive/etc: Grew up in a xenophobic village wary of outside contact in general. Wanted to help by creating traps to keep outsiders away/trap animals for food. A few villagers got hurt by these traps but eh. They got better s'no big deal. Still, if I'adrod wanted to create better, more lethal traps, she'd need better supplies, and she couldn't get those within the village.
Luckily, the man responsible for leaving town to get extra supplies fell ill just before the bimonthly trip out. Luckily, I'adrod was there to volunteer to go in his stead. She was already gone before they found out the reason behind the illness was poison.
She returned a fortnight later (to the disappointment of some) with plenty of supplies. More than they gave her money for they thought. In secret, she took her own personal gains and got to work.
And was run out of town. But why? Her new traps worked! No intruder got anywhere near the village. Sure, about a dozen local sectoids also fell to the traps but it's the principal of the matter! Still, she left before she could get lynched, to go forge her own destiny and maybe be APPRECIATED for once!
She never disarmed the traps.
personality: Fairly selfish, a tad xenophobic, rather 'forgetful', and decent at pretending she cares about others.
height: Short
Weight: Thin

Vitality: 6
Endurance: 5
Dexterity: 12
Intelligence: 15
Knowledge: 5
Speech: 10
Luck: 7

Class: Trap expert - Laying, understanding, disarming. A trap expert knows all there is about mechanisms designed to surprise and capture, injure, or kill. They can spot the telltale signs and deal with them accordingly.

Triggerspotting: Easier time spotting triggers for traps and avoiding them.
Resourceful: With some effort, you can get materials out of nearly anything!
Reloader: Can reset a trap that's already gone off, even if you didn't make it yourself.

Special Skill: Rapid Invention - Okay so technically the idea of a trap is to wait for the enemy to fall into it but sometimes they're attacking RIGHT NOW and you don't have waiting time! So you create a trap on the spot with whatever you can pull out of your bag in the next six seconds and just set it off in their path or their general direction immediately. That does the trick.
Cooldown, I'unno, three to five turns?

(04-10-2013, 07:10 PM)cyber95 Wrote: »

(04-10-2013, 07:20 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »
(04-10-2013, 07:53 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »

(04-10-2013, 03:31 PM)yd12k Wrote: »
(04-10-2013, 03:26 PM)Godbot Wrote: »You have a luck stat?

Isn't that what rolling a 20-sided die is for?

No, we just always roll exactly our luck stat. Duh.

Okay let me put it this way

luck is basically a constant hidden roll that determines say, the chances of you getting a high quality drop from a defeated enemy (a successful check)

or maybe suddenly dropping into a bottomless pit and dying instantly (a failed check)

both will happen
no I'm not joking
yes there will be respawn points don't worry

In addition:
  • Ican't: your current entry is invalid. First off, I actually need one of the given "Height" and "Weight" generalizations in addition to any actual numbers. Second, your traits and special are too OP even for something this not serious I can't even kind of fix them
  • yd12k: Wegwijspiet is accepted. Your Special, recht zo die gaat, has been classified as a Debuff skill and will have a cooldown of 4 turns.
  • Masterblade: Miss Sinclaire is accepted. Your Special, Light The Skies!, as it deals at least moderate damage to all enemies within a room, has been classified as a Tactical Nuke skill and has a cooldown of 12 turns.
  • Pala: First, as terrible as it is I laughed when I saw Simon. Anyways...
    Simon is accepted. The following changes have been made to your traits for convenience of description and actual balancing:
    -Racist Wizard: Simon's racism manifests blatantly in his magic. Humans take 1/2 damage, Half-humans of any kind take full damage, Non-humans take 1.5x damage, and non-human crossbreeds of any kind take double damage from his spells.
    -Fuck you, Elf: Anything another race can do, Simon can't help but try and do better. If a friendly non-human successfully performs a Feat of any type, Simon may attempt to perform the same feat with a bonus to the required stat equal to 1/2 the difference of the non-human's stat and his (i.e., Elf performs a Dex feat with 20 dex, Simon can attempt the same feat with a dex bonus of [(20-6)/2]=7, for 13 dex). If Simon succeeds, he retains the relevant bonus for two turns. If he fails, the bonus becomes a penalty of the same value for two turns.
    -Birds of a (Terrible) Feather: well, they do flock together. If a being of any classification performs an action or proves to have a personality that Simon Greatly agrees with or approves of, they are treated as one step closer to Human for Racist Wizard. Additionally, actions or personalities that Simon greatly hates or despises will move a step further from Human for Racist Wizard. This trait can activate multiple times on a single character.

