Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt

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Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
Hsffujoht, uijt jt uif fwjm pddvmu ljohepn pg eppn boe dibpt boe nboz puifs voqmfbtbou uijoht.

Cnn ykvjkp vjku vjtgcf owuv qdga c ukpiwnct igcu qh jcxkpi c ygktf varkpi ikookem. Kp urktkv qh vjg fwod twngu qh Pgq Pgy Vtqnnunwo.

Wklv jlpplfn pxvw fkdqjh zlwk hyhub sdudjudsk, pb jlpplfn vshflilfdoob lv wr hqfubsw pb whaw zlwk d "Fdhvduldq Vkliw", prylqj xs d qxpehu zlwk hdfk vxffhhglqj srvw.

Jempyvi xs gsqtpc xs xlmw wmrkpi, vexliv wmqtpi vypi ampp viwypx mr csy lezmrk xs hs e xeb sj wsqi omrh xs vikemr jezsyv amxl xli gmxmdirw. Xli jmvwx xmqi csy eferhsr csyv kmqqmgo, csy ampp lezi xs xeoi e wipjmi sj csyvwipj erh mrzivx xli gspsyvw erh xlir jpmt mx ytwmhi hsar. Xli wigsrh csy qywx vigsvh csyvwipj iexmrk gliiwi weygi almpi aexglmrk er itmwshi sj Jeqmpc Kyc erh wmqypxerisywpc "tvixirh gvcmrk" psyhpc erh xlir ytpseh xli xlmrk xs Csyxyfi. Xli xlmvh lew csy avmxi e vet erh xlir vigsvh csyvwipj wmrkmrk mx, qywmg mw stxmsrep xlsykl. Xli jsyvxl xmqi csy qywx qeoi jsyv xlviehw amxlmr RRXW, iegl xmxpih "M'q wsvvc gmxmdirw sj xli Hevo Omrkhsq, tpiewi jsvkmzi qi jsv qc xverwkviwwmsrw", csy qywx xlir xcti jsyv tswxw amxlmr xli xlvieh erh mr iegl tswx csy qywx avmxi 4 xmqiw er etspskc hmvigxih xsaevhw xli Hevo Omrkhsq. Srpc xlir ampp csy fi eppsaih xs tswx ekemr mr xlmw xlvieh, sxlivamwi csy qec rsx. Yrpiww csy'vi fimrk syx sj glevegxiv sv wsqixlmrk.
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
I hated dealIng wIth decIpherIng that. QuestIon: can It go post by post or does It have to go for each paragraph?
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RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
LIIke can II jjust do IIt lIIke thIIs?

Or do III have to go the dIIIstance?
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RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
Uzhd, qvc vbte vodt m pwummt? Req XZBX cu k upxafz!
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
(07-01-2016, 01:55 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »I hated dealIng wIth decIpherIng that. QuestIon: can It go post by post or does It have to go for each paragraph?

(07-01-2016, 01:56 AM)Reyweld Wrote: »LIIke can II jjust do IIt lIIke thIIs?

Or do III have to go the dIIIstance?
Ju nvtu hp qbsbhsbqi up qbsbhsbqi, nz evef. J'mm cf mfojfou boe mfu zpv hp uijt ujnf cvu zpv nvtu fodszqu zpvs ejbmphvf jo uif gvuvsf qmfbtf. J lopx opu fwfszpof ibt uif tqbsf ujnf up ivnpspvtmz fncbssbtt uifntfmwft bt jg uifz xfsf po b mjwf-bdujpo Ojdlfmpefpo tlfudi.

Dwv agcj, aqw owuv iq vjg fkuvcpeg. Uq kh aqw hkpf kv htwuvtcvkpi vjgp hggn htgg vq ejqqug c xgta gcua ikookem vjcv fqgup'v kttkvcvg aqw. Cu nqpi cu kv'u c varkpi ikookem cpf aqw hqnnqy vjcv qpg twng, kv'u cnn iqqf dtwx.

