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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
03-06-2014, 01:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-06-2014, 01:48 AM by weirdee.)
on a more biological level, inflamed tastebuds taste things differently, and in many cases, may enhance flavor if used constructively
some people may have too high tolerances to be able to enjoy the experience of something that isn't spicier
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
03-06-2014, 02:50 AM
I seem to remember reading something about people who like spicy food being masochists, basically. Enjoying the pain instead of the food (though non spicy food kind of lacks excitement for me).
I would look it up but I'm at work and sneakily checking my phone
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
03-06-2014, 04:42 AM
I live in a place where everything is spicy. People like spicy stuff because salsa really enhances flavors once you lose sensitivity to spiciness. Personally, i enjoy some salsas but i don't have a high tolerance for stupidly spicy stuff.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
03-06-2014, 06:57 AM
My stepmum once made a curry so spicy (accidentally) that it made us cry while we ate it. Since then, chilli in most things that i eat or bust.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
04-11-2014, 08:55 AM
Tonight the flat was having pork for dinner, so i decided this was a perfect opportunity to try out the bloomin' onion recipe i've been saving for a rainy day.
It's basically a huge onion flower that you can pull the 'petals' off of and dip them in an amazing sauce, which btw is also delicious on it's own. One of the flatmates and i stood around eating it alone because its that good.
Anyway by the time it came out of the oven i had a burning need to stuff it into my face instead of take photos, so here's the one from the recipe:
![[Image: DSC_0767.JPG]](
Go forth and cry tears of joy and onion acid, my friends
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
04-11-2014, 12:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 12:15 PM by Plaid.)
I like mushy onions so that wasn't so much of an issue for me, but if you wanted them nice and crisp then i guess leave them in for longer and make sure the petals are well separated? the only parts where it didn't fully crisp up was towards the middle of the flower., and i took 'em out probably a bit early because the flat oven is a bit unpredictable. Mostly because all the temperature numbers have worn off. :B
No pork because i'm not a huge fan of meat in general! Especially meat that comes from a pig or any sort, or seafood. I would go full vegetarian but burgers.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
04-11-2014, 07:27 PM
you need fried onions that have not been made by terrible people
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
05-02-2014, 11:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2014, 11:42 PM by weirdee.)
they can easily be bad, but a good pie will be the greatest thing in your mouth
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
05-03-2014, 06:00 AM
Anything made poorly with meringues is going to suck, because bad meringues are gross and flavorless and it's hard for any amount of anything else to overcome "a large portion of this dish tastes or feels bad".
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
05-03-2014, 10:30 AM
Yes, the onion recipe is super annoying. Especially considering i use my phone to check them, so i have to scroll forever >:l
Lemon meringue pies are amazing! I'm not sure how you'd manage to screw one up so badly. I suggest trying another place.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
06-06-2014, 06:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 01:18 PM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Would any of you sods be interested in a Date Omelette?
It's Free!
(to look at)
(the sizzling yellows of the eggs mushed in with the syrupy texture of the sweet fruit)
(you better be salivating, you wanker)
Huge Pics below
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Took out the seeds, scattered the dates on the pan
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![[Image: 777_050_by_icantgivecredit-d7l91ts.jpg]](
whisked some eggs in a cup, raised the temp. to mid, then poured the whisked eggs into the pan when I heard sizzling.
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Spoiler![[Image: 777_051_by_icantgivecredit-d7l91mw.jpg]](
turned it over with a skillet a coupl'a times
opened a pita bread (offscreen, the pita bread was screaming in pain at being torn in half. Sorry, oh tasty pita),
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A moment of silence, ladies and gents, for the flatbread that risked its shelf life in the kitchen, only for its
hopes, dreams and carbohydrates to be crushed by the teeth of mankind
placed the omelette inside and then bit into it
with a smug grin on my face
But I thought I should incite gluttony into the lot of you so I videotaped myself making another!
Yes, today was a good day
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These were the dates I used
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Spoiler![[Image: 777_054_by_icantgivecredit-d7l91gi.jpg]](
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Spoiler![[Image: 777_055_by_icantgivecredit-d7l919j.jpg]](
Totally worth the price for however many of the dates there are in there.
