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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-22-2012, 01:48 AM
"Don't be silly, that's backwards! We joined the circus, met each other, then got on the boat. And we're not just any circus, we're the Roaming Raticates. See the 'R?'" She points at her chest. "The big guy over there's our strongman, the one with the creepy hat and mask is our mysterious oracle, and I'm a class A acrobatic juggler. There's a few more of us in town, each one with their own zany and unique talent," Zany yes, talented remains to be seenshe thinks. "But while we humans enjoy our share of the theatrics, the show's really about the local pokemon."
She calmly introduces herself to the snoozing cat under the stool, so long as it's not hostile she starts giving it ear skritchies. "Most tamed pokemon don't get the excitement and fun they deserve. We understand: you've got jobs to do and can't just go off adventuring like the youngsters do. And as such, your pokemon never really reaches her full potential. Luckily for them, we're here to help.
"For a small fee, we'll take your pokemon under our wing and put em to the test, kind of like a summer camp. We take them cross country with us and teach them all the tricks we know, grooming them to be the very best showman we can make them, all while giving them the challenge and freedom they crave. They'll participate in our shows, and as their talents grow, so will their fame. Everyone will know how stellar and exceptional your pokemon is, and we'll be sure to let them know about the owner of such a fine specimen. And in a few weeks when we circle back around to home, they'll put on their best performance ever just to show how far they've come. You'd get in for free, of course, for being the trainer of one of the stars.
"Finally, we return your happy pokemon to you, it's adventure and wanderlust sated, and with a brand new set of amazing tricks to show your friends and family. Everyone in Kanto participates and they all love us. It's good for the pokemon, it's good for you, it's good for us, it's great for everyone!"
If the kitty's still friendly, Minnie tries to pick her up. "So whadya say, you think your cute little friend here's got what it takes to be famous?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-22-2012, 02:09 AM
Oh god, Vladenie is really going to be working with these people. At least one of them has the sense to try and back out of it. She makes a note that Jack is competent one.
Still, the others...
Vladenie downs her drink.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-22-2012, 04:00 AM
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SpoilerGeeze Minnie, what sort of crazy scheme are you trying to pull? We need to form a crazy scheme club so we can keep all these schemes in check.
"Oh, Allo!" Sergio greets the awakened nurse-clerk, "You may call me Sergio, and this is my companion, Mr. Nariman." Sergio offers his hand for shakings and continues.
"Sorry for waking you at such early an hour. We are new to region, fresh off boat. Sergio was hoping for bit of conversation, perhaps place to shut our eyes for a couple of minutes before the day begins. But we are moving to fast. Allow Sergio to explain. We are a couple by no means old. However we both gained passion for fighting the pokemons at later age than is commonly accepted as you may know. So, we travel, look for region with good system, more accepting of older audience. We book passage, and now here we are."
"Now, Sergio knows your thoughts. No, we are not injured, but we are at lack of information. Normally, pokecenter would be place to seek rest and healings...but...we are still unfamilar with the battling culture. You see, Sergio is field medic. We seek place we will be comfortable with, people who share the passion for healings. Sergio knows you do not stay long in this profession unless you are called to it. But let Sergio simplify. Sergio is new to region and knows little. Your face is first friendly greeting to meet Sergio since his arrival. So Sergio asks
Will you be friend of Sergio?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-22-2012, 05:18 AM
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SpoilerHere in Team Rocket we pride ourselves in hatching only the craziest of schemes!
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-23-2012, 01:02 AM
Jack opened and closed his mouth wordlessly. Was she trying to pull a con? After being in the region for five minutes? With no knowledge of fences, bribe-able officials, boltholes or escape routes (less important for people who could walk through walls) ?
Even if anyone fell for it what was she planning to do when they twigged they weren't getting their pet back? It wasn't like they'd be hard to recognise!
As far as he knew Jack was the only one who had brought any means of disguising his identity and as he hadn't thought he'd need to use it while buying a drink, the cloth mask was hanging around his neck rather than over his nose and mouth.
Why hadn't she bothered to tell anyone else what she was doing before they walked in?
One thing that was certainly clear was that he certainly didn't need anyone making things worse!
He redoubled his telepathic whispering to Nada.
"Don't say anything. Don't say anything! Don't say anything!"
While he was in the business of rooting around people's heads he tried to see about giving the bartender's one a glance too.
