Of Ash and Dark Places...

Of Ash and Dark Places...
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You lunge at the monster and attempt to drag it to the ground, you roll a 15 barely pulling it down you gouge at it with your left hand while the right tempts to plunge the blade into it's skull. The creature see's an opportunity while you wind up you stab it and clumsy tries to hit you, however your much to fast and strike it stabbing it in the eye as planed you deal 6 damage, it is starting to look worn out by the fighting.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You spit in it's eye, although you omit the "love" part, and you wind up to stab it again. The creature promptly pukes all over you. The vomit is corrosive and burns dealing 7 damage, you feel like shit and have 3/18 HP. The vomit surprises you and causes you to jump up and back away, you promptly fall into he hole behind you two and take two more damage from landing on your suitcase. you have 1/18 HP. The creature appears to have no interest in fighting further and makes a guttural groan, almost as if saying "yea, that's right, run"
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
you grab a fist full of ash and get ready for one last push- you jump back up to the second floor, the monster turned it's back to you and attempted to walk away allowing you to preform a sneak attack dealing 9 damage, the creature spins around a swings a massive arm at you. you lunge back dodging the monsters strike, you lung forward again the laying into creature once more dealing 5 damage killing the beast. The creatures body dissolves into the red dust you have seen so much of here, the creature also leaves behind a slightly glowing yellow sphere.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
Having tasted the red dust before you decide that snorting it would be on the bottom of your list of priorities and instead focus on the orb. you walk over and grab it causing it to glow brightly for a few seconds and dissolve into your skin. you now have a large dot on your hand with the number 50 written on it.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
you attempt to spit clean off the marking. When that doesn't work you start gnawing at it. unfortunately neither of these options do anything to remove the markings. The mark does begin to glow, however, you doubt it had anything to do with biting it.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>While collapsed, have a dream where Kermit the Frog tells you something important.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You don't quite collapse and instead go back down stairs and sleep on one of the beds. You have an odd dream, you think Kermit was telling you something but then there was just pitch darkness and a voice that said something although you can't quite recall what it told you other than you had to burn some of that dust for... well some reason.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Burn some dust? Pshaw, Don't do it halfway. Burn ALL the dust.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You start up a small flame after an hour of breaking up furniture and scrounging for materials. You grab your bread tin and fill it with dust. you hold it over the fire and a feeling of unease grows over you. you dump the dust into the fire in one fluid motion and a large plume of a noxious smog fills the room and, more importantly, your lungs. you choke and feel different, you cans spend your essence to improve your self and create objects. you must be at a fire and have red dust.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>The sight of the fire causes your dormant caveman instincts to kick in.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You let lose a simian howl like you have never howled before! you start throwing more wood onto the fire until a fire alarm goes off and makes the fire die off, nice.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You jump up and rip the alarm out of it's socket. you run back over to the dust blocked window. why did you come over here again?
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Did you need a reason? Windows are nice on their own.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
yea you think windows are absolutely lovely, you could stare at the window for hours.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>And so you do. Hours pass as you stare at the window.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You cannot see the other-side... it is blocked by a gargantuan dust pile. but the window is nice... you decide now wold be a good time to stare at a window... As you stare at the window the air in the building gets a little sour, the dark gets more defined, and the is an oppressive sense of pressure coming from every thing. Something is not right.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Yell at the oppressive sense of pressure to go away and mind its own buisiness. The nerve of some people.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You Yell at the pressure mounting on your back you can fuckin stand bystanders getting in your business. but alas that did not seem to work... god now it's almost unbearable! You get up and look around for the source of this unrest to see a tall thin corpselike being standing behind you.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>This entity is clearly challenging you to a dance off, show it who's boss by busting out some sweet freestyle moves. You just got served!
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Punch the being in the testicles
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]

RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You immediately attempt to break dance, you rolled a 12. your moves are average and predictable, at least you didn't punch the thing it the dick... well shit. you punched the being in the testicles dealing 6 damage.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>Groin shot or no, it's the creature's turn to dance. Let's see if it can do any better.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
It pulls out a shambling mess of a dance move! it swings it long arm at you in retaliation and dislocates it's arm!it deals 2 damage to it's self.
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
>"Son, you ain't never gonna get anywhere with dance moves like that. Watch and learn."
RE: Of Ash and Dark Places...
You throw some sick moves and include a hell of a kick in your attack dealing 4 damage and knocking the monster back a few feet, it doesn't look happy and appears to be brewing up some moves of it's own.