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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-31-2012, 08:58 AM
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SpoilerMaury stats!
Lvl 4 -> Lvl 8
Total EXP: 700
+1 DEF, +1 ATK, +1 HP, + 1 DEF
HP: 4 + 1= 5
ATK: 5 + 1= 6
DEF: 7 + 1 + 2 = 10
SATK: 12 + 1 = 13
SDEF: 12 + 1 = 13
SPD: 7 + 0 = 7
Max HP: 23
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 2
Learned Meditate!
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Name: Meditate
Type: Psychic
Damage: N/A
Frequency: At-will
Accuracy: N/A
Range: Self, No Target
Effect: Raise the user’s Attack 1 Combat Stage
As Lucian scans Maury with his pokedex, the Mr. Mime turns to face him and stares unblinkingly. Lucian can't be certain, but he may have heard a simple "mime" echo in the back of his mind.
Sergio, doesn't notice any of this. He is busy collecting his ocean creature.
"No no no," He shakes his head at Minnie's threatening tone, "That is not how you coax the pokemons..." he trails off, staring at Minnie, as if something has distracted him. His eyes slowly and carefully follow the whole of Minnie's body from head to toe. Before Minnie can slap/stab him he interjects with an 'apology'.
"Please, forgive Sergio. It was dark and your form is so..." He glances at Minnie's chest, "...slender. Sergio did not know he was in the company of a woman."
Regardless of how Minnie reacts, Sergio steps down from the crate and relieves her of the corphish. (he makes sure to cover the stab wound/control the bleeding/ice the bruise, as needed)
Sergio whispers to the corphish in the bag.
"Come now, creature of the deep. Sergio shall make you feel all better."
He enters the cabin.
"Good Captain, crisis is averted. We have protected your cargo, as well as added to your supply. There is minor damage but Sergio's compatriots can fix."
He adds: "Sergio would like to take this little one onto shore with us. Surely you would not begrudge Sergio this? It has caused you enough trouble already."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 05:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2012, 07:24 AM by Pharmacy.)
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SpoilerDirty Harry realizes she is Level 9 and she needs to distribute stat points. She would do this because Nada is way too preoccupied (cough) to do this.
Attack (+2)
Speed (+2)
Dirty Harry learns that sneakily kicking people is just as awesome as kicking them in their face. Aww yeah.
Dirty Harry learns Faint Attack!
Nada is overjoyed at the Corphish on his hands, so overjoyed that he was pretty sure he feels a RLY STRONG BOND forming between him and the disconcertingly large crawdad. Nada wants to keep it forever and name it Rodriguez because it is the BEST name and no other moniker can be an acceptable substitute.
He shall hug Rodriguez, the beautiful mutant of the seas.
Nada snarls and skitters away from Jack The Stupid Magic Man (so stupid), looking back at him all annoying-like after a few meters just in case. She wondered what was Nada doin --
--oh. Yeah. You know what, being picked up by a Stupid Magic Man seems like a more interesting prospect.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 06:53 AM
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Spoileryou know Harry can learn 6 natural moves according to house rules. No need to forget one.
Also for a while I was going to say that someone should get Nada to put that corphish down but, no. I really want to see how this plays out. Will Rodriguez find a way to escape? Will he learn to love the trainer whose hand he now so intimately knows? Will some crazy antic result in him bumping into a pokéball, catching him for good?
My money is on Rodriguez never feeling safe un-fainting and Nada having corphish hand for the rest of our adventure.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 11:13 AM
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SpoilerYeah, you can have up to six natural moves with the tabletop setup; you're not restricted to four.
Jack telekinetically lifts Dirty Harry by a foot. Dirty Harry is unimpressed, and kicks frantically to be let down.
The skipper seems even less impressed with happenings than the Scraggy, but Sergio's Natural Fucking 20 CHA Check (seriously, what the dicks) stops him taking it out on the Ranger. He glances between Sergio and the docile Corphish, more bemused by Sergio's ignorance than exasperated.
"You don't understand, but is not your fault."
He rips "Rodriguez" from Nada's hands, tossing it into the water. "You," he growls, "on the balcony. Stay there until we arrive. Do not touch anything."