The man hadn't made his opinions of his new customers any kind of secret but perhaps it would reveal if there still even was any way to talk themselves out of this mess, or at least what form of nailed plank he was planning to pull out from under the bar.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-23-2012, 03:14 AM
Nariman flashes a momentary grimace and murmurs "Dr. Nariman.", but otherwise simply watches to see how the nurse will react to Sergio's overtures.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-01-2012, 09:51 PM
Nada simply smiles.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 01:39 AM
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SpoilerWe may find out more about this in-game, but I was wondering if pokecenter trading/battle rooms are typically private. If there aren't recording devices or security etc. they could make for a very nice in-game strategizing locale. Part of the reason our characters barely know each other is because there hasn't been a specific sit-down time where everyone can talk openly with each other, and it would be nice knowing there was a place in each town where we could confer without worry of drawing suspicion.
Also, just OOCing this up with other players, but since we don't really have a specific direction for our characters at the moment other than "gather info until plot reveals itself" it may be worthwhile to figure out a long-term goal for our characters.
I was thinking that, if this region is completely devoid of a Ranger force, we could feasibly attempt to establish ourselves as a local poke-centered law authority, or even a division of the Rangers themselves. Of course we would have to move public opinion in our favor by defeating or defacing the local gym leaders (the current law enforcers), all the while boosting our credibility and avoiding getting caught for any rockettering we do on the side. The end goal of this being a region whose law enforcement and government is completely under our own control.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 03:59 AM
Jack finally convinces the barkeep to let them stay, or at least convince him to grunt in a way that dissolves the fishermen's sudden interest in you lot.
"300 for the-" he begins, then is interrupted by Minnie's spiel. A quick riffle through his thinkspace reveals he's about twenty seconds off calling the cops, but he's waiting to see how the guy getting his ear talked off will respond.
The cat doesn't try and bite your hand off on first attempt to greet it, and consents to having its head skritched. Considering it's closer in size to a large dog, though (if slenderer in build), you decide against hefting it.
Both you and the big purple cat's owner fail your bluff checks, because he clearly doesn't believe it and has to kick back the last of his beer to hide his expression. He downs the last of it, splutters a bit, then waves a placating hand in the barkeep's direction.
"Nice idea, I could certainly see it doing some good for my brother's Pokemon. Me and Caspian here aren't too interested, though - he travels enough with me." He stands, waves to the bartender with two-and-a-half fingers. "These guys'll be fine," he says to him.
He shakes Minnie's hand on the way out, a sardonic quirk to his smile.
"Name's Trent. I'm based in Talasarch, so feel free to visit when you're passing through. I can introduce you to some friends, they might be interested in your idea."
He pauses to catch Minnie's name, then excuses himself. The cat makes its unhurried way after him, as does the bartender's nearly-baleful glare. He finally turns to Jack again.
"300 for the two beers."
"Bit of a broad question, that one, isn't it?" responds the receptionist, bit of a smile quirking behind his moustache. "But let's see. First port of call is probably the information centre out on the esplanade, that'll open around 9am. I wouldn't want to make any assumptions about where you're headed or what you're doing, sir, but about anything from Gym challenges to geography I can probably give some advice on."
"Charm's but a waypoint; as you were probably aware the place to really get your bearings for the region's in Talasarch. Charm's home to mostly fishermen, a few local business-owners like me, and a few holiday homes for Talasarch's wealthier folk. Half a day's travel over the hills to get there, there's a steady trickle of trainers taking it on any given ferry day. That's scheduled to dock later today, so if you're in need of an escort you're in luck. A few locals offer their services, too. Not that it's a dangerous trip, mind, but we get the occasional idiot who wanders off to go take the view in from a hill and gets lost. If you're looking to do that, though, the weather station on top of mount Serin's got great views over the peninsula. I haven't been up in a while myself, but on a clear day you can see all the way up to Kairuk."
The porter fishes around behind his desk, and hands Lucian a key.
"Up the stairs, second from the end on the right. Apologies for rambling, sir, unless you'd rather I continue."
"Hey man, not a problem. Bruno, by the way. Nice to meet you, always nice to meet guys I can talk shop with, yeah? It's I can't really offer up a place to stay, unless you like sleeping across a bunch of waiting room chairs. My boss probably wouldn't be too happy either, haha. The Pokemon Centre's sure to put you up, though!"
Bruno lurches out of his chair, and points across the road at the glaringly obvious candidate for the town's Pokemon Centre.
"Those dudes'll put up any travelling trainers, you've just gotta be taking the Gym or Contest challenges. No problem if you're new here, you dudes look plenty respectable, they'll let you stay and get your paperwork sorted out in the morning."
His genial grin fades a bit, replaced with with a puzzled expression.
