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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-15-2012, 07:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2012, 10:58 PM by Robust Laser.)
"Right, now I plan on heading to that Center there, and then immediately to the pub. Partly to find out information about the area and what's going on, and mostly because I'm pretty sure the beer I've got is warm."
Vladenie struts on over to the Pokemon Center, Poppy in tow, and immediately to the pub after that's dealt with.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-15-2012, 08:10 AM
Nada say to no one in particular as he trundles to the bar for reasons unknown to the general public - or anyone really, honestly. Who knows what is exactly going on inside his brain? Rainbows? Puppies? Candy Canes? Needless to say, the narrator would rather not find out.
Meanwhile, Harry sighs and follows behind Nada.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-15-2012, 08:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-15-2012, 09:06 AM by Not The Author.)
Luce grunts noncommittally and complains about the cartographer complains about his team's competency generally tempts fate jots down an eight digit code, which after some consideration he delivers (hesitantly) to Sergio.
"I," he grumbles, apparently incapable of unclenching his teeth, "am going to look for supplies. I don't expect to be long, but if something important comes up..."
The pause that follows is very clearly Lucian desperately trying to think of an alternative to here's my number or call me.
"...You can contact me at this number. Don't lose it."
Barring (or possibly despite) any interruptions, he stalks off to windowshop.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-16-2012, 04:04 AM
As soon as he's off the boat, and thus in public eye, Nariman brightens up to a degree that you'd have had to have seen his boatbound surliness to believe he was faking his good humor. He beckons pleasantly to Copenhagen and joins Sergio.
"Nobody seems to have given much thought, I think, to our activities following disembarkation. It occurred to me on the boat that maybe the best idea would be to have our little group take, or pretend to take, the gym challenge for this region. It'd give us direction and a reasonable excuse to be just about anywhere."
He eyes the dock workers and buildings and boats with the enthusiastic face of a tourist and scientist.
"Let's see ourselves around the town and talk, Mr. Dostaban."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-16-2012, 06:57 AM
Sergio winks at Lucian as he recieves his digits. He tells Lucian he "has gift" for him as well, but the researcher is out of sight by the time Sergio manages to pull out one of his business cards.
Sergio sighs, and hands the card to Rodriguez who promptly slobbers it with sea-foam before tossing it disintrestedly to the ground.
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SpoilerBUISNESS CARDS 99/100
Sergio, having already decided that it would be best to try and find another team member before attempting to scheme again, is particularly enthusiastic at the approach of probably the schemiest of the bunch.
"Ah! So you have heard of Sergio!" he replies to Nariman's formal address, "you have Sergio at disadvantage, please, share your name so it may cross Sergio's lips!"
The pair begins to make their way towards the business district, and Sergio continues the conversation.
"ah yes! Gym-challenge. It would be good for getting under the covers, but Sergio worries too much roleplay will distract us from our financial goals. However, Sergio knows little of the economies of this region. Perhaps we could gather some information? You seem particularly knowledgable, you may already know of people's here. In particular, our good captain mentioned a 'Mayor Vargas' with whom he'd speak about damages, do you suppose he meant Mister Gerald?"
Assuming the conversation continues Sergio may mention such pressing issues as determining what sort of rangers are present on this island, where Nariman suggests heading to first, the best way to capture restrained pokemon (present company excluded - not really), and how that pineco recieved such a smooth and lustrous casing.
As they make their way through town, Sergio makes a perception check for any of the more shady businesses. (come ooon magikarp salesman)
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-16-2012, 08:59 PM
"Doctor Nariman Arzat. Doctor of Pokémon Studies. I specialized in Poképhysiology and Battle Theory. It's a pleasure."
He shakes Sergio's hand and completely fails to flinch away from its... Suppleness.
"Unfortunately, all I know about you or any of our new companions are names I managed to wheedle out of my contact. Less still about the region; geography and political science weren't exactly part of my training. I'm rather surprised our presumable managers didn't see fit to include someone native to the region in the group. I probably would have tried to talk more with Mr. Gerald, but –" he eyes Sergio's cheek. "That seemed like a battle best left unfought."
While Sergio keeps an eye out for Rangers and businesses, Nariman watches the people and especially their pokemon closely, trying to get a feel for the character of the city and its inhabitants.
"I myself don't have a particular plan or destination yet. I just thought it would be better to get the lay of the land before frittering away the day in a public house."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-16-2012, 09:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-16-2012, 10:00 PM by Jacquerel.)