    Additionally, your Special, Dark Execration, has been determined to be a FLUCTUATION SKILL! It has been given the following stipulation:
    -the power, effective range, and cooldown time of Dark Execration can be increased directly in proportion to how well Simon's player can actually come up with a series of blasphemes. Without any influence, it will deal medium damage to all targets in the room except humans, who will be unaffected; and will have a cooldown of 15 turns. the maximum output, with sick enough burns, will be EXTREME damage to all non-human targets in the room, with a resulting cooldown of 30 turns. Damage from this skill is not influenced by Racist Wizard, but is influenced by Birds of a (Terrible) Feather.
  • WRT Simon making people want to be human: pala is correct - Simon's traits and special have no direct penalizing effect on other players. If anything, it penalizes simon: A single strong human character can effectively rip him in half; and Birds of a (Terrible) Feather activates only if the action or personality trait is directly witnessed by him (he must be in the same room); and can be just as much a curse as a blessing: if he repeatedly witnesses a character repeatedly performing racist or otherwise douchey actions, he will eventually not only lose any bonus damage he may have dealt to them, but will possibly even start dealing half damage; and the reverse is true of humans - if he witnesses acts of tolerance or heroism, he will start to hate them more until he eventually deals double damage. etc etc. In addition, the speech stat affects his perception of others, and characters with high enough speech stats might be able to convince him they're like him enough to be treated as human regardless of race!
    TL;DR: Simon's greatest advantage is his greatest weakness.
    oh and he has a super low speech stat with a trait that influences his damage... based on social perception... *LOUD COUGHING NOISES*
  • cyber: I'adrod is accepted! the following changes have been made to your trait, Triggerspotting and your Special, Rapid Invention:
    -Triggerspotting: perception checks for traps and disarm attempts require two less points to succeed.
    -Rapid Invention: you may place up to three traps in any of the squares surrounding you in one turn. Any placed traps may have one of the following effects in one of 4 levels (weak, medium, strong, and extreme); and adds an appropriate number of turns to the cooldown:
    -Stun: the enemy cannot move for one turn. Higher levels add additional penalties and/or damage. Weak +1 turn, Medium +2 turn, Strong +3 turn, Extreme +4 turn.
    -Damage: the enemy takes damage upon trigger. Gains power with higher levels. Extreme damage is fatal upon success. Weak +1, Medium +3, Strong +5, Extreme +10.
    -Status: inflicts a status of your choice for a period of time. Length of affliction and power of status increase with level. Weak +2, Medium +4, Strong +6, Extreme +8

    The traps placed by this special can be triggered manually at any time as long as they are active.

hopefully you're all okay with any changes I may have made to abilities; or in simon's case the semi-lack of a change. The reason for this is that basically, "Birds of a Feather" is Directly affected by speech checks. and he has all of 2 speech. The reasoning behind this is that Racist Wizard is essentially applicable only to battle. HE DOES NOT GAIN A BONUS TO ANY ACTIONS OR CHECKS AGAINST OTHER SPECIES THAT DO NOT INVOLVE HIM ATTEMPTING TO MURDER THEM!!! that is all.
...I just realized I missed the Birds of a (Terrible) Feather trait. I'm dumb. look i was tired shut up