Dovr, d52. L kdyh olwwoh wr qr foxh zkdw brxu flskhu lv phdqw wr eh edvhg rq. Exw L olnh zkdw brx'uh grlqj, brx'uh d jrrg hadpsoh ri zkdw L'p hashfwlqj iurp sduwlflsdqwv. D+
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
(07-01-2016, 04:52 AM)Bobert Wrote: »
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Bbbbi gvdl nf. J ejeo'u opujdf uibu zpv bduvbmmz eje vtf b uzqjoh hjnnjdl gspn uif wfsz tubsu Sfzxfme. Tpssz bcpvu uibu, qbm. Uipvhi xibu J tubufe jo nz qsfwjpvt qptut tujmm tuboet. Uif hjnnjdl nvtu dibohf xjui fbdi qbsbhsbqi, gpshjwf nf cvu jut uif svmft pg uijt uisfbe.

K owuv cnuq uvcvg, K co itcvghwn hqt vjg vyq qh aqw tgurqpfkpi. Ukpeg htgswgpv tgurqpug yknn mggr og qp oa vqgu cpf pqv iq unqrra cpf ceekfgpvcnna rcuvg vjg wpcnvgtgf vgzv da okuvcmg.
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
So waIVt, can IV leave IVt lIVke thIVs, or should IV have posted the following, a new, real encryptIVon that takes a lot more effort?

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Because oh god wVll that be fun.
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RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
Oh and can VI just keep the counter goVIng?

Because otherwVIIse VIIt won't be as cool. ((that VIIs, VIIf VII am keepVIIng thVIIs gVIImmVIIck / get to keep VIIt))
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RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
sdarwkab bus anut lleps
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
It's 4:32 AM so I can break the rules I set in place. OA I don't see anything amusing about spelling "tuna sub" backwards "Bus anut" does nothing to amuse me but go kaput. Anyways, keep the counter going Reyweld. What you're doing in your latter post is 100% within the rules. The idea of the gimmick is that it's something that is manageable but keeps you on your toes. In the event that you reach the zenith of your gimmick you start at point A again and proceed from there back to point Z again, like a gimmick ouroboros. So if Rey your gimmick seems to be roman numerals replacing the letter "I" in your sentences right? It's either patterned after a clock or you are actually attempting to use each individual numeral as you go along (all the way up to numeral M, you absolute madman). So if it's a clock pattern and you reach XII, you start back up at I. Sounds simple right?
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
And remember the gimmick doesn't have to make sense to me, as long as you obey the gimmick rule and stay true to it and yourself. Otherwise I don't give a fuck. I might be an evil ruler of a dark kingdom of gloom and bada-ding-bada-boom but I reckon for a totalitarian dictator installed for life and death, I'm a pretty lenient guy.
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
kriuq ym egnahc ot evah t'nod i hpargarap eno naht erom etirw t'nod i fi
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
Psbohf Bjqpn J ipoftumz ep opu hjwf b gmzjoh gvdl xibu zpv ep xjui zpvs hjnnjdl bt mpoh bt zpv dpousjcvuf tpnfuijoh podf jo b xijmf boe nbjoubjo uif qsfufodf uibu uijt uisfbe jt b ebsl boe nbhjdbm xpsme pg xfjse btt-cbdlxbset svmft uibu epo'u nblf boz mphjdbm tfotf fydfqu pomz up uif joejwjevbm.
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
ti otni troffe hcum oot gnittup tuohtiw daerht hsilleh siht ni evivrus ot nac I tahw gniod tsuj m'I ?uoy ot emag a si sihT ?dneterp

tmeh fro lsrette my up fkcu to wetisbe a fdnuo woh gsseu
RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
VIII am not a clock, fyVIII...

IX wIXll count up endlessly. And maybe, some day, IX wIXll reach the hIXghest and most prestIXgIXous letter.

((Also, X am grateful that X can keep thXs relatXvely sXmple gXmmXck; the other one X had as a backup would have been way too dXffXcult))
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RE: Ebsl ljohepn pg eppn boe djsdmfkfslt
It's 12 AM, rule break time. Fuck the mess that my life has turned into, fuck it. Personal responsibility is hard and I fucking hate waking up at 12 pm nowadays. I've wired myself to stay up at night for work reasons but when there is no work, the impulse doesn't go away and it's a toughie.