The "old people" appear to be heading off on their own errands while those closer to Jack's age naturally gravitate towards the pub. This suits him just fine.
As far as he's concerned priority 1 before making any plans is figuring out what (or in this case who) he's got to work with and, despite the length and excitement, the boat trip really didn't serve that end particularly well. If he can also get a drink out of it (preferably that someone else is paying for) then that's always a bonus.
Besides, where else do you go for making shady contacts than a workman's pub? Jack's made a fair number of fencing deals in the past over a scratched bar table, at least once he looked about old enough to talk his way in.
It's perhaps not the best time of day for that and also possibly not the right kind of town but it doesn't hurt to case out the joint just in case.
Just have to hope they don't have any particular objection to free-roaming ghosts or at least have enough dark corners that they won't notice either way.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-16-2012, 10:46 PM
"Eh, it's 5 am somewhere." Minnie makes her way to the pub with Jack and Nada. Along the way she sidles up next to Jack and motions at their larger companion. "Hey, betcha a twenty lumpy there gets himself thrown out before you can finish your second drink."
Regardless, when they reach the pub Minnie scouts out some lonely looking barfly heading in and cozies herself on over. "Hey sailor, buy me a drink?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 04:14 AM
You charge off ahead round the harbour to the Pokemon Centre. You and Lucian, Nariman and Sergio pass the gatehouse (the tiny building beside the drydock with its lights on), the clinic (at the corner of the three-way intersection), and the hotel with a large and rather fancy seafood restaurant occupying the ground floor. Vladenie notices approximately that much, before heading into the Pokemon Centre.
It's your rather typical three-storey centre for Pokemon Trainers; there's the front desk with an ubiquitous pink-haired nurse sipping at coffee and flicking through yesterday's issue of The Solrock. She rises from her seat to greet you, a bit surprised to have a Trainer wandering in at 4am of all times.
You take a look around while the nurse takes Poppy for patching up; the foyer's basically empty. One youngish trainer is sitting at a bench who clearly hasn't slept well tonight, and a pair of old codgers are in one corner grumbling about the Youth of Today over some board game. Unusually (although come to think of it, it kind of makes sense), there's a shuttered-off part of the Centre, decked out with the blues of a Pokemart. The shop hours say it opens at 7am, but a few vending machines are lined up along the side of it, stocking the usual essentials like Pokeballs, Potions, Human Restoratives, and basic adventuring kit like Repels and Escape Ropes.
Your trip back to the pub is uneventful - the only activity on the streets right now is around the fishermen's marina. There you can see the morning fish market starting to get underway.
Team Operation Piss-Up:
Our dashing trio head straight for the pub, which rather suitably discards any pretension or aesthetic standards in favour of just serving up workmen's brew. If you were desperate for that kind of thing, you could always wait for the Blue Basculin on the waterfront to open. They'd cater better to any touristy types in the town.
The Lax Lapras, which is of more pressing need of being exposited upon, is mostly full of tall tables and barstools, other than one wall lined with booths. The bar itself has a couple of liqueur bottles arrayed behind it; the liqueur bottles are in assorted states of not having been disturbed for a good while.
Jack and Nada are shot concerted glares through the smoke-suffused air from three tacit buggers in the booth nearest the door; these probably go disregarded as the two make their way to the bar. The barkeep makes the point a bit clearer.
"You want to drink in here, put those things away." He motions with a dishrag to Harry and Jack Who Is A Ghost.
Minnie makes a beeline for the best compromise for whatever the hell she was looking for. This happens to be the only guy who definitely looks under thirty in the whole pub. He's sitting at one end of the bar, back to most of you, swilling about one third of a glass of booze as he stares into it with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. There's a purple, catlike Pokemon sleeping at the foot of his barstool.
He glances up, shrugs, and motions to the barkeep before sliding some currency across. The bartender looks like he wants to deal with Nada and Jack first, but reluctantly multitasks and draws out a pint for Minnie, scooping up the cash with another glare at the two dudes.
"Are they with you?" the barfly asks Minnie.
You go stalk in the direction of some windows, presumably not paying any heed to Vladenie who headed in the same direction.
The waterfront is full of said windows; at least the kind you can look through without homeowners getting all upset. Right from the Pokemon Centre are a Mart (no, not a PokeMart), the Blue Basculin, and an antiques store. The waterfront itself has a bunch of shuttered or otherwise night-proofed smaller businesses; a kiosk by the ferry docks and a couple of food vendors.