The skipper catches the deckhand's eye, and tosses a glance at the mess. That done, he stomps back into his cabin, lights up another cigar, and coaxes the engine back to life. Sergio's about to ask clarification, but is pre-empted by an exhalation of smoke.
"Those fish are no good. If I sold such fish in market, with no recovery from dogfights with trainers, I would be laughed out of town."
Another huff of smoke. "I am a reputable fisherman. A Ranger like yourself should understand, I have only respect for the ocean's creatures."
He leans upon the steering wheel; stares through the salt-spattered windshield in the direction of Aroa for a while before affixing Sergio with a magnificent glare.
"I still expect reparations for my cage. Most of my catch may not need to be held in such a manner, but the crabs are a different matter."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 01:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2012, 01:23 PM by Granolaman.)
Minnie's just about fed up with this captain guy. She follows him and Sergio into the cabin.
"Reparations?! You expect us to pay for your ineptitude as a fisherman? Sure it's all easy-like to blame the big oaf out there, but you're the one who decided to throw a bunch of dangerous animals into a cage that couldn't contain them!"
Minnie pokes at the tarp in Sergio's hand. "And I'll bet this is a ~magical tarp~ that completely pacifies the damn things and makes it impossible for the pokemon to escape or even think a rebellious thought!"
She gets herself all up in the captain's grill. "If anything you should be paying us for fighting off that boarding party for you. Where were your pokemon when your ship was in danger? What kind of captain can't defend his own ship?"
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SpoilerIf this asshole tries anything, I've still got a Sucker Punch ready and waiting
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 03:24 PM
"Uh" said Jack, now finding himself in possession of something that really did not want to be held, "Nobody going to claim this?"
He waves Harry around in the air for a bit before deciding to just shove her into the currently unoccupied cage, holding her in place until he can tie his chain across the gap.
The rusty series of links almost certainly wouldn't hold a Corphish but Harry doesn't have claws so he feels like he's probably fairly safe.
"I don't want this thing biting me or some shit, you can get it when you feel like it."
He feels fully justified in ordering someone else to stick their pokemon back in its ball while leaving his to float around doing whatever it wants, his one doesn't try and push people off boats unless he asks it to.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 03:55 PM
Sergio sensually places his hand on Minnie's shoulder, then down to arm, then back to shoulder again, a few times.
"No, no. Please," turning to the captain, "forgive Sergio's companion. She is restless from trip, and while she raises some valid concerns about your safety, Sergio is certain you know much more about the intricacies of fishing world."
He hands the captain a 500 poke bill.
"Surely this is enough to hire a welder to fix the bar once we reach port?"
After the captain pockets the money, he continues, "Now this fishing, is it a lu-kra-tive business? These crabs must be worth quite a bit for you to only capture two on such a trip. But Sergio has to wonder, maybe business is suffering. Mama Sergio always said, 'too many fisherman in the sea, means no fish for me.'"
Depending on how the captain reacts, Sergio continues with his proposition.
"What Sergio suggests is perhaps we could find a way to increase your revenue. Surely you must know of a competing fisherman? One who doesn't respect the ocean or the codes which bound those who work on it? Some who, if their business was disrupted would provide a convienant opportunity for a fisherman such as yourself to take advantage from a larger catch."
If the captain seems hesitant, he adds
"...and of course it would make these side jobs a thing of the past."
Finally, if something hasn't mucked this up (is that an offensive term in pokeworld?)
Sergio presents the catch.
"Now, of course you may be aware, but my compatriots are not the most...reputable...businesspeople" He recalls Maury (who has probably poked his head around the corner of the cabin entrance) to his pokéball at this.
"All we would require is a simple agreement. You give our organization a percentage of your profits from after this 'event', and we all become more pleasured peoples."
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Spoileredit: oh well I guess if that's too convoluted I guess we could just heal the corphish and go sell them ourselves.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-01-2012, 06:28 PM
Luce isn't scan having any part of Amateur Negotiations Night; the only part of diplomacy he's ever been scan any good at is saying "I told you so" when it all scan goes to shit after the fact. Instead, he inspects the damage inflicted by the Corphish upon the boat and (barring obstruction by Jack) cage, asking Hades to try to do something about getting the ramp back up. You're magnetic, right? Use that to your advantage, or something. All I ask is you not drown while you're at it.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 03:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2012, 04:02 AM by SleepingOrange.)