"Hmm. If you guys are new to the region, how'd you guys roll into Charm this time of night? Like, if it's a touchy question or something, no worries man. Just curious is all."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 04:13 AM
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SpoilerI'd rather not entrench myself too thoroughly within the power hierarchy of the region, though that may just be personal bias. Remember, we're primarily a scouting party (at least, s'posed to be); if you've illusions of power, you may want an alibi that's suspicious to neither law nor outlaw.
(09-07-2012, 01:39 AM)btp Wrote: »Sergio wonders if pokecenter trading/battle rooms are typically private. If there are not recording devices or security, they could make for intimate group rendezvous, maybe?
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 04:26 AM
Nada appreciates the party around him but he honestly wishes that they could stop yacking up the bargoers soon. It was getting kind of boring for him.
Nada guesses he would order the strongest drink on the bar and drink it on the damn spot. He was feeling adventurous and of course, the tab's on Jack. Why does he keep on shushing him, Nada has no clue but hey, it's kind of amusing!
Meanwhile, Harry watches the bargoers with mild indifference. MAN BEING A ROCKETMON IS KIND OF BORING.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 04:31 AM
Sergio happily shakes his new friend's hand.
"Ah Bruno, Sergio loves touching questions. We had arrived earlier, but we knew region was famed for deep-sea pokemons, so we managed to convince one of the local fishermen to allow us to journey with him. Sergio had hoped to capture a beauteous sea-beast, but our excitement was premature."
He gestures to the dozing Rodriguez clenched snugly on his shoulder.
"This scrappy creature was all we managed to gather, however he will be strong ally of Sergio's in no time."
After a not so brief pause, Sergio asks,
"Speaking of such, Sergio was wondering if there were any Rangers stationed on this island, or if you knew anyone familiar with a device such as this..."[holds up styler]" allows Sergio to befriend the native creatures, but its charges are limited."
Regardless of his responce, Sergio also takes out his field medical kit.
"Just a request of your professional expertise. Sergio has prepared the basics, but you would be more aware of the injuries commonly encountered here. Is there some supply Sergio should gather more of, and do you know where it could be purchased?"
Sergio hands the kit to Bruno for him to inspect its contents.
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SpoilerScouting is the pretense for us being sent here, but it was made clear that we're supposed to take the initiative in terms of earning funds and influence. And we wouldn't have to actually run the heiarchy, just employ those that do. It's more of a long term goal than anything. Also if Sergio stuck with scouting, we'd have a long list of eerily personal and descriptive details of everyone's private doings. Though I suppose that could be useful?
Also yes thank you for that,I don't know what I was thinking.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 05:22 AM
Nariman lets a little smile flit across his face at the mention of the center's stipulation. He excuses himself, murmuring about filling out paperwork postehaste and heads centerwards. As he leaves, he says over his shoulder "Do catch up when you're done making Mr. Bruno's acquaintance."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-07-2012, 05:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-07-2012, 05:36 AM by Not The Author.)
Lucian grunts noncommittally, pocketing the key. "You've no need for apology; it's research. I don't limit my studies-" He takes a deep breath and thinks better of it. "I digress. You've been quite helpful as it is, and we both ought be getting some shut-eye. Perhaps I'll have an opportunity to pick your brains later. Or you, mine, I suppose."
By perhaps, he's already leaving reception; by or, he's talking to himself. Up the stairs, down the hall, turn right and enter; avoid encounters with anyone else up at this hour, but keep an eye on them because seriously, what's their excuse?
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-18-2012, 06:18 AM
Jack's relaxation was almost visible but he did his best to try and hide it, wouldn't really do to let anyone guess that he'd been feeling tense at all.
This had not by any stretch of the imagination been a particularly successful evening and at this point he just wanted the drink rather than to suffer any particularly large amount more interaction with his "team". He'd thought signing up with The Rockets would be a bit more glamorous than this had turned out to be.
"I've only got cash. Thanks for being... understanding."
He pushed the notes across the counter, grabbed his glass and then found a seat two down from Vladenie. It's been a bad day when you can count the person who says nothing and refuses to identify with the group as the most competent member of your outfit, but if she didn't want to break cover then Jack wasn't going to force it.
Glaring silently into his drink while weighing the benefits of ditching this dead weight with Team Rocket's cash against having to spend several years avoiding Rocket grunts who wanted their money back (and the rest of these guys but that would hardly be difficult would it) didn't exactly match his cover story either but at this point he was beyond caring.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
09-24-2012, 02:27 AM
"Humph." Minnie feels a little injured that the totally brilliant plan she had didn't pan out, but she's willing to chalk it up to her teammates poor performance and the mark's surprising savviness than anything done wrong on her part. She finishes her breakfast drink and nods at Nada. "C'mon we better make sure no one else's getting in trouble already. They're probably off hatching hare-brained schemes or something." She smiles at the bartender before heading out towards the pokecenter. She assumes she can find Sergio by following the trail of uncomfortable townsfolk.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-06-2014, 02:33 AM
Aaaaaaalrighty, how's about I try join the bandwagon and reboot this sucker? I've got expressions of interest from Slorange and Pharms, though Ents may want to roll a new character.
