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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-03-2012, 02:51 AM
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SpoilerOkay so I joked about Sergio and his inability to read maps but I have literally no idea what "tree" you guys are talking about.
By now, the right side of Sergio's face has a nice bluish tint to it, but the cuts have been patched and he's managing the swelling well and he's applied some kind of antibacterial glitter ointment. After tending to the more critical wounds, he pulls out his tiny comb and begins repair on his mustsache.
He asks Gerald (while combing), "You mentioned name of Olivia. She is artist in Aroan region? Does she do commissions? You know for advertising? Recruitment."
He also asks:
"Carrier pidgeys seem so, inefficient. Surely there is better way to keep touching you?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-03-2012, 04:56 AM
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Spoilerwoah when the hell did the first post update?
Thanks anonymous tipster!
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-04-2012, 04:58 AM
Sergio Wrote:"You mentioned name of Olivia. She is artist in Aroan region? Does she do commissions? You know for advertising? Recruitment."
"how the fuck would I-"
Segio Wrote:Carrier pidgeys-
"No. Shut up. I've fucking heard enough. Any more questions from you, your co-workers can use what's left of you to distract any Carvanha off their tail."
Lucian Wrote:"That... reminds me. Who's been looking after Port Charm in your absence?"
Gerald scrutinises Lucian, but concludes no aspersions covertly cast.
"Agent Fischer. He's the one manning the boat you lot'll be 'immigrating' in on."
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SpoilerConfirmation here or in IRC that you've got no further questions, and we can get on with things.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-04-2012, 05:20 AM
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Spoileroh god Schazer you need to get Sergio out of there I don't think I can stop him.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 04:34 AM
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Spoilerokay look
just play the game
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 05:10 AM
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Spoileryeah just in case it wasn't clear, that was me saying that I don't have questions and am ready to be released into this world. I would assume everyone else is at the same point.
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Spoilerhey Godbot aren't you co-running this or something? Are you able to post updates?
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 06:36 AM
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SpoilerI'm a co-GM for planning purposes, but Schazer's the one doing all the posting. I guess I could fill in for her if we felt like we needed it.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 10:05 AM
Nada smiles.
He is so excited that he didn't realize the express purpose of this post is to act as a confirmation.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 12:33 PM
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SpoilerGodbot's correct; he's more my copilot for figuring out plot shit and worldbuilding than the minute-by-minute side of things.
I will proceed to timeskip (to 2am or whenever when you are ashore without incident and things happen) some time this weekend, barring accidents.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 12:59 PM
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SpoilerReady to disembark sah!
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 03:17 PM
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Spoilerquestion: do daily moves reset at midnight, or 24 hours after you used them last?
Nother question: when a skill says: "every x levels, a character can preform this skill again" does that mean number of usable times = current lvl / x? Or usable times = ((current lvl)-(lvl skill gained at))/ x ?
I was thinking it was the former, but looking at some other character profiles, I think I might be mistaken.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 03:32 PM
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SpoilerWe'll figure it out as we go, okay?
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 03:58 PM
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SpoilerI'm mainly asking because
1) I want to know if Sergio's TREAT WOUNDS will be available again once we dock, or if I need to wait until 8pm the following night. (that is the current time right?)
2) I'm curious to see how many times Sergio can TREAT MINOR WOUNDS, use MUSCLE RELAXERS, LET SERGIO HELP YOU WITH THAT, (and then TREAT WOUNDS when his next lvl is gained). If it's the lvl/x, then the answer is 2 times daily, if it's (lvl-lvl aquired)/x then it's only once daily.
Not an immediate concern, just until Sergio causes irreparable damage to himself by being Sergio...again (OR if I have to use the abilities constructivly in battle I guess.)
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 04:05 PM
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SpoilerI'm personally going with "Overnight" for restoring Daily abilities, and thinking about it further if the team decides to pull an all nighter for some reason.
I'm also going to go with "from level 1" for how many times you can use things, after looking at a bunch of those kinds of skills, particularly the high level ones that you don't get extra uses of very often at all.
Whether Schazer is doing something different isn't up to me, but I figured you might want to hear what I'm doing anyways
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 04:07 PM
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SpoilerWell, this is all up to Schazer, but lvl/x is easier to keep track of, so most likely that one.