The place on the whole looks designed to cope with a lot of foot traffic, just, not at 4 bloody am. It's deserted other than you fine gentlemen, and one dude tidying up outside the Blue Basculin. You don't find the Pokemart because it's inside the Pokemon Centre. This may or may not annoy you.
Mature Students This Way:
Perception check: 16. Other than a rather understated dumpster diver round the back of the PokeMart, things seem to be suitably peaceful for a four in the morning. The bulk of the activity is back around the marina, where fishermen are bringing in their night's catch for northwest Aroa's assembling fishmongers to purchase.
You can for the most part tell the buyers from the sellers, by the latter all being the ones with cigarettes (that shit nukes your tastebuds, don'tcha know). They also smell like saltwater and clearly didn't do their hair before they got out of bed this morning. Their Pokemon, when they do have them, are the ubiquitous working types like Machop, although one dude has an Azumarill hauling cages for him. You spot a few Wingull in the rigging as well; you hear one squawk a warning as you make your way onto the waterfront. You watch a larger bird Pokemon swoop down from the hills, only to be beaten off by a whole pack of Wingull. A Pidgeotto, perhaps? Hard to be sure from this distance.
Nariman also noted, for the most part, buyers didn't have their Pokemon out and about. The conspicuous exception was one well-dressed woman, with a humanoid, strikingly armoured creature in tow.
Sergio didn't find anything resembling a rangers' station; perhaps the Aroa region didn't make use of them? Considering the limited charges on his Styler, that could be a cause for concern.
The two of you otherwise find the waterfront in a similar condition to what Lucian found. The main exception would probably be the presumably-annoyed Lucian prowling round it.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 04:38 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 08:46 AM by Pharmacy.)
"Yes!" Nada blurts out in reply to the question that was clearly not for him at all. "We are clearly a team!" Placing a hand on both Minnie and Jack's shoulders each, he grinned rather jovially back at the bartender.
Meanwhile, Harry decides the bartender is rude and makes an equally rude gesture with her nubby front-paws things. Dang, that be one rude Scraggy.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 05:10 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 05:11 AM by Jacquerel.)
Jack does not appreciate the Shoulder-Clasp of Friendship very much at all, but makes the best of it by pretending to flinch (with his sense of balance he doesn't have to try very hard to make it convincing) and "accidentally" dropping his pokeball.
He points an eye-roll of consolidarity at the barkeep before kneeling down to find it, simultaneously firing off inaudible instructions for Other Jack to make himself scarce until he can condense himself under a table or something, or in the worst case scenario just go and hang around outside.
Scarce in this case meaning invisible.
"There's the bugger", he says, firing the ball's return beam at nothing in particular before straightening up and directing a significant glance Harry-wards, "You heard the man, no pets allowed."
If he takes some vindictive pleasure in this well, Nada probably wouldn't notice.
Trying to save their group some face he continues from where his teammate left off.
"We met up on the same boat over, made fun of the other passengers, thought we might get to know each other a little better before heading off.
I'd appreciate a drink too please. And one for him."
He hadn't wanted to pay for himself but he's not going to trust Nada to do it.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 05:47 AM
Minnie gives Jack a friendly arm punch before turning her attention back to the pre-drunk. "Aw don't be like that, of course we're a team! How clever of you to pick up on that! [/seduce] For a while there I thought nobody was going to recognize us, but I guess our Kanto reputation precedes us." She takes the blank stares as a sign to continue.
"Well isn't it obvious? I thought such a worldly gentleman as yourself would've known. [/seduce harder] The matching uniforms, the exotic pokemon, these wacky caricatures...
we're the fresh-off-the-boat, new Aroa branch of the Roaming Raticate Travelling Circus and Pokemon Menagerie!"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 06:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 11:08 AM by Robust Laser.)
Entering the pub, Vladenie notices two things: Nobody has their Pokemon out, and her cohorts, claiming something ridiculous. She recalls Poppy back to her pokeball, stuffs the shirt with the red R on it into her bag, and then actually enters, sitting at the bar as far away from the others as possible.
She orders a Gin Graveler, because it's the most likely mixed drink they could possibly serve at this kind of place, and tries to overhear any noteworthy conversation going on in the pub.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 08:47 AM
"Hi Vladenie, how are you!"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 08:52 AM
Vladenie pretends that she didn't hear that.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 10:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-17-2012, 11:00 AM by Not The Author.)
One does not have to presume Lucian's annoyance - it's pretty plain to anyone with anything upwards of 10 Wisdom. Or anyone who's met him.