If the five of you who are definitely still around would kindly fill out this questionaire:
-Do you wanna play
-Do you guys want a playerlist of six (in which case we find a replacement for btp*) or would you be ok with five
-Do you still want to do rocketmons, or would you like to play a slightly more straight game?
-Do you want to wait until 1.04 is released later this month, which allows us to incorporate Gen VI Pokemon into the game?
-Do you want to keep your old characters (albeit retooled to fit the PTU format), or try something completely different? This will probably depend on whether the premise etc changes, but whatevs)
-The pace will be appreciably slower because of desktime and my slightly more limited image resources, so we've gotta be ok with that.
*if btp reads this and wants to play again, I'm going to request a character change. Sergio was creepy and gross but I'm happy to have you change up the character.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-06-2014, 02:35 AM
-No preference
-No strong preference
-Same character
-Okay with that
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-06-2014, 02:40 AM
15 players pl0x. Split all the parties!
also no preference. I'll catch everything and anything.
Same char, less circus coverstory methinks.
Slow is better than nonexistant.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-06-2014, 12:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2014, 12:07 AM by Jacquerel.)
whatever works
team rocket superiority
it'd be a bit hypocritical of me to say yes (to be honest more interested in possible system changes than more pokemon)
the same (or rather similar because my previous planned skill path doesn't really even exist in ptu, but basically the same) after perusing the handbook further I've had a different idea so it'll be uh... the same name and personality at least?
that's fine
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-06-2014, 03:27 PM
-Y'know, whatever
-also whatever
-My attempt to reuse Vladenie recently may imply that yes, I wanna keep with her
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-06-2014, 11:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2014, 11:54 PM by Not The Author.)
No preference
Reach for the stars, always and forever
I'd prefer to wait, yeah
they see me rerollin'
No worries
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-07-2014, 12:50 AM
feels good to be bad
who cares
prob gonna tweak my char a bit maybe
so do glaciers so don't fret
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-07-2014, 02:07 AM
Alrighty! We'll run the Aotearocket game with the Original Six, less a Lucian and with retooled Nada and Jack. If you want to start putting a sheet together, we can borrow/steal Jacq's character sheet because I'm lazy.
We'll do the thing from last time where your character is Level 5. This means character creation will require the following:
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SpoilerLEVEL 1
-5 Rank Ups to your Body, Mind, and Spirit attributes
-10 points to be distributed among your stats
-A background
-3 Edges
-3 Features
-1 Stat point
-2 Edges
-1 Stat point
-1 Edge or 1 Feature
-1 stat point
-1 Edge
-1 Stat Point
-1 Edge or Feature
I've broken it down like this in case you want to penalise your character so you can have more cash/better starting Pokemon. I'm not going to set hard and fast rules on this but fudge it as you feel is fair/appropriate.
On the page labelled Levelling Path you can write what you retroactively took for each level; this would be a good place to write a sentence or two of backstory about the situation where you gained the skills necessary to perform the Feature you took for any given level. (e.g. How you ranked up after taking a Skill Edge, or spending some time at a breeding facility so you learned Breeder or Egg Index. It doesn't have to be overwrought, it just helps flesh out the character.
To account for the fact that Level 5 trainers have traveled a bit with their Pokemon, you'll be able to have assembled a team by now. That, or have one slightly stronger Pokemon. Here's my rules on the matter:
If you find that you're left with points left over and really can't be assed packing a Weedle, feel free to note that your team's notably underpowered and add a "compromise" somewhere else in character creation. If you've got upwards of 70 points worth of STATS on your team and still want egg moves, for example, you could settle for being Trainer Level 4. Just play it by ear, ok?
There might be other stuff worth mentioning but we can discuss setup in this thread, and start the reboot up once everything's squared away.
E: Cyber's messing around with Team Making shows that, apparently, the 80point limit nets you either a lot left over when making one 'mon, or two lumps of mediocrity. You're welcome to go a bit over the 80 points if you, for example, opt for Trainer Level 4 instead of 5.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
01-07-2014, 04:30 AM
So I'm assuming that since the only definite response we got was "I'd prefer to wait" that we're waiting for the new release. Which means I have no idea which pokemon to pick or start building until then.
Damn you, Gen 6! Damn you and your tantalizing array of mon-pokes!