Electrointerfactionary Questation

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Electrointerfactionary Questation
Electrointerfactionary Questation
[Image: 8ecuzID.png]
Singledly upon a when, I wath betaking meself upon a journation 'long the paveway, occuliating the beauteous solstream and enterjoyed by the blistless audiations of the wing'd avernaries.
[Image: nnBsW5v.png]
When lo! I espotted a vendinarate, a barterationer of fabdearthery!

RE: Electrointerfactionary Questation
Ambulate et bytheen monentarrie-walues, en-purchasenn sen fabdeartherie souploys. En-purchassen sen souploys, en-en-specktament sen purchasenngoudes.
RE: Electrointerfactionary Questation
So it turns put rewriting the whole English language is quite a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. Huh. Who would have thunk it. Stay tuned folks.