=2 large, white eggs used
=1 whole-grain flatbread
=15 dates (this was a bit much, I'll have to say. Usually 10 are used)
=frying pan (also good for use as a blunt torturing instrument for those that dare sneak a peek at this delectable creation)
(yes. i ate the pan)
=the stove (i needed some quarter-ton steel in my diet)
=8-14 dates can be used
I'm thinking of pitting them with blueberries next time.
You can pour the eggs in first and then place the dates, the only difference it would make is that you wouldn't have to
flip the pancake, or only flip it once.
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Spoiler(this is a joke)
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
06-24-2014, 03:33 PM
I just made something approximating chilli con carne, without the beans or the meat. I guess considering the distinctly Asian condiments I'm ok calling it chilli con nasu?
An eggplant that should've been eaten a day ago
About five things of garlic, preferably more
No onions because I never have those in the flat
A cup-ish of cherry tomatoes your neighbour gave you because she'd already eaten a bunch today and some were starting to go sad and droopy
Red bean chilli paste, soy sauce, and some probably-innocuous oregano your predecessor's predecessor left in the apartment
Grated cheese you store in the freezer because you don't eat it fast enough and you're scared of stuff going mouldy
Slice the eggplant into discs about half an inch thick, then slice the bigger discs into halves or quarters so the pieces are bite-sized and all have some skin attached. Put in a pan with the tomatoes and sliced-up garlic, then add enough water to cover the bottom. Turn the gas on to medium heat and realise you'd be better off slicing the tomatoes first. Slice about half the tomatoes before the water gets too hot and do your best to break them down with your stirring implement without spurting pips and juice everywhere. Simmer quietly until it reduces, add oregano, soy sauce, and chilli paste at some point.
Cook the rice, preferably in a rice cooker, then fill a bowl up and sprinkle frozen cheese on top of the rice to make sure it melts properly. Dump vegetables on top and eat all of it, because you've lived here eleven months and you still don't have a fucking microwave so reheating it is too impractical.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
10-09-2014, 04:56 PM
I tried chocolate vine fruit the other day! They're a wildfood that's more popular with kids because of the sweet fruit that is absolutely packed with seeds.
The outside looks like a potato, but with coloration and texture closer to a yam. It grows above-ground on a vine, and then you split it open and it's mostly hollow.
![[Image: ny4LUSSl.jpg]](
Inside, you find this fleshy white sausage. It's literally a sausage; it's got a thin membrane keeping all the pulp and seeds on the inside.
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Spoiler![[Image: uJiTo0Jl.jpg]](
So many seeds (spoilers for clusters), but the flesh is very fragrant and sweet. Maybe sort of lychee/watered down passion fruit flavour? It's hard to describe.
Weird fruit would eat again
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
10-18-2014, 09:46 AM
Note to self: Okra is a perfectly serviceable addition to an omelette (although it works much better in a clear soup like miso)
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
10-18-2014, 07:20 PM
Do not get confused and use orca.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-26-2015, 03:21 AM
There's a new fruit shop that's opened up just down the road from my house and a lot of it's stock is ridiculously cheap
Which means pies
![[Image: tumblr_nirktjcSMt1ql1irgo1_1280.jpg]](
These ones are apricot!
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-26-2015, 03:29 AM
Your crust looks AMAZING!
let us know how it tastes!!
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-26-2015, 03:36 AM
Will do! It's still in the oven at the moment and it smells amazing.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-26-2015, 06:40 AM
Update: Pie is really good but could have used more sugar :B
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-26-2015, 06:54 AM
You're telling us it's a bitter pie to swallow?????
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-26-2015, 08:41 AM
How bad do you think i am at cooking that i made it bitter
(it was a little sour, silly)
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-29-2015, 05:10 AM
I had escargot from a can the other day!
It was delicious! It also only takes 10mins to make!
It was also half garlic butter as the recipe instructs.
In lieu of having shells to put em in i used tostito chips... The scoops kind. Not only were they effective at holding butter, they also soaked it up too.
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
01-29-2015, 05:15 AM
Also thank you for posting that bloomin onion recipe Plaid!
Love em, but now that I kniw baking is an option im totally getting on that!
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
04-13-2015, 09:13 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-13-2015, 09:15 AM by Plaid.)
In this episode of Sarah tries recipes she found on tumblr: Apple roses
This is the recipe picture
![[Image: Untitled.png]](
picture of my attempt to follow
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RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
04-13-2015, 10:02 AM
Not too bad i think