Considering that he thought it would be a good idea to go shopping at four in the goddamn morning, Luce decides that maybe he should get some sleep. Besides, the inn's likely as any place to have maps or newssources to peruse, and, being asleep, he'll not have to deal as much with his-
...Bodyguards, yes. That might do. Need to pick up a few facts first to give the alibi direction, but it could work. Hm.
On the way back across the wharf, Luce keeps an eye out for any as-yet uncatalogued pokemon and records them in his 'Dex.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-17-2012, 05:02 PM
"Ah! Other scientist! Sergio is pleased to see you again!" When Lucian probably does not respond he...
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Spoilerokay so I wanted to say "whipped out his styler and called him" but I'm not sure how celluar communication works here. It may be convenient to assume that everyone has some sort of communicator, perhaps integrated with their pokedex/styler/actual phone. his attention, and caught up to walk alongside of him.
"It is rather early, and there is little to interest Sergio at this point. There was clinic not too far from here, they should have lodgings, as well as informations about local culture. Peoples talk when others heal their wounds. Sergio will head that direction, and would appreciate some company."
Sergio places his hand in the small of Lucian's back and nudges them both towards the clinic. Narmian may come as well, but that depends on if he wishes to associate with any of the apparent gentry.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-18-2012, 12:20 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2012, 09:31 AM by Not The Author.)
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SpoilerIn this instance, Lucian's "phone" is integrated into his watch, so I figure you can put phones wherever the hell you want. Styler's as good a place as any.
And don't worry; Luce is pretty easy to ambush when he's not expecting it. He probably instinctively looked towards Sergio before remembering to avoid eye contact.
"Wh- oh. You." The doctor instinctively hunches into himself at human contact, but doesn't make too much of a fuss; to him, it's pretty clear he doesn't have a choice in- wait.
"...The clinic. You want to go to the clinic to get information and a place to sleep? Not, say, the hotel where new arrivals and tourists are logically going to go on arrival? The place designed to facilitate people who've no idea what's going on in the area? No?" Luce sighs, grumbling something about their probable imminent need for medical supplies anyway. Goddamn immature barflies.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-18-2012, 12:53 AM
Sergio grins at Lucian.
"Hotel is good for long stay and privacy, to dim the lights so you can cuddle next to your Pokemon. When slow, Clinic is good for naps, and workers always have stories to tell. Sergio knows a bit about medicine himself, and you always get more information when you have something in common.
Not to mention, hotel expensive. And clinicians are of a more generous sort."
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Spoileralso Sergio curious as to the uniforms of nurses in this region.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-19-2012, 10:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-21-2012, 06:46 AM by Not The Author.)
"I wouldn't know about you," Lucian growls, finally getting around to shrugging off Sergio's hand, "but I appreciate my privacy." If he doesn't regain his composure, he at least manages to stand up straight. "It'd be foolish not to at least reconnoiter the inn. Which... I suppose is true of the clinic and Center, as well."
The doctor shrugs noncommittally, already tallying the ways things could go wrong. "We could divide at this juncture, in case the clinic isn't as receptive as you'd imagine, and collect information as we're able. A stipulation, though: be discreet. Remember what happened to the last... expedition sent here. Don't draw unnecessary attention, don't linger any longer than you need, don't establish a poor reputation, and above all -" It's unclear if the pause is for emphasis, or if he just forgot to breathe in during all that. "- don't do anything Stupid."
Lucian mulls for a bit, then leans in closer (but not too close), muttering through his teeth.
"And if your plan is to enter the clinic thanks to one of our injury, I call not it." He straightens up again. "Besides, I don't fancy sleeping in a hospital. They smell weird, and have contagions in."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-20-2012, 02:48 AM
"Suit yourself, let us meet at pokecenter at 9am. We can share reconnosance there." he adds, "Oh, and If hotel is anything like one Sergio has patroned, you will find environment cleaner in hospital."
Leaving Lucian with the image of whatever it is Sergio does in a hotel room, Sergio enters the clinic. If the staff is not too busy, he strikes up a conversation, informing them of his recent arrival, his request of a bed, information on any rangers in the region, and what kind of injuries/illnesses they tend to find here - noting his medicinal experience.
Oh and also where he may be able to get some more medical supplies.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-21-2012, 02:09 AM
Nariman watches Lucian's consternation with a vague grin, then unsurprisingly follows Sergio into the center, content for now to watch.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-21-2012, 04:57 AM
Team Travelling Circus:
The bartender pointedly ignores any drink orders, and Jack's DEX check on a convincing sleight of hand (10-4=6) isn't all that convincing.