Level &etc
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Level: 9
Total XP: 750
Species: Pineco
Gender: Male
Type: Bug/Also Bug
Nature: Calm (+2SpDef -2Atk)
Egg Group: Bug
HP: 5 + 2 = 7
ATK: 5 + 0 = 5
DEF: 9 + 2 = 11
SATK: 4 + 0 = 4
SDEF: 6 + 4 = 10
SPD: 2 + 0 = 2
Max HP: 30
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 2
Learned: Selfdestruct, Bug Bite
Forgot: Tackle
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SpoilerType: Normal
Damage: 10d10+46
Frequency: Center
Accuracy: 2
Range: 4 (No Target, Burst)
Effect: Selfdestruct creates a 4-meter Burst. The user’s HP is set to -50% of their full HP.
Bug Bite
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SpoilerType: Bug
Damage: 2d10+8
Frequency: EOT
Accuracy: 2
Range: Melee (1 Target)
Effect: If the target has a consumable Held Item, Bug Bite destroys the Item and Bug Bite’s user may use the Item’s effect.
Nariman glides across the deck towards Lucian, completely heedless of the fisherman's conversation with the others, snapping his fingers at Copenhagen to follow.
"How... Rich. Someone does have to step up and be the leader in situations like this though, don't they? And I expected it would be you, too, with your beldum and your little Dunning-Kruger smirk. And I don't mind. There's a role even for those who can't do."
Here, he spares a grimace for Hades before drawing level with Lucian. "But if you ever speak to, about, or near me again in the way you just did, I will make sure that by comparison you remember that blowhard with the Mawile as a reasonable and compassionate individual."
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 05:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2012, 05:24 AM by Not The Author.)
Aside from a cursory glance over his shoulder to discern who's come to annoy him now, Lucian does not deign spare his... peer much attention. As the speech concludes, he sighs through his nose and withdraws a small notebook and pen.
After a moment's scrawling, he neatly tears away his freshly minted note, folds it in half, and places it atop the cage beneath Nariman's knife. He then returns his writing utensils to his coat, and his attentions to the boat.
The note reads, in neat cursive handwriting:
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SpoilerAre you sure?
This will take
considerably longer.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 05:25 AM
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SpoilerHey guys if you rough each other up a bit, don't worry. Sergio is always there to make you feel better. where did he leave the lubra healing salve...
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SpoilerHoly shit self-destruct. 10d10 + 46? So basically if your max HP is anywhere from 29 - 73 and you get hit by that you risk INSTANT DEATH.
(and guaranteed insta-death if your max HP is 28 or lower).
Now we know why team rocket initially stocked up on voltorbs. They weren't just aiming for some bs power station takeover, they wanted legit rechargeable instant murder monsters.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 11:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2012, 11:17 AM by Pharmacy.)
Nada utters his few first words since the beginning of this ship travelings fiasco. He is incredibly distraught over the loss of Rodriguez. How can the man tragically sever the bond between them? RODRIGUEZ YOU FANTASTIC FISHY-FREAK YOU SHALL BE MISSED. Nada mourns this for about five seconds and immediately forgets it because I don't know why. After all, he had other matters to attend to, namely
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrmohright! Yes! Harry! Now where is she?
Maybe Jack could help! I mean he has magic powers and he definitely can find where that little adorable rascal is! Very well then! He shall find Jack to find Harry! Nada almost declares his intentions out loud for the public to hear but prudently decides aganist it and just simply trundles over to the Psychic creeper over there.
Harry greatly finds being caged by Stupid Magic Man to be incredibly infuriating (not to mention rude) and decides brute force is probable the best solution to everything but especially this.
Harry uses Low Kick on the chained side of the cage.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 12:27 PM
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SpoilerYou don't have to forget any moves; you get a maximum six natural and six "artificial" for twelve total. Artificial includes egg moves, TMs, and tutors.