And as for what defines a day, figure a lot of your operations are going to take place at night, so resetting at midnight doesn't make any sense. Every 24 hours is ill-defined, though, so you can probably expect your skills to reset when you've had a realistic amount of sleep/rest, regardless of time of day.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-05-2012, 10:49 PM
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SpoilerI've got this super-amazing awesome table that's keeping track of everything, so I'm actually going with "every X levels gained after the level at which you acquire the skill." Otherwise for a skill that gained an additional Use/Day every 5 levels for instance, would've pitched it as "You will gain an additional UPD at level 5, 10, 15, 20, etc."
I will make sure to inform you when a levelling-up means you may perform any given skill a further number of times per day.
I like Godbot's thinking - basing skills on arbitrary segmented rotations of the Earth is kind of dumb; "every 24 hours" more likely refers to "daily". So it's probably ample rest or down time to gather whatever consumables are needed to perform the action again, depending on whatever it is you're actually doing. This'd mean you could perform an action just before sleeping and, in the right circumstances, perform it the next morning.
I'd tentatively say that Muscle Relaxers could be used right before and after Sergio got some rest, but Treat Wounds might entail actually spending some time during the day gathering up fresh bandages or whatever.
I will note which daily skills have recharged on the advent of a new "day", but note this may or may not let me pitch completely bullshit reasons why you're not hot to trot and sew somebody's finger back on again after a mere night's rest. My best, most impartial suggestion as the GM is to neither launch yourself headfirst into dumb situations, or goad me into throwing you into said dumb situations.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-08-2012, 01:22 PM
Starboard deck of the SS Victoria, 1am, Several nautical miles off the coast of Aroa
Six of the recruits gather, as ordered, in the dead of placid night. Between them, they gather the sense to keep their voices down (or to keep each other's voices down), before someone (let's say Lucian, for shits and gigs) notices their side of the boat affords a lovely view of the open ocean, rather than the coastline from which their transport would be due to arrive.
A quick investigation on the port side of the deck is interrupted by Nada, who "shush!"s loudly at them as he was ordered. Someone's due to ask him what the flying fuck he's doing, but Gerald slopes around a corner and gives you all a nod instead.
"Finished dealing with the guards," he explains, then motions for you to follow before directing you all down a makeshift ladder.
A fishing boat, rig slowly succumbing to rust, is loaded up with crates and sulks low in the water. Much to the relief of the more fastidious Rocketeers, the floors are clear of fish guts or whatever else you were expecting. Crates have been piled up against the trawl rig, and one especially large box with a tarpaulin strapped over it perhaps catches your attention. It's also got a small cabin, through the windscreen of which you catch the captain's tobacco-chomping scowl. His crew consists of one kid, a bit on the twitchy side, busying himself securing the freshly-acquired cargo.
Once the last of you clambers down the ladder, Gerald flicks his hand in a motion that is probably most easily described as dismissal. This seems to be all the farewell you're going to get.
Up in the control room of the SS Victoria, a light flicks off.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-08-2012, 01:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 01:33 PM by Pharmacy.)
Nada drums his feet on the sides of the crates he is sitting on. The man was never an expert in creativity (mostly because he lets other people do the thinking for him) but suddenly some modicum of an idea somehow appears in his brain! He is needlessly pleased.
The idea was to try to open the crates he is sitting on (with help from Mr. Crowbar, if necessary). For great justice! And loots.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-08-2012, 04:00 PM
Sergio stands proudly at the front of the boat.
Surprisingly, (or maybe not for those familiar with the oddities in this world) Sergio's face shows little to no signs of his earlier misunderstanding with Gerald. His color is back to his natural(?) spray-on-tan hue, and (save for a single small bandage at the corner of his eyebrow) you'd never think this man had been near lethally accosted mere hours ago.
(in fact it is likely some wonder if the reason Sergio was late to begin with was because he had suffered some other wound at the hands of one of the ferry's crew, and needed a few minutes to for his medicinal cosmetics to take effect.)
He takes a deep breath of fresh air, and looks in the direction of the coast ahead (well really he just looks straight ahead and assumes the coast is that way (if it still isn't visible). There is a look in his eye's of a man filled with hope, ready to leave his old troubles behind and take hold of the fresh opportunities this new region has to offer.
(of course with Sergio, it's hard to know what he means by "opportunities")
Sergio notices the flustered deckhand to his left, and taps him on the shoulder in greeting.