"Get out," says the barkeep. The fishermen in the corner booth shift a bit. Minnie's new friend watches in bemusement.
"So, you met up on the same boat, are getting to know each other better, and you're doing that by forming a circus?"
You successfully (CHA check: 14) make it look like you don't know your colleagues, and manage to keep the facade up even as Nada scrabbles furiously at it. You pay 250P for what is probably lighter fluid. The barkeep slides it begrudgingly down the counter, not taking his glare off Jack and Nada.
You see the three dudes by the door, a man and a woman eating at another booth, and two other people (plus Minnie's friend) sitting alone. Most conversation stopped as soon as the barkeeper ran out of patience for your colleagues.
You part ways with the older geezers, the only pokemon you see being the dumpster diver's Sentret. The first floor of the hotel building is divided into the currently-closed restaurant, and the hotel reception. The reception's got a tasteful marine theme to it; it opts for a few nice shells and mementos to complement the decor rather than accessorise it. The front desk is unmanned, but for a blue-and-yellow hound that barks once. The porter stumbles out in short order.
"Good morning, sir. Welcome to Seabright Hotel, and Port Charm, it seems?" He gives Lucian a very professional once-over, before deciding he doesn't have to politely dismiss him in the direction of the Pokemon Centre. He then offers Lucian a moment to request a room, but takes the half-second of silence as an invitation to be filled in. "Let's see... we've got single, double, and twin suites all available for tonight, starting from 900 for the single. 1200 if you'd like complimentary brunch at Mrs. Sinistra's next door in the morning."
Sergio and Nariman:
The clinic is fronted by some dude with dreadlocks and scrubs on. He's asleep at the desk, having a good snore and apparently oblivious to your presence. It's not an especially large building, and most of its floor space is occupied by the more sterile conditions of the clinic proper through a door beside the receptionist. You're not entirely certain they've got anywhere to stay the night proper.
Just as you're taking a look around the foyer area, the snoring stops with a grunt.
"Oh, hey dudes. Can I help you at all?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-21-2012, 06:53 AM
Jack sighed and kneaded his temples in frustration. He'd wanted to learn how competent the rest of his crew were going to be? Well... even worse than he's thought possible to be honest.
You don't piss in your own watering hole, you don't antagonise bartenders. Bartenders are your friends! They know everyone and everything and, perhaps more importantly, own vast quantities of alcohol.
Why Minnie had even thought to provide her own story was beyond him considering that they hadn't even needed an alibi and he hadn't been lying.
He snapped his fingers to get Gastly to reveal itself again and then visibly waved it out of the door. He wasn't sticking it in a pokeball and it wouldn't be inside the establishment, surely nobody could disagree with that?
Besides it wasn't even like he was disarming himself, at first sign of violence his plan was to just teleport back outside the building so he could reunite, get prepared and maybe even make a better entrance.
He made a note to check for cameras, this place was perhaps not quite seedy enough that the owner wouldn't just call the Jennies if things got bad.
He spread his empty hands wide in a placatory gesture. He didn't have any weapons and now he didn't have any Pokemon, totally not a threat!
"Look, I don't know what you think we're up to... Hell, I don't know what these two are up to, but all I want is a drink. I've given you cash and everything.
I don't want trouble, I want to sit down and have a chat with some people who I apparently knew even less about than I had thought.
One of them wants to start a circus! Well, we ain't going to lack for clowns.
Though as we can't even organise a pub crawl I don't think that's going to work out."
And, as common sense apparently hadn't entered into any of his decisions so far, an extra tiny little sentence by way of damage control heard only in the head of Nada.
"Don't say anything."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-21-2012, 07:54 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-21-2012, 08:48 AM by Not The Author.)
"Brunch-" rustle shuffle click beeeeeeeeeep click shuffle rustle "-sounds delightful. Shouldn't need more than a single for more than tonight, although..." His thoughts stray to his companions momentarily, and he frowns - but just for a moment; as he extracts the necessary billage from his coat, that comfortable middling of sullen and smug returns. "...Although I am indeed less informed about the region than I'd like. If you have the time-"
Lucian checks his watch and frowns again. "Or patience, as it were, to tell me of Aroa...? Or at least," the doctor waves his hand around vaguely, "the locale, if an entire archipelago's a bit much for this early."