
RE: Waterworks
(06-26-2017, 06:04 PM)typeandkey Wrote: »>You need no taxi, march home under your own power.
>Walking home all by yourself may be a little too much to ask if you've had this much to drink. Steal someone's unicycle to get home on instead.
RE: Waterworks
> Bartender: Maybe offer the lass a glass of water before the dame legs it. She might be a little dehydrated after such conspicuous consumption.

Assuming there is any water to offer...
RE: Waterworks
> Connie: How did you defeat the hivemind?
RE: Waterworks
[Image: 2570.png]

Well, that's that. You're done here.

(06-28-2017, 07:19 AM)CSJ Wrote: »> Bartender: Maybe offer the lass a glass of water before the dame legs it. She might be a little dehydrated after such conspicuous consumption.

Assuming there is any water to offer...

[Image: 2571.png]

The bartender hopes that you aren't trying to set a record for the largest hangover and offers you a glass of water.

Eh. Thanks, but you don't touch the stuff.

[Image: 2572.png]

The Alpha Hall hasn't changed all that much, which is why you've kept returning to it. The vikings who run it are very traditional, and think of it as a labour of love rather than a strict job. You respect that.

[Image: 2573.png]

In the meantime, everything else has been... let go, in a way. The other two bars have shut down (due to lack of patrons, you surmise).

Despite the city being as populous as ever, nobody is on the streets any more. It's a strange kind of peaceful desolation.
RE: Waterworks
Are you still asleep?
RE: Waterworks
(07-09-2017, 07:40 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »Are you still asleep?

[Image: 2574.png]

You're not sure what that means any more.

Gotta get home. Just need to find a bus...

RE: Waterworks
>Consider the idea that you've managed to avoid something very horrible that might have something to do with everyone in some sort of coma.

Wild Mass GuessingShow
RE: Waterworks
>If you can't find a bus, just holler furiously until a taxi materializes.
RE: Waterworks
>Maybe the bartender knows were the nearest bus stop is?

RE: Waterworks
>Look around for a blue glowing bus stop sign.
RE: Waterworks
> Bus: Arrive almost immediately in a display of fortuitous timing.

> Bus Driver: Don't ask questions. It's far too late to be asking questions.

(at least, I'm assuming it's late at night... but with the dome, who knows? :P)
RE: Waterworks
On the speculation front

RE: Waterworks
(07-10-2017, 06:22 PM)Rakned Wrote: »> Bus: Arrive almost immediately in a display of fortuitous timing.
It's time to get serial, after all..

> Slick: Be The Driver.
> Clearly it didn't work properly the first time.
> Kick Harder.
RE: Waterworks
>use the power of THE SMARTPHONE to locate a bus. alternatively just call an uber.
RE: Waterworks
(07-09-2017, 06:18 PM)Fellow Wrote: »>Maybe the bartender knows were the nearest bus stop is?

[Image: 2575.png]

Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter if you get lost. You so much as blink in the wrong direction, something'll show up to help you.

[Image: 2576.gif]

[Image: 2577.gif]

[Image: 2578.png]

[Image: 2579.gif]

[Image: 2580.png]

You're not kidding. You've got quite the liver.

[Image: 2581.png]

[Image: 2582.png]

[Image: 2583.png]

Stupid drones. They're everywhere now. In this city, they're usually built to take the form of garbage cans and dumpsters.

[Image: 2584.png]

You'd think that public robot servants would be useful.

...They are, but they're also government surveillance kicked all the way up to eleven.

[Image: 2585.png]

[Image: 2586.png]

They're programmed to put a human's well-being above all else. Unfortunately for you, this one genuinely believes your life is in danger and is going to be trailing you until you fall unconscious.

Seriously - you're good. You've, uh, built up a tolerance over the years. You're tired; You just want to go home and go to bed on your own terms.
RE: Waterworks
Try and distract it with a fetch quest, one that would bring it to the other side of the city. Or the next one.

RE: Waterworks
>It's a scam. It doesn't want to take you to the hospital. It wants something from you. Extreme paranoia is always the answer.
RE: Waterworks
>Assure the trashcan of your good health by reciting the alphabet backwards.
RE: Waterworks
> Trash Can: parrot what they taught me in Drivers' Ed- alcohol tolerance isn't a decreased level of inebriation, it's an increased ability to mask the symptoms. Ergo, she's dying. Don't look it up or anything, I'm pretty sure it's true.
RE: Waterworks
>Tell the drone that you have a hospital at home.
>Ask him for a ride to your house where you can seek immediate emergency care from Dr. Bed.
RE: Waterworks
>Ask it one of those logic bomb questions. "The following statement is true. The preceding statement is a lie." Or if that's too much to get out at the moment, a simpler "This statement is a lie."
RE: Waterworks
(07-17-2017, 04:07 PM)Unclever title Wrote: »>Tell the drone that you have a hospital at home.

[Image: 2587.png]

You yell back at the trash can, saying that you have your own hospital at home. In your bed.

[Image: 2588.png]

It realizes that you're trying to talk to it and pretends to be doing something else.

[Image: 2589.png]

Ah, the hell with it. Why should you even bother. It'll leave you alone once you get out of this stupid city.
RE: Waterworks
>Trash bot: Intercept her right on her doorstep
>Connie: Remind yourself why you're not going to join the sleepers and why you're not going to consider suicide either.

RE: Waterworks

beautifull flash as alway, great use of music and colors.

>Start humming under your breath, muic used to cheer you up, maybe you'll find some of that spring back in your steps.
RE: Waterworks
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