video game story

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video game story
video game story
i started playing world of warcraft recently, just as a friend of mine got tired of it. we arranged to meet in-game so he could give me all his items. because he lived in a different time zone than i, we were going to meet at midnight, my time.

well, i show up at the inn around midnight, and he's not there. i wait around a bit, before sending him a text asking what's going on. 20 minutes later he says he's having internet problems and should hopefully be on soon.

1:00 am. he's not there. 2:00 am. he's still not there. i keep waiting because this could be my only chance. at 3:00 am i'm finding it hard to stay awake, and i've left the inn long ago to do side quests in my spare time.

he finally shows up at around 4:00, glitching around a bit as his internet fades in and out. he starts handing me all his commons and uncommons, and i tell him to skip those, those are easy enough to get on my own, so he jumps straight to the rares. just as he's getting to the last piece of armor and about to move to the epics, his connection cuts out, and i'm sitting there surrounded by a bunch of items on the floor, early in the morning.

really early in the morning.

it's early in the morning, and i ain't got nothing but the blues.