Eagle Time
Terrene Spire - Printable Version

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Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-04-2017

[As this story uses a lot of animation and gif images, there are bound to be images that can set off negative reactions or even epilectic episodes. Read with caution!]

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Hello! Welcome to Terrene Spire! This adventure originally only ran on the Sufficient Velocity forums, but I have now chosen to also host a mirror of it here on Eagletime! As a taster for the story, The last three updates are posted here below, and the full updates will be posted in thread when they are done!

Click here to begin reading Terrene Spire!

The quest typically takes commands of any kind, but when combat rolls around there is a certain setup to the posts. Combat is done by combining Wait, Act and Move actions. You can only have 1 Act and 1 Move action every turn, meaning the possible combinations of turns is 2Waits, 1Act1Wait, 1Move1Wait and 1Act1Move.
This sounds confusing, but give the story a read to grasp it, and don't be afraid to ask questions about how it works either! I will answer everything as honestly as possible!

For easy reading, I suggest reading Terrene Spire first on the site, Dexworks.net!
The beginning of the story can be found here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope you enjoy Terrene Spire!

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-04-2017

[Image: TS632b.png]
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[Image: Statusventory-Banner.png]

[Image: forgot-tutorial.png]


RE: Terrene Spire - Smurfton - 06-04-2017

Wow, that is a lot of animation.

How about we clutter the field with Mood Spikes? Seems to be about as much pressure as we can inflict without the ability to collide. I imagine that the enemy will be acting first then waiting or passing through us, so... for turn ten how about Mood Spike and back off to their current mid range?

EDIT: My plan for the turn after that is to move as far left through them as possible (since we cannot collide with them), to get between the two spikes, so don't move too far right; just a little more than enough to get out of SHT range.

RE: Terrene Spire - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-05-2017

your "forgot how combat works" link is broken

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-05-2017

(06-05-2017, 01:38 AM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »your "forgot how combat works" link is broken

The links have been fixed!

RE: Terrene Spire - wiltingMyosotis - 06-05-2017

(06-04-2017, 09:50 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Wow, that is a lot of animation.

How about we clutter the field with Mood Spikes? Seems to be about as much pressure as we can inflict without the ability to collide. I imagine that the enemy will be acting first then waiting or passing through us, so... for turn ten how about Mood Spike and back off to their current mid range?

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-08-2017

[Image: TS641b.png]
[Image: TS642.gif]
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[Image: TS644a.png]

[Image: Statusventory-Banner.png]

[Image: forgot-tutorial.png]


RE: Terrene Spire - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-09-2017

> wait action:brace yourself,

act: then use moodspikes!

RE: Terrene Spire - Fellow - 06-09-2017

This is pretty cool. You got a reader.

(06-09-2017, 04:53 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »> wait action:brace yourself,

act: then use moodspikes!
Wouldn't you need to use psych up before using mood spikes?

RE: Terrene Spire - Smurfton - 06-10-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:34 PM)Fellow Wrote: »This is pretty cool. You got a reader.

Wouldn't you need to use psych up before using mood spikes?

You only need to psych up if you want it to cost nothing. If we don't, it costs one blue shape, and we have two total.

Also we only have one wait action.

RE: Terrene Spire - Heyoceama - 06-10-2017

Just finished catching up after binging this and I have to say I'm really liking this so far. Combat seems challenging and interesting and the story so far has me hooked. I second the plan to make more spikes.

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-10-2017

(06-09-2017, 10:34 PM)Fellow Wrote: »This is pretty cool. You got a reader.

(06-10-2017, 03:25 AM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Just finished catching up after binging this and I have to say I'm really liking this so far. Combat seems challenging and interesting and the story so far has me hooked. I second the plan to make more spikes.

Thank you very much!

(06-10-2017, 12:38 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »Also we only have one wait action.

Actually you have as many waits as you want! This also means you could use Psychup twice in a turn, though that would hardly do anything!

Also, when more people start suggesting here, I will cross reference the most popular votes from both forums, so everyone has an idea of what they other side is thinking!

Thank you all for reading Terrene Spire!

RE: Terrene Spire - Fellow - 06-10-2017

(06-10-2017, 12:38 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »You only need to psych up if you want it to cost nothing. If we don't, it costs one blue shape, and we have two total.
Oh hey you're right, oops.

Say, I'm not quite clear on how those blue shapes work, and I don't think I've seen them explained. Do we know when we get them back?

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-10-2017

(06-10-2017, 12:47 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Say, I'm not quite clear on how those blue shapes work, and I don't think I've seen them explained. Do we know when we get them back?

the blue shapes are Energy Diamonds and they basically function like mana. They do not regenerate unless Zest takes a rest or eats something or gets a skill used that restores it.

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-20-2017

[Image: TS644b.png]
[Image: TS645.gif]
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[Image: TS646.gif]
[Image: TS646a.gif]

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[Image: TS648a.gif]

[Image: Statusventory-Banner.png]


Author's Note:Show

RE: Terrene Spire - Heyoceama - 06-20-2017

> Go grab those two swords after you're set down. Gotta make use of those two spare arms.

RE: Terrene Spire - CeruleanSky - 06-20-2017

>request that Daeva stop shaking you at once.

RE: Terrene Spire - Fellow - 06-20-2017

>Grow an arm on your head to grab onto the ground and stop the shaking.

RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-21-2017

This is the votes from the Sufficient Velocity Forums! These are posted so you know what the other side is saying!


RE: Terrene Spire - Arcanuse - 06-21-2017

>Please stop shaking me, do I look like a maraca to you?

RE: Terrene Spire - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-21-2017


RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-21-2017

(06-21-2017, 05:35 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »STATUSVENTORY LINK BROKEN


RE: Terrene Spire - Dexexe1234 - 06-21-2017

[Image: TS648b.png]
[Image: TS649.png]
[Image: TS649a.png]
[Image: TS650.png]
[Image: TS650j.png]

[Image: Statusventory-Banner.png]


Author's NoteShow

RE: Terrene Spire - Heyoceama - 06-21-2017

> Scan that gold crystal dust looking stuff on the ceiling, Daeva, and yourself.

RE: Terrene Spire - Fellow - 06-21-2017

>Ask Daeva if you could heal yourself by eating the corpse.
Edit: Now that I look back at it, it seems our health has gone up from 12 to 16 between turns.