A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of

A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
[Image: LgFZS9O.png]

You are in a room. You want to leave said room.
There is a door, and a materializer. Through a window, you can see this room is all there is.
Your goal is to get this person out of the room. It will be very hard though.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
Open the door.
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[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Look through window.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
Get absorbed through the ceiling and therefore roof through osmosis.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
Check what the materializer can do before you leave.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
leave the room
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
(02-26-2019, 05:43 PM)a52 Wrote: »leave the room

wait no actually, don't.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Open the door.
You cannot do this since there is no doorknob, only a black circle, and you do not possess enough FORCE to break it open as of yet. A half full gauge of FORCE shows up. However there is a keyhole.
[Image: Y0nnmog.png]
>You look through the window.
It's a white emptiness. Despite this, you still want to leave regardless.
>Get absorbed through the ceiling and therefore roof through osmosis.
You think very hard about passing through the ceiling. Somehow this actually makes you fly up and osmose through the ceiling. Only to arrive at the same room you were at. Great.
[Image: TNxIeXB.png]
This used up a bit of IMAGINATION though. All of it actually. The IMAGINATION gauge displays a full gauge, but empties into nothing.
[Image: dofZVHj.png]
>Check what the materializer can do before you leave.
You type in "cookie". A chocolate chip cookie materializes. The cookie is put in your INVENTORY. You didn't know you had this. But apparently you thinking about putting it away put it in the INVENTORY. You think of a sugar cookie, and then type in "cookie" You get a sugar cookie. Huh.
[Image: u8orNks.png]
>View inventory.
You think about viewing your INVENTORY. A grid pops up. You have a cookie and a key. Maybe it can be used to open the door?
[Image: q5wDmHR.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Think of an empty force gauge and type in gauge.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Think of an empty FORCE gauge and type in "gauge".
You get a FORCE gauge that's completely empty. You somehow replace your current gauge with this FORCE gauge. The only good use for this is a larger FORCE cap. You have no force now. You exchange the empty one for the half-full one. to remedy this.
[Image: LwOw61s.png]
>Think of a full FORCE gauge and type in "gauge".
The materializer spits out a cryptic "DOMAIN ERROR." They couldn't make it easy for you could they.
[Image: OCZFZps.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Exit the room with the key.
You put the key in the door and twist. You turn the doorknob which is apparently still a black circle, prepared to go into the endless white aether, and... it's another room. Though you went out of the room, this room has been designated "A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of", so you go back into the room you were just in. Which kept it's status so you can't be satisfied. They couldn't make it easy for you could they.
[Image: 7JoOB93.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Materialize a doorknob and put it on the left side of the door.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
materialize a mirror and a board. use the mirror to cut the board in hole, and the saw to put the...

dammit how does this go again
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Materialize a doorknob and put it on the left side of the door.
This plan of action won't be necessary. The door only needs a push to open. But you aren't quite done with this room yet.
[Image: hYOlzea.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Flip the table.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Flip the table.
You flip the table, causing the object on the table to fall off. You’re not sure why this was necessary. The object, which is a box, opens for a second, releasing a blinding light but you quickly close it.
[Image: JUNNIrQ.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Materialize some petrol and a match. Push the table into the next room and burn it to illuminate the darkness.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
Touch.....touch the light
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
Materialize a cat, so that you can have a familiar in your newfound quest to become a magical girl.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Materialize some petrol and a match. Push the table into the next room and burn it to illuminate the darkness.
It's not actually dark in there. It's well lit actually.
>Materialize a cat, so that you can have a familiar in your newfound quest to become a magical girl.
You try and do this, but the materializer does another "[COLOR=#ff000]DOMAIN ERROR.[/COLOR]" instead, you materialize a cat plushy and name him Floofles.
>Touch...touch the light
You put Floofles into your inventory for safekeeping. Your hands shake as you hold the box. You take a deep breath. You slam the box open, blinded by the light flooding the room, drowning everything in pristine brightness. And then-
[Image: 8gJv0Gn.png]
>A World you Really Want to Get Out Of
Your name is Lyu Alsk. You are in your room. You guess you want to go outside?
[Image: tAAFebk.png]
>Wallow in your sadness
You think about the thing that's consuming the world. You can't do anything about it. Nobody can do anything about it. You start crying a little. You assure yourself that it will be okay in the end, as unlikely as that is.
[Image: OkJHFxM.png]
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>You can't let the thing that's consuming the world win! You need to out-consume it, start by eating your bed.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Pack your things; if it's the end of the world, then it's time to find a way to one that isn't in the middle of the apocalypse.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>Collect all your worldly belongings. Starting by wearing your bedsheet as a cape.
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
> The world will be fine, you just have to kill god first.
> New mission directive: Kill God(s)
RE: A Room you Really Want to Get Out Of
>You can't let the thing that's consuming the world win! You need to out-consume it, start by eating your bed.
You think that would just make things worse. But you get the "Consume Bed" quest anyways.
[Image: OFG0l0z.png]
>Pack your things; if it's the end of the world, then it's time to find a way to one that isn't in the middle of the apocalypse.
You would, if it wasn't for the fact this very darkness contains the entirety of this world. But you get the "Escape this World" quest anyways.
[Image: 3fdtOLB.png]
>Collect all your worldly belongings. Starting by wearing your bedsheet as a cape.
Your inventory is almost full with items, and you'd like to keep the 2 free spaces you've got. However you do consider wearing your bedsheet as a cape. You open your diary/memo and write that down. Somehow that also became a quest in your Quest Log. Somehow you're not surprised.
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[Image: 50u2LZI.png]
[Image: H4oDpcB.png]
> The world will be fine, you just have to kill god first.
You consider this for a second, but then realize this is impossible, and won't help at all.
> New mission directive: Kill God(s)
God damn it, now it's in your quest log too.
[Image: OYLJMlC.png]
[Image: 3AOL03u.png]