"hallo, you seem skittish. Is this your first smuggling?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-08-2012, 04:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 09:47 PM by Robust Laser.)
Vladenie leans against the side of the boat, channeling Poppy. She wasn't interested in holding a conversation with any of her wonderful teammates, so luckily her friend is right there.
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SpoilerIf you see this before I see you, Schazer, I got confused a coupla things between the manual and the wiki and was mistaken about a Mystic Feature requirement when I was making my character, and want to have Channel Friend instead of Random Knowledge, if that's okay.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-08-2012, 09:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2012, 09:39 PM by Not The Author.)
Unfortunately, so is Lucian.
Fortunately, he is busy examining The Suspicious Crate. He's not examining it too closely just yet, thanks to the deckhand's line-of-sight, but he can check for strong scents, try to see by the contours of the tarp (in the dark of the morning, admittedly) what kind of box (crate, cage, whatever) is under there, gauge the size of the contents by the volume of the crate...
If he judges the deckhand sufficiently occupied, though (captain shouldn't be a problem since he's piloting the boat), he takes out a pen (stainless steel sheath, black ink) and lifts up the edge of the tarp a bit.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-08-2012, 10:54 PM
Minnie sidles up to Jack. "So, you were awfully quiet down there with the boss. What's with that anyways, you nervous?"
<Rolling my pathetic excuse for a sense motive!>
"you ain't some kinda snitch or nothing, right?"
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-09-2012, 10:50 AM
The grunt tries to open the crate he is sitting on. He fails, and falls off it for 1HP of damage.
The deckhand hesitates for a moment, stammers out a "Yeah, I guess, I uh-" before glancing to his captain for moral support. Some kind of unspoken message between the two cements his resolve, and he pushes past Sergio to double-check the state of the lifeboat behind him.
Poppy is pleased to get out of her Pokeball, SS Victoria rules declaring people should not engage in wanton cockfights aboard the ferry. She hovers half a foot or so above the perimeter wall of the ship's deck, keeping close to her trainer.
The tarp smells vaguely of fish, though the same could be said of the rest of the boat. Whatever it conceals has at least a solid top, stands about 1.5m tall by 1.5m square in floor area, and doesn't seem to be holding anything that is both large and active.
The deckhand moves to the starboard side of the front deck, giving you the opportunity to investigate a bit further.
Putting your ear to it as you bend down yields no noise from within above the sounds of the ocean, but something scuffles a bit on the opposite side of the cage as you lift the tarp a little. The single glaring lamp, atop the ladder affixed to the cabin's back wall, usefully tosses your shadow over the gap in the tarp. You do glimpse a vertical bar, though, before the pilot harrumphs and you stand up sharply. He doesn't appear to have noticed you.
Jack gives you his best haughty glare, amusement curling the corner of his mouth.
"You think keeping my mouth shut round a violent superior is because of nerves? I merely elected to listen, instead of taking every opportunity to brag about inconsequential achievements."
He lets his Gastly out of his Pokeball, grins matching.
"You should try it sometime."
Although he's righteously up himself, you didn't think his response came off as deliberate deflection. He just prefers to talk about himself more than give straight answers to simple questions. Classy.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-09-2012, 10:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2012, 10:58 AM by Pharmacy.)
Boy, that'd hurt, but not as much as an assful of splinters (let's not try not to remember that, Nada)! Needless to say, the grunt does not have that much of a great attention span and decides to sashay near Lucian and use his BOORISH STRENGTH to pull off the tarp, open up whatever is inside. Because GOODIES!
Nada likes goodies.
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RE: Rocket-propelled Pokemon Tabletop
07-09-2012, 04:35 PM
Sergio contines attempting to speak with the deck hand.
"are you preparing for some kind of trouble? In case you do not know, Sergio is very talented in sticky predicament, perhaps Sergio can be of assistance?"
I suppose he does whatever CHA or WIS checks he can to see of he can put the deck hand at ease or get an idea of why they're so jumpy. Are they afraid of the rocket members? Is there something else they're worrying about?
If there is room for a follow up question (and if it appears like this is their first time 'smugglings'): "have you worked with this organization before?"
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Spoilerare there specific checks I can do using my CHA and WIS modifiers? I know SENSE MOTIVE was mentioned, I just figured that they'd be added to any role that applied to their general categories.