Also bear in mind that a Pokemon that uses Self Destruct will have its loyalty lowered by at least 1 point.
The captain seems undeterred (CHA check 12: 12) by Minnie's goading. "Your superstitions are ridiculous. I checked my pots en route to the ferry, assuming no idiots would go tearing the cover of darkness off their contents."
Her more obvious insults almost get a rise out of him, but Sergio steps in before anyone says anything even more regrettable. He then talks for a while.
Then he talks for a while longer. (WIS 15 (talking about shit you don't know shit about): 6)
The captain just kind of chews on his cigar, then asks:
"Are you done?" Then:
"I don't care." Satisfied you have no real clue about the culture and customs in his hometown, he barks something in his foreigner tongue at the deckhand, then returns to the controls of the boat. "You recruits of Mayor Vargas are all the same. I will talk with him directly about fixing my rig. Get out of my cabin. Go help the cocky little creature on my roof tidy my ship. Now."
Hades technically outweighs the ramp (which the deckhand is already rigging back up with some rope), but the only magnetic bits of its fibreglass self are the catch and the hinges. The cage also rattles a bit, a loose bit of chain slapping off with a clang.
The deckhand gives the Beldum a look that's not angry, but gently beseeches her move out of his way.
Harry can't really do shit about Jack's telekinesis, as she fails her AC check (AC2: 1).
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SpoilerAssuming none of you idiots want to start a fight with the guy who's giving you a ride to where the actual plot'll happen, I can skip ahead to your sunshine and rainbows arrival to Port Charm.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 12:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-04-2012, 01:47 AM by Granolaman.)
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SpoilerEhh I'll let him off the hook this time...
We still keeping the runty corphish?
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 02:37 PM
Sergio steps outside of the cabin, carrying the corphish to the front of the boat. As he passes Minnie he mumbles something about healing corphish for profit, but having misread the situation already, he probably rather cop a feel of the new country before attempting any new schemes.
He sits down on the front of the boat and opens the tarp containing the small corphish. "Hallo, creature, you shall accompany Sergio, yes?"
He then spends the required half hour talking with it to give it the COMPANION title. To an observer, it the conversation would seem almost sweet, interspaced with potentially disturbing comments made by the faux-tanned foreigner.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 09:02 PM
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SpoilerOhhhh, I thought Egg Moves counted as Natural Moves as well. My bad, yo.
Also, as I realized Copenhagen doesn't have an ability yet, I'm going to assign him Sturdy. I mean, when is he going to be doing anything to crass as using recoil or bug moves, which require him to be near an enemy?
Nariman does not deign to read Lucian's note. Instead, he scoops up Copenhagen in his arms, rethinks that and puts him back down as he's done the last hundred times he's considered carrying Copenhagen, and scoops up his Shitty Kunai™. Because they're his, not because anyone said so. Fucker. Then he follows Nada over to Jack, partly out of interest and partly because Nada seems like a helpful guy to have on one's side.
He's ready to skip forward to docking when everyone else is.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 09:04 PM
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SpoilerI'm pretty sure Egg Moves count as natural since they're, y'know, gained naturally. The reason tutor moves count with TM moves is because Move Tutors literally know how TMs work and somehow manage to use this knowledge to teach moves.
Vladenie spends time admiring her lead pipe and wondering if maybe she could weld some spikes on it while the boat continues its journey.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-02-2012, 09:48 PM
Lucian backs off from the cage to get Hades cleaned up and packed away. Finding himself with naught to do, he approaches the deckhand and suggests he could heal one of the Corphish for them, if they've an idea of which might sell best? Though he's not sure where they'd keep it for the time being...
Failing that, he inquires as to the availability of a mop. Though he denies culpability for this mess, he figures someone ought help with cleanup. (Also he finds it easier to concentrate on his games of Voltorb Flip if his body's busy with menial, mechanical labor, but that's not important for others to know.)
Failing that, he returns to the cabin roof and considers taking up yoga again, before spending (hopefully) the rest of the trip scrawling and sketching in his pocketbooks.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-03-2012, 01:04 AM
Corphish joined the party! Please re-stat the Pokemon's five levels as you see fit, as long as they fit with the base relation of its stats.