Also I'm good with the changes. :>
Fixed it.
Name: Toof
Race: Mimic Octopus
Age: 100 years
Background/bio/motive/etc: Toof, once upon a time, was a regular octopus. Then, he found a shiny thing on the ocean floor. Against all instincts, he ate it. It gave him the ability to breathe above water, as well as immortality. Toof actually did not like this. He wanted to die an honorable octopus death (one of old age). So he climbed into a cave and... got lost. Whoops.
Personality: Aloof and intelligent. Somewhat shy, because he is an octopus. Likes listening. Lawful Neutral. Wants to die of old age. Easily distracted by shiny things.
Height: Average
Weight: Very Large


Vitality: 10
Endurance: 15
Dexterity: 15
Intelligence: 10
Knowledge: 1
Speech: 4
Luck: 5

Class: Interrupter- A class that specializes in drawing attention away from allies and towards them. Can inflict multiple status effects that hinder an enemy's ability to attack, as well as debuff enemies.

Ooh, Shiny: Toof can easily find things that reflect light.
Unbreakable Grip: When Toof grabs onto something, he will not let go unless he's forced to. If Toof grabs an enemy, he reduces their Dexterity and Endurance by 4. Upon taking a certain amount of damage, Toof is forced to let go of his target.
That's Not Me: Being a mimic octopus, Toof can mimic the movements of much more intimidating creatures. Any enemy with a lower intelligence stat than Toof is temporarily distracted by this display.

Special Skill:
Tormenting Tentacles- Let's face it, anything that can remotely resemble a phallus is pretty distracting. Toof can distract up to 4 enemies (two tentacles for each). This causes them to target Toof and can inflict status effects including, but not limited to: Blindness, Nausea, Numbness, or Confusion
Uh Kiven you have 70 points there, 60's the limit :P
Fixed it. My bad.
Name: Svangir Grisvr
Race: Lichzardman. (a lizardman turned all lich-y and skeletal)
Age: 40 (died at the age of 30)
Background/bio/motive/etc: Before he died, Svangir hailed from a tribe of lizardmen struggling to survive in their lands. His tribe could not grow food in their marsh anymore, and they needed to buy land elsewhere, but they were far too poor to do so. So, Svangir set out from his own tribe to become a bodyguard, continuing to practice life magic, which his tribe was well known for. Outsiders looked down on him for it, but he proved to be a very effective bodyguard. That is, until one day, when he was supposed to escort the Lord of the Lands across a dangerous stretch of woods. Due to the Lord's buffoonery, they were ambushed by a group of deadly monsters known as Deathwalkers, and they were killed. Svangir, however, woke up later, and he was shocked to discover that he had died, and was forcibly turned into a lich. A Witch of the Woods came up to him, and she explained that she was the one who turned him into a lich, using one of his rings as a phylactery. She also explained that his body would not react well to having his vitals taken away, because he relied on them so much for life magic. She told him that, unless he found some other way to sustain his life magic, he would die for sure. For the next 10 years, he embarked on a vicious cycle of killing people and consuming their flesh in order to keep living.

personality: Being a long-dead lizardman, he is now nothing but a skeleton. True to the traditions of his tribe, he does not wear all that much clothing, only a loincloth. He does have a lot of necklaces and rings, however. One of those rings is his phylactery, the object his soul is being held in so his body can continue to move around. He will not say which one. He does not enjoy killing people, but if the choice ever came between dying and killing others, which it does for him every day, he would much rather kill others. This has caused others to view him as an evil person, and he might as well as be, but he genuinely does not see himself as one, and he will go out of his way to avoid people if he's not "hungry".

Personality-wise, he's kind of a dick. He would love nothing more than to just get away from everybody, but the nature of his magic requires that he be around people. So, he is often quite manipulative, but he's never all that happy about it. Usually, he manipulates in order to get a good place in society, because he can take over people's bodies, but not for very long. Typically, the corpse won't last for long, and he'll have to try and explain where the person he killed disappeared to. Manipulation is a hard task, after all. Most of the time, he gets frustrated and just kills them all. He always feels guilty afterwards, but then he moves on to the next town. Unfortunately, he's done this so long, he is now widely recognized as the "Skeletal Horror," so now he has to be careful not to reveal his identity.

height: Average
Weight: Very Thin. Would be TWIG if it weren’t for his jewelry collection.

Stats: You have 60 points to put into stats. All stats must have at least one point in them, but you may not put more than 20 points in one stat.

Vitality: 14
Endurance: 14
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 8
Knowledge: 8
Speech: 3
Luck: 3

Class: Life Mage/Lich. A Life Mage mostly relies on healing and manipulation of life forces. A good one will use his own energy to heal others. A bad one is similar to a Blood Mage and uses his enemies’ power to support himself.

A Lich, on the other hand, is someone that runs entirely on dark magic to survive. A Lich is invulnerable to most things (fire is but one of the exceptions), and he only truly dies when his phylactery is destroyed, as it contains his soul.

Svangir is both, and this is not a good combination. As a lich, he is unable to sustain his body with only his own energies, so he must instead steal them from others to keep himself alive. As a life mage, he is also not very good either, having little energy to spare for others. If he were to support his team, he would instead transfer life energies from all his enemies towards either his teammates or himself. His way of doing this is usually very grisly, and involves a lot of gross flesh manipulation. He prefers fighting hand-to-hand, if only so he has easier access to the corpses of his fallen enemies. As such, he is a berserker of sorts, tearing down enemies with little regard for his own body, only healing afterwards or when he's about to die. He is not a team player.

Lich Near-Invulnerability: He takes half damage from all physical attacks, and double damage from fire or holy magic.
Blood Magic Locked: He has no natural MP, and must use his own HP to cast spells.
Gross-Out Factor: He instantly loses all Speech (Charisma is a better term) if he is witnessed doing one of his grisly spells.

Body Takeover: When dealing a finishing physical blow, he can absorb the flesh of his fallen enemy, healing himself completely and gaining some of the enemy’s abilities. (Cooldown: 10 turns)

[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
Why is everyone getting three traits? Would it make mine stronger if I only have two?

EDIT: Forget it I'll just take a third trait then.

EDIT X2: Would Simon's special affect Kracky (mentally)? Cuz I'll be damned if Kracky can suffer any mental trauma, being totally stupid and on drugs.
Name: 'Blackjack'
Race: Changeling (mortal with powers taken from fae kidnappers).
Age: 21
Background/bio/motive/etc: Living his life on the luck of the draw, the one known as 'Blackjack' loves to play the fool. Those who seek to take advantage of his apparent nature will quickly find themselves surprised. It is said he has the Devil's own luck, but you know what they say about the Devil and his due...
personality: chaotic gambler
height: Tall
Weight: Thin


Vitality: 2
Endurance: 2
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 10
Knowledge: 10
Speech: 11
Luck: 15

Class: Gambler. Has powers based on luck and fortune, and the ability to make supernaturally binding wagers.

Contracts: May make binding contracts with both entities and concepts. Any contracts made must be agreed upon by both sides.
Place Your Bets: May make bets with others on the results of a course of action. Legal wagers can range from physical goods (money, tools) to services rendered (tasks, imparting knowledge) to abstractions (skill, grace), but all stakes must be balance to the odds of a wager (no rigged or one-sided bets).
One With Shadows: Bonus to stealth in dark/shadowed areas.

