Terrene Spire

Terrene Spire
RE: Terrene Spire
>Scan the statues first, then focus on the strange flashing panels.
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RE: Terrene Spire
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So Terrene Spire comes back with another update and SHOCKER it's another railroading update. At least this time I can with finality say this is the last one.

Not the last update, just the last railroading update. From this point on, the hero's journey is in full swing! Trials and tribulations! Dungeon crawling! COOL LOOT!! Zest's adventure into the menagerie of stupidity begins here!

Thank you all for reading Terrene Spire! I cannot believe you guys still stick with me! Thank you, thank you a thousand billion times!

To my Patrons: Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Your financial help in these last three months has been invaluable, holy fucking shit you guys have bailed me out time and time again. Sorry for not delivering on specifically what you pay for for so long. Life has been beating the crap out of me as per usual, but I am constantly trying to keep going. Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading Terrene Spire.

For links to other things related to TS or me, look at my signature.
Dexworks.net: My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Terrene Spire

>Psych up, matter mold some ice skates, and then when you're close to the ground, create a some diagonal mood spikes. With luck you could turn your fall into forward momentum.
RE: Terrene Spire
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Dexworks.net: My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Terrene Spire
>Yup, troop registry not found, that's you all right.

>Go scan the stuff in this room.
RE: Terrene Spire
> Your new friend looks kinda like Professor Klog. But with better hair. And... more of an electrical appliance thing going on, instead of an orange tree thing.

> Introduce yourself real quick, and warn 'em about the Eishalon that seems to have compromised or eaten the team Daeva. Which is probably the top priority.

> If they want an extraction, they can help you figure out how to save them!
RE: Terrene Spire
> Can... I make a registration?
RE: Terrene Spire
Uhm... I am doing a lot in my life to try to reduce stressors and make things more streamlined for me, so uh, I might stop posting the full updates on this forum.

Like I would still make posts here about the update having happened, but I will simply link to my site instead of posting the full update here.

But I don't know if that's, an asshole move on my part so what do you guys think about it?

Maybe this should be a poll?

Dexworks.net: My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Terrene Spire
All night laundry handles updates by posting links here as well and that seems to work okay. I figure I should probably make an account for the other site at some point, but I check eagle time frequently so I'd still find having links here useful.
RE: Terrene Spire
Yeah not an asshole move by any means!
(Sidnote: very happy that this may be getting updated soon ^^)
RE: Terrene Spire
Yeah that's totally fine, no one will think you're an asshole for doing that.
RE: Terrene Spire
[Image: TS741.png]


You can read it on the sufficient velocity forum through this link.

You can read it on my site through this link.

You can support my work on Patreon through this link.
Dexworks.net: My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Terrene Spire
[Image: TS751.png]

A gaggle of gentlebeings discuss the metaphysics of their resident “ghost.”

Terrene Spire has updated!

You can read it either on the Sufficient Velocity Forum through this link!

Or read it on the website through this link!

You can support my work on Patreon through this link.
Dexworks.net: My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.