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SpoilerLevel: 5
Total XP: 150
Species: Corphish
Gender: M
Type: Water
Nature: Adamant +2ATK -2SATK
Egg Group: Water1, Water3
Base Stats
HP: 4
ATK: 10
DEF: 7
SPD: 4
Max HP: HP*3+LVL
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: DEF/5 rounded down
SATK: SDEF/5 rounded down
BOTH: SPD/10 rounded down
Natural moves
Name: Bubble
Type: Water
Damage: 1d6+3, SATK
Frequency: At-will
Accuracy: 2
Range: 8, 1 target
Effect: Lowers target's speed on 16-20 on AC check.
Diet: Carnivore
Ability: Hyper Cutter
Overland - 5
Surface - 5
Underwater - 5
Burrow - 1
Jump - 2
Power - 2
Intelligence -3
Vladenie waits for the deckhand to quit his tidying for a moment before asking about a welder in Port Charm. (CHA 10: 4) You catch him at a bad time, and he's not willing to impart much advice. He's got his hands full at least, which means he can't really ask for the pipe back right this instant.
Lucian also similarly scores poorly on his CHA check. (6-2, to be exact.) The deckhand doesn't even bother to explain the already-exposited information that a fainted Pokemon should be returned to the wild instead of eaten. He does much better (15-2), however, on cleaning equipment, being told a few tools line the interior wall cabin which contains the doorway.
Lucian grabs said mop with minimal grizzling from the captain, who has gotten the trawler moving again, and proceeds to mop up Bubblebeam residue.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-03-2012, 01:30 AM
Oh there is Harry! Oh hi, Harry what are you doing in that cage?
"Hey Jack, can I have Harry back?" And without asking for an answer, Nada just simply removes the chain, open the side, and simply picks up Harry. Apparently, his brain is too incomprehensible for manners to exist. Arceus, how rude of him. Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddddddeee.
Nada removes Harry from the caged suspension that is Jack's doing.
Meanwhile, Harry is just glad she is out of the cage and just clings onto Nada. She also gives Jack a sort of a vicious hiss which might be a territory display - or a Scraggy-ese equivalent of a horrible human obscenity. We may never know honestly.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-03-2012, 01:51 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2012, 01:51 AM by Jacquerel.)
Jack covers his face with one hand and mutters something unpleasant under his breath... he probably should have guessed who the little man was meant to belong to. But he's not really looking for a fight with Nada, especially while they are still at sea and Nada's clutching his only makeshift weapon.
"You might want to get that thing a leash or something, it came pretty close to shoving me in the ocean."
He returns Harry's glare and fires back his own telepathic response to her hiss ("Quiet down pipsqueak or next time I'll find a smaller box.")
"...Maybe a muzzle too. You got any idea when we're going to make landfall?"
As you may have previously picked up, he has no desire to stay on a boat for any longer than is necessary. The quicker they're back on ground that doesn't move around where monster crabs can't jump out of the floor without warning, the better.
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SpoilerThat is unless I can only use telepathy to shout at my own Pokemon, seems a bit of an odd limitation but you could read the skill description that way.
If not then poor Jack will have to just stick to glaring.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-03-2012, 06:12 AM
Ranger questions!
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Spoiler1. Are companion pokemon given names? If so, Corphish will be named Rodriguez because that is a great name for a corphish and Nada will probably think it's the same guy anyway.
2. How tacky is it in pokeworld for a ranger to walk around with actually captured pokemon? My thought was that they generally didn't out of respect for the creatures, but that it wasn't necessarily taboo.
3. You mentioned charges on the styler. Where would one typically recharge such a thing? Are there ranger stations on the islands?
4. When keeping track of "owned" pokemon, are restrained pokemon included in that count?
Corphish stats!
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Name: Rodriguez
Level: 5
Total XP: 150
Base Stats
HP: 4 + 1 = 5
ATK: 10 + 1 = 11
DEF: 7 + 2 = 9
SATK: 3 + 0 =3
SDEF: 4 + 1 = 5
SPD: 4 + 0 = 4
Max HP: 20
Evasion Bonuses
ATK: 1
The Corphish seems comfortable with Sergio well enough. It's small for its species and manages to scurry up Sergio's arm and sit securely on his shoulder. With Sergio's half-way buttoned island-themed shirt, his shorts, porn-stache, and bad tan, the little crab-parrot fits his ensemble oddly enough.
Sergio takes whatever time he has left till they reach port to check and re-organize his medical kit. Other than that he just waits at the front of the boat until they dock, unless someone decides to speak with him.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-03-2012, 06:32 AM
Vladenie makes a note to talk to Sergio as little as possible.
She also makes it a Personal Goal to catch (that is, not in a pokeball, but preferably kill and obtain) a Corphish, and eat it with butter. This encounter has made her decidedly hungry, and craving shellfish. Krabby would also do.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-10-2012, 06:51 AM
Rodriguez shivvers a bit. Maybe it's. from the cold air, maybe it's from the Mystic licking her lips while staring at him.
Sergio, meanwhile, is still talking to the distracted corphish (boy-golly this guy likes to yap) while making sure his medical kit is in order.
"...but never had time for the geographs. The class always bored Sergio once the teacher made Sergio remove pages of indigenous peoples expressing their cultural liberations...So is no wonder Sergio misjudged atmosphere of new region...but plan was not bad one. Insinuating there is apparatus for transfer of funds in region. Mister Gerald was hardly clear on the mechanism of our pleasure and paper monies seem like flimsy protection.
But what has value here in pokeworld? Sergio knows little of economics. Pokemons transfer through computer. Make good currency. Probably why poaching was so prevalent. But Rockets want steady stream of income...not one of Sergio's strongpoints. It appears relations with compatriots will be much necessary."
Content with the organization of his supplies. Sergio shuts the case and tucks it away. He pulls out a half-filled diary and begins to write in it.
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Allo Ms. Diary.
Your pages are as crisp as ever.
Sergio's new adventure looks promising. The salt air is refreshing, though Sergio worries too much salt may chafe his nipples. It is quite dark at the moment, but lights from the cabin make writing simple enough. On this boat, there are several individuals who Sergio should soon get to know intimately if the journey is to be comfortable.
Firstly, there is Nada. He has strong, muscular hands, and can easily massage even the most irate corphish into submission. Truly he understands what it means to be connected to the natural world.
Then there is a woman. She is smooth and sharp like her blades, but her tongue and demeanor is rough. Perhaps Sergio can teach her to use them properly.
Unsurprisingly, the rockets have recruited some rocket scientists to accompany Sergio. One seems to value words over actions, while the other, at the least, has not spoken to fact, not many have spoken to Sergio...perhaps they are shy. Sergio will find a good bonding activity when port is reached.
Then there are the ghost users. Diary, you know Sergio never trusts a pokemon he cannot touch with his own hands. How can you show them affection? Perhaps they can connect with their pokemons on more intimate levels? They grope them with their minds and spirits. One did exhibit strong mental touching abilities. Perhaps he can do such to humans as well? He may make good partner for Sergio...
Given that it is night, and Sergio is on the other end of the boat, the contents of his diary are probably known only to him...
...well, except for the fact that he's speaking aloud while he writes.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
08-15-2012, 07:15 AM
And then the unforseen consequences of Hades' Take Downing the boat finally manifest as the whole ship falls apart and you all end up in a sea of enraged Corphish where half your Pokemon can't swim.
Except you don't. Even though that'd still be kinda fun. Instead, y'all end up in Port Charm in the slightly-less-small hours of the morning. Captain Fischer politely bids you the fuck off his boat as soon as there's dry land to offload you onto, before nudging his craft into the drydock. The channel crosses the road, separating off the marina for the fishermen's boats from the rest of Port Charm.
![[Image: nbLIz.png]](
The SS Mavis, sister ferry to the SS Victoria, dominates your view across the harbour. The town's businesses are for the most part clustered round the ferry terminus, although there's a pub for the fishermen on this side of the drydock. A few men can be seen getting ready for a day's work in the marina, or busying themselves hauling a night's catch ashore.
(Residential buildings are in blue; commercial buildings in purple.)