Card Trick: Draws 5 cards and triggers a random effect from each card (10 turn cooldown)
  • Ican't: alright, that works better. as your Special, Equine Flaming Death Hug, deals assumedly massive damage upon success, it is classified as a Tactical Nuke, and therefore has a cooldown of 14 turns. Also, a character with less than 3 traits will have the empty slots filled with traits of my own composing. they will generally be generic and less interesting than custom ones.
  • Kiven: Toof is accepted. as your Special, Tormenting Tentacles, is a multitargeting status inflicting attack and a thinly veiled tentacle rape joke, it will have a cooldown of 6 turns.
  • Tilde (garuru): Svangir Grisvr is accepted. Your Trait, Lich Near-Invulnerability has had the following change:
    -All physical damage is halved, while all Fire and Holy damage is doubled. All other damage types are unaffected.
    In addition, your Special, Body Takeover has the following additional conditions:
    -Must be the finishing blow to activate
    -Power copying lasts for 3 turns
    additionally, the cooldown has been extended to 11 turns.
  • Dox: Blackjack is "accepted", but requires more information on exactly what you mean in Contracts and what "Drawing A Card" refers to in Card Trick (i.e. In Contracts do you mean in exchange for x payment you could ask for a stat boost for a period of time, and if I agree it occurs? And if contracts are broken what happens etc.; By drawing a card, how did you think of the resulting draw being calculated [remember, there are 52 cards and only 20 sides on the die])
  • I'll update the player list tomorrow, and we'll probably start on Monday
Name: Pliksain Ct'pter
Race: Crystalloid Being (SEE ABOVE)
Age: 3942
Background/bio/motive/etc: Pliksain is old. Even for his race. As time went by he discovered he was not meant to continue his life the way he did before, losing his arm and all, so he went off in a search for something to do. He found something, but immediately despised it. he has been trying to get out ever since.
Personality: Lawful Neutral (I love D&D)
Vitality: 16 (CONSTITUTION)
Endurance: 5 (STRENGTH)
Intelligence: 16
Knowledge: 20 (WISDOM)

Class: Sage: a magic wielder trained in both the arts of harming and healing.

Crystal Skin: Takes only half damage if he rolls a 10 or up. If he fails the roll and gets hit by a blunt weapon, he takes +1.5x damage.
Sharp Claws: Unarmed Attacks do an extra 1.5x slashing damage.
Elderly Wisdom: your Intelligence and Knowledge are increased by 2 during relevant checks.

Height: Very Tall, Almost Towering
Weight: Very Heavy
Edit: I'm so stupid I forgot this special.
Special: Magic Missile +: Target an enemie(s) in the room up to 4 times for low damage. Attacks always hit. [5 turn cooldown].
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
Name: TABLESTICK BALL (aka Pool)
Race: Leprechaun- mystical race of green-skinned men who have an innate talent for using time and luck powers. Exclusively homosexual.
Age: 20
Background/bio/motive/etc: Pool used to work for an evil mobster angel, but was soon kicked out after a rival gang took over. Looking for work, Pool decided to focus his time powers in an effort to get another job. After finding a secret passageway in a grandfather clock in an old mansion, he ended up in a mobster city, where he soon became rich from gambling until he was almost killed by another mobster, which led to the other gamblers reaching into his pockets and taking everything he had. He is now broke and looking for work.
Personality: True Neutral
Height: Average
Weight: Average

Stats: You have 60 points to put into stats. All stats must have at least one point in them, but you may not put more than 20 points in one stat.

Vitality: 8
Endurance: 8
Dexterity: 10
Intelligence: 11
Knowledge: 11
Speech: 12
Luck: 14

Class: Lucky Charmer- A class that depends on persuasion, sepulchritude, and luck, rather than strength or magic, although time powers do come into play.

Hearts, stars, and horseshoes. Clovers and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows. And me red balloons. (Plus Diamonds): Pool is more persuasive when talking to men as a result of his charms, tricks, and jigs, but they generally just annoy women.
Past Tracer: He is able to follow the trails of certain enemies assuming he isn't ahead of them.
Gold at the end of the Rainbow: Enemies drop more loot, specifically gold (or whatever currency is used), for Pool.

Special: Speedster: Is able to speed up to twice his normal speed, allowing him to attack multiple opponents in one turn (not sure what